Saturday, February 28, 2009
Twitter entries
Your brain function is a matter of microtubules !
Theory : Your last Twitter entry was a microtubulur addition to the community consciouness of the world!
Smaller state more ECON WOES. Does this mean that largest depolitical state minority has more problems too?
Smallest State Faces Economy-Size Problems
In several dozen recent interviews, Rhode Islanders agreed on this much: Their state’s smallness has contributed to its problems, but could be its best asset if properly exploited. Saul Kaplan, who until December was executive director of the Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation, called the state’s size a “secret sauce” that could help businesses develop products or services quickly.
But many of those interviewed said that, instead, the smallness has trapped the state in parochialism, insecurity and outdated traditions that block change at every turn.
“The whole political system is based on back scratching and getting things for your friends,” said Robert Whitcomb, editorial page editor of The Providence Journal. “That’s true for every place, but more so here because of the intimacy — you keep bumping into people you know.”
As the lyrics of University of Rhode Island’s fight song suggest — “We’re Rhode Island born and we’re Rhode Island bred, and when we die we’ll be Rhode Island dead” — natives of the state, including lawmakers, rarely cast a curious eye outside it, Mr. Whitcomb and others said.
“They focus primarily, if not exclusively, on us and on the here and now,” said Leonard Lardaro, an economics professor at the university. “We need to be looking at a lot of other states — what they do and how we compare.”
Syncretic Entry: All it takes is a membrane Cancer may follow
Upregulation of PGE2 and MMP-9 and subsequent disease. Look up previous refence to CD44
and "docking" which is also necessary
Here we go
Streptococcus suis, an early colonizer of the upper respiratory tract, is a major swine pathogen worldwide that can cause meningitis, arthritis, pneumonia, and septicemia. While numerous studies on potential virulence factors of S. suis have been carried out over the past decade, the exact mechanisms by which this bacterium invades the host and migrates through the blood brain barrier (BBB) remain unclear. In the study presented here, we show that whole cells of S. suis were able to upregulate the production of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) by U937 human monoblastic cells differentiated into adherent macrophages in a dose- and time-dependent way. Capsular material and cell wall of S. suis were tested to determine which component was responsible for the induction of PGE2 and MMP-9 production by macrophages. The capsular material, even at low concentrations, strongly stimulated the production of PGE2 and MMP-9. While no stimulation was observed with the purified cell wall material, combining it with the capsular material resulted in a significant synergic effect on PGE2 and MMP-9 production. S. suis-mediated MMP-9 and PGE2 production by human macrophages may play a critical role in BBB disruption and tissue destruction.
So much for ignoring great men's advice. From the swine uncooked
Streptococcus suis, an early colonizer of the upper respiratory tract, is a major swine pathogen worldwide that can cause meningitis, arthritis, pneumonia, and septicemia. While numerous studies on potential virulence factors of S. suis have been carried out over the past decade, the exact mechanisms by which this bacterium invades the host and migrates through the blood brain barrier (BBB) remain unclear. In the study presented here, we show that whole cells of S. suis were able to upregulate the production of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) by U937 human monoblastic cells differentiated into adherent macrophages in a dose- and time-dependent way. Capsular material and cell wall of S. suis were tested to determine which component was responsible for the induction of PGE2 and MMP-9 production by macrophages. The capsular material, even at low concentrations, strongly stimulated the production of PGE2 and MMP-9. While no stimulation was observed with the purified cell wall material, combining it with the capsular material resulted in a significant synergic effect on PGE2 and MMP-9 production. S. suis-mediated MMP-9 and PGE2 production by human macrophages may play a critical role in BBB disruption and tissue destruction.
Marie-Claude Jobina/Marcelo Gottschalk/Daniel Grenier/06
The cell membrane component in recent research appears to be a Cluster of Differentiation receptor 44 . This appears to act as a docking station to allow for the MMP-9 to become "activated" Since in fact the MMP-9 component is to function as a syringe for metastasis of cancers, this membrane from this animal may be the nidus for the start of an autoimmune
granumatous formation that goes unnoticed until metastasis. That is my thought and I will sitck to it until I am proven wrong.
This is for the "I told you so" people
God inspires Isaiah to warn Israel that all their "righteousnesses are like filthy rags," since their sinful attitudes pollute their deeds. The impurity of their motives taint all their prayers, sacrifices, offerings, and praises, thus God deeply detests and abhors them. Like the Laodiceans, they cannot see their true condition (Revelation 3:17).
Friday, February 27, 2009
More hope for metastatic cancer patients
This is from an article cited here
If in fact PGE2 diminution can diminish MMP-9 then in fact we need to consume things that decrease PGE2 and decrease consumption of items that increase PGE2. It is a worthy task for you medical students and first year residents who are studying this now. Give me a buzz 713-882-7209 until , or e-mail at
Until 3-17-09 at 2 pm
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Cures for cancer are here . I promise

Never be the same. NEVER NEVER NEVER
Operating capital funds to open site back up are neede now. This is a labor of love but romance without finance can not enhance I will take on partners . Please consider putting something into the future of you and your family. If you can not place funds please find someone who can.
Send checks to
c/o Lynn Duhe
4404 Richard Place
St. Louis Mo.
Cancer, MS LUPUS cures. Where are they?
First of all MMP-9 as an enzyme has a normal function of remodeling the extracellular matrix. Without them as animal fat digestors the lack of remodeling probably would kill us by 22, and
we would die of heart attacks blind with renal failure. Talk about the metabolic syndrome! I wonder how much longer could we live sans exposure to animal fat.
Yu and Stamenkovicin 1999 were the first that I could find that associated the lack of inhibition of one of the most virulent cancer metastasis producers (MMP-9) to something outside of the molecule itself. In fact they surmised that the activity of the metaloproteinase was directly related to the physical restriction of an external cell receptor on the cell surface . It was they who surmised that the part of the iceburg that was necessary extended from the cell for the 'activation' if you will of the collagenase (MMP-9). This iceberg is a receptor for hyaluronan and docks the activated MMP-9 to do its thing. It is called CD44
We have discussed the role of HuR clinging in essential internal mRNA prolongation of 1/2 life. With these two substances so well researched 10 years ago you would think that the major cancer researchers especially in _____ would have cures related to them by now saving more lives. Yet they receive billions in federal kickback stimulation funds to continue restricting care to the indigent, especially the Black male. I call that indirect US paid genocide for hire. The legal profession is responsible for this as well as the legalized environmental racism which exposes poorer communities to known environmental toxins.
This will serve as the offical site of Advanced Medical Informatics Education. Our site is down
and we need to pay them. I will not be able to get a comparison to our old data but thank God we still have access to the net at least up until now. You can do the analytics now after I go on my forced no-internet sabatical on the 17th . There may be someone to take over the site. Let us hope so. Just compare MMP-9 to things that stop it and things that do not. There probable is a root in India , Africa or Brazil that can put it in check. Let us look for it.
Help came from protesting. Like the Protestants
Pirate radio participants need to be thanked for Google and for internet information distribution including the time that it took to demonstrate and be jailed!
We owe them a debt.
Freedom of Speech. Good Documentary!
Some things are best not said, not this
If you listen to the Cowleen
Mr. Sap and Haywood: In Purpose on Purpose JAZZ
Gentlemen, thank you for your preparation and practice. I am convicted by Johnny Nash who I recently saw and said without bitterness "Houston has never paid me a dime" . I stopped feeling sorry for the lack of work, and I rejoice at the good choice, made by Kyle Turner and Sam Pink at the RED CAT JAZZ CAFE.
I did not have my camera that night but Smitty and "T" are doing a great job on Mondays and Wednesdays with jazz at SMITTY"s. Keep up the good work. I also hear that Joe Carmouche at LEGENDS JAZZ CAFE has resumed straight ahead with a group on Thursdays according to my "friend till the end " Archie Mangrum. Where is the Sunday session and the FRI and Sat straight ahead? Now someone else needs to cooperate with the jazz community and offer more Think about it and support live music here in Houston, especially the straight-ahead.
First things first,especially during Lent
I was pouting of sorts last evening and not loving my enemy. I was not forgiving my enemy. I was pouring out self pity. In general there were things that were not going my way. I know that God is sovereign but I was not “feeling it”. You know the “love” of God who so loved the world. Nevertheless , in my conversation I mentioned Windsor Village and a member and I discussed pastors. Later on a waitress and I talked about her weakness in the Spirit and the ability of God to strengthen her. We both put on our whole armor. It took a good nights sleep and the Word of God to let me know that I was not putting first things first and that God was in control. I needed to let Him be in control. Namely God’s will should be put first and not the recognition of men. I also did have the sense enough to tell another musician “I will be playing in heaven so I will have plenty of time to improvise while I praise Him”
It is contingent upon Him in due time to exalt you according to Peter, but first you must humble yourself. Instead I was murmuring like a recently liberated Hebrew slave in the wilderness from the tribe of Dan “The dude(not mentioning names) who called the Red Cat the Dead Cat, why is he being interviewed and playing on stage and I was not? They promised me a job and I now look who is working. In less than a month I am told to report for a forced federal sabbatical after a botched job of defense and no representation of who I am. They are after my property”. In essence again, I was doubting the sovereignty of God almighty. Praise of His Grace was not on my lips except for the witnessing that He gave me an opportunity to do.
I have no idea of the souls that I will be a part of saving and participating in strengthening for the body of Christ. I am bitter and God is trying to make me better. I am asking for the power of God to deliver me from the accuser yet I have no idea and I am convicted of not being committed to the Body of Christ to be about Kingdom Building. I pray for more strength to overcome self. I am certainly no better than Simon the Sorcerer as Peter said
“ for I can see that you are full of bitterness and held captive by sin”
How can God deliver such a wretched man as me? If it were not for the Word to convict me, the blood to wash me clean, the Holy Spirit to empower me to understand the Word and to do it and last but not least the power of prayer in grace to the Father in the name of Jesus I would be gone.
Do not leave the Holy Spirit unemployed as I have for 50 years. Believe me the Lord can fight your battles. What does Simon say
“Pray to the Lord for me…”
and that is what I am and you should do and say during this Lenten Season. Pray to God for others and you in the name of Jesus asking the Holy Spirit to do His WORD.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
FBI agent tells all

Open Media player
Download to desktop
How can we lift of Ishmael without lifting up Jacob and Judah his son and progeny. This is a decision, notice cision like incision you must make
in order to test the spirit of truth. Do not say we did not tell you!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
To Speak or Not to speak in native tongue. That is the question
Being multi-lingual is a richness,” Mr. Turk said in Turkish, before he switched to Kurdish. “Protecting this richness, keeping it alive, is a requirement of this era.”
He said he wanted to speak his native language in honor of a United Nations holiday celebrating world languages, and because “meaningless oppression and prohibitions on Kurdish persist.”
Mr. Turk has diplomatic immunity as a lawmaker, but he still took a risk by speaking Kurdish publicly. At least three court cases are pending against him, and his political party is under threat of closure after prosecutors opened a case against it last year, accusing it of separatism.
The Writer Lacks Eyes-or is just LYIN'

Of the three boundaries in the diagram, the light ray refracts the most at the air-diamond boundary. This is evident by the fact that the difference between the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction is greatest for the air-diamond boundary. But how can this be explained? The cause of refraction is a change in light speed; and wherever the light speed changes most, the refraction is greatest. We have already learned that the speed is related to the optical density of a material which is related to the index of refraction of a material. Of the four materials present in the above diagram, air is the least dense material (lowest index of refraction value) and diamond is the most dense material (largest index of refraction value). Thus, it would be reasonable that the most refraction occurs
Then what does heat do to the angle of refraction if the medium is heated?
Monday, February 23, 2009
St. Patrick
Be prepared for Dynamic show Music Beyond Borders 2pm
We may even talk about the Black Irish
Prior to the Civil War?
The Cato Street Conspiracy was an attempt to murder all the British cabinet ministers and Prime Minister Lord Liverpool in 1820. The name comes from the meeting place near Edgware Road in London.
Origins of the conspiracy
The conspirators were members of a group of Spencean Philanthropists, named after the British radical speaker Thomas Spence. Some of them, especially Arthur Thistlewood, had been involved with the Spa Fields riots in 1816. Thistlewood came to dominate the group. Most of the group were angered by the Six Acts and the Peterloo Massacre, as well as with the economic and political depression of the time. The plan was to assassinate a number of cabinet ministers, overthrow the government and set up a Committee of Public Safety to oversee a radical revolution, similar to the French Revolution. According to the prosecution at their trial, they had planned to form a provisional government headquartered in the Mansion House.
Velly intelesting
Itamar conveyed how Facebook’s Data Team used R in 2007 to answer two questions about new users: (i) which data points predict whether a user will stay? and (ii) if they stay, which data points predict how active they’ll be after three months?
For the first question, Itamar’s team used recursive partitioning (via the rpart package) to infer that just two data points are significantly predictive of whether a user remains on Facebook: (i) having more than one session as a new user, and (ii) entering basic profile information.
For the second question, they fit the data to a logistic model using a least angle regression approach (via the lars package), and found that activity at three months was predicted by variables related to three classes of behavior: (i) how often a user was reached out to by others, (ii) frequency of third party application use, and (iii) what Itamar termed “receptiveness” — related to how forthcoming a user was on the site.
Life is measured contingent upon Brain wave activity
The aps etc are tremendous Thank you for the INTERNATIONAL attention
to this blog. We are receiving international attention. You tell me you like by
leaving a trace at looking at it. We need a better way to moderate though. Give me some suggestions. What do you want to know or read nd do not have access to it free.
It gives me a good idea that many follow us for different activities. Is that not what we use our Brain for? I would like to invite anyone to e-mail me at What this will do is determine whether you would like Brain Activity in
Timbuktu or
Nepal or Australia or
A special shout out to the Prime Minister of England who took the time to shout out.
I will be contacting the President soon with this network
We can translate what you think to English . It is also will be important to flip it as news and get your voice broadcast by MP3 and on 100,000 watts here in Houston Tx. I love all my SOCIAL NETWORK. Thank God for GOD, , Jazz, salsa, rock and roll, BLUEGRASS and GOOGLE for making a way out of no way.We can all get along and not only co-exist but help each other.
Good Medicine for Bad Business Good Humor and APs
No matter what you do, there will always be a never ending stream of applications released. Whether it’s for Adobe AIR, the web, or the latest mobile phone. Go ahead and try things, but if there’s one tip I can recommend the most it’s to pick something and stick with it - at least for a while. Otherwise, you might end up needing an app for your Attention Deficit Disorder, which isn’t in beta until winter of 2012.
Elliott Kosmicki is a web developer and marketing specialist for an Internet Retailer Hot 100 company in Madison, WI. When he’s not absorbing marketing strategy and personal development material, you can find him writing for Good Plum - a productivity and personal development blog focused on the thoughts of home business owners, freelancers, and dreamers. You can also find Elliott on his personal summary page, and on Twitter.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Facebook Lies
for original
Just the first had me gigling!
1. I Only Friend People I Really Know: Stop pretending you have standards; you will friend anyone. You would accept Bernie Madoff if he asked. You want your friend count to be sky-high. That's why I accept all sorts of people I haven't seen in 20 years and couldn't pick out of a line-up. I refuse to have one less friend than my arch nemesis from college. I will not tolerate a lower count than my annoying colleague who sucks her teeth in meetings whenever I say anything. Admit it, you're no better than I am—how many of your "friends" would you invite to your house?
Aborigne Hunter progeny as root of problem carrying message of satan - Divide Conquer then Death
It implies an in body cooperation as opposed to a lack thereof. Is this not what we are dealing with in this mess we are in in the USA. It antidates a corporate swindle , as did the attempt to privatize our Social Security fund. If our GNP and balance of trade is out of business and we make things that will be of no use (ie Hummers). It antidates our idolatry and lack of true worship of God. It antidates those who say things will be alright without a message of repentance.
Yet gadgets are still selling. Those who do not take care of the poor in the Houston Medical Center have wiggled their way to get welfare in the billions. through legal (not bright and not washed ) and lobbyist pressure. Those who did not vote democratic until the bottom fell out of the economy in the North and their sons were being sent to a War . Those who believe it was OBAMA who singularly wrote the bills and can cure the ills of 20 years before.. All that is “monkey business”. The elder more mature mental process police should kill that idea which it represents.
“If my people who are called by my name will repent and turn then I will hear from heaven and heal the land.
Black folks should not claim a right to their ancestral suffering and hate non-Blacks, but claim Grace of God now. It was the prayers in Jesus name of our ancestors that got us through this far, why change horses to imitate and cathex ? Obviously we have our hands in the lions mouth even with OBAMA elected, in these last days still whether you know it or not. We war not against flesh and blood anyway. Save your water and stock up on storm rations including Cup of Soups. Spend less on the frivolus. Give more to the churches preaching the Word with plans for catastrophe while waitin’ on Jesus to come back. We can do better at using what we have left and start building now from whatever resources we have now instead of running after a materialist existential idolatry for temporary “ feel goods”. Neither should those of any other race point their fingers in racism at our current condition, due to a myriad of post-Adamic instinctual drives that they are getting away with. We are all human.
What does move me to tears are the foreigners (especially those whose ancestors hunted aborigines ) who have been allowed to buy media in our country by sell-outs as “one of us” only to practice Machiavelian actions of satan in the USA. Some of this is evidenced in the fall of the Stock Market which should have been reported by the Wall Street Journal before it happened. The sale of the Journal and the cartoon were acts of treason, espionage and terrorism in my opinion. The next were editorials depicting our democratically elected president as an animal killed by police. This is exactly what is promoted in the Turner Diaries and has resulted in many acts in our history beside that in Oklahoma City at the Morrow Federal building.
It is good from the standpoint of expression of a common opinion “If you can not control it destroy it.”
Beside that the motive has already been set forth . … write me to find out what the motive is. You better begin to ask the Holy Spirit to strengthen you to faint and fret not
Friday, February 20, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Nancy How do you have Money and time to go World traveling? Visiting the Pope???

Desecration to its utmost

pic by Kathy Arbuckle
This with the a Study Bible with Concordance can teach the simple or advanced theology
to YOU and your family. Step up the Word a notch. Stop that pathology of waiting on teachers and preachers! Check the resale shops first! Bathe your woman in the Word if you want to keep her. Grow in your personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Write us for BIBLEBOOST that uses some of the illustrations in presentations
Bedtime Bible Story Book: 365 Read-aloud Stories from the Bible
by Daniel Partner and
Kathy Arbuckle (Paperback - Mar 1, 1995) - Illustrated
Buy new: $4.96
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Wiki Leaks- sorry for the non conformation
Table 2. Distribution of Household Income, 2007
Income Class
# of Households
(in thousands)
% of Households
All Households 116,783 100.0
Less than $5,000 3,413 2.9
$5,000 to $9,999 5,042 4.3
$10,000 to $14,999 7,051 6.0
$15,000 to $19,999 6,727 5.8
$20,000 to $24,999 6,801 5.8
$25,000 to $29,999 6,314 5.4
$30,000 to $34,999 6,218 5.3
$35,000 to $39,999 5,788 5.0
$40,000 to $44,999 5,750 4.9
$45,000 to $49,999 4,983 4.3
$50,000 to $59,999 9,565 8.2
$60,000 to $69,999 8,009 6.9
$70,000 to $79,999 7,006 6.0
$80,000 to $89,999 5,788 5.0
$90,000 to $99,999 4,741 4.1
$100,000 to $149,999 14,214 12.2
$150,000 to $199,999 5,115 4.4
$200,000 to $249,999 2,012 1.7
$250,000 and above 2,245 1.9
Median Income $50,233
Mean Income $67,609
Source: Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census.
The Census Bureau also published estimates of the income distribution in 2005 using alternative
definitions of income. Table 3 presents the distributions, by quintile, for these alternative
definitions of income. The first row, money income, shows the income shares using the same
definition of income as that shown in Table 1. Market income includes money income except for
government cash transfers, capital gains and losses, and an imputed return on home equity. It also
subtracts an estimate of work-related expenses.3 Post-Social Insurance Income includes money
income except government means-tested transfers, capital gains and losses, and estimated return
on home equity, and it subtracts work-related expenses. The difference between market income
and post-social insurance income is that the latter excludes means-tested government transfers.
Disposable Income includes money income, the value of non-cash transfers such as food stamps
and subsidized housing, capital gains and losses, and estimated return on home equity. It subtracts
3 Work related expenses includes items such as child care, union dues, permit and license fees, and commuting costs.
Good perspective and the truth . Sex Sells
and an example as a joke, but I wonder how she is doing. Is Bill with her?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
30 years OLD . ARCHIVES like 30 year old Scotch. You want more
I had to listen to it again
This post is in case you need to! This is with Jarbari Ra.
Our featured artists were Joseph Bowie, Brandon Lee, Juan De Marcos Gonzales, Robert Glasper,
Bert Samples interview
Our feature interview is with pAt mAcdonald and melanie
Download first
get windows media player then press
Play then
Download again
Music Beyond Borders
Thursday, February 12, 2009 2:00 pm
Then check the current! Same Drill
for Samitha
Download Play Download for
Music Beyond Borders
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 2:00 pm
On Creativity
Only 140 characters. You need a Tiny URL!. EXAMPLES FOLLOW!
This is from the Lisa Wheelan
She is on top of her game and helps others be on top of theirs
All This thanx to a Twit
Sunday, February 15, 2009
A DOER of the Word- Paul Osteen MD
Good family work Dodie (and John now from heaven and then on earth)!

When Mary I came to the throne he was imprisoned for over two years. Under pressure from the Church authorities, he made several recantations and reconciled himself with the Catholic faith. However, on the day of his execution, he dramatically withdrew his recantations and died as a Protestant martyr.
He was told that he would be able to make a final recantation but this time in public during a service at the University Church. He wrote and submitted the speech in advance and it was published after his death. At the pulpit on the day of his execution, he opened with a prayer and an exhortation to obey the king and queen, but he ended his sermon totally unexpectedly, deviating from the prepared script. He renounced the recantations that he had written or signed with his own hand since his degradation and as such he stated his hand would be punished by being burnt first. He then said, "And as for the pope, I refuse him, as Christ's enemy, and Antichrist with all his false doctrine."[95] He was pulled from the pulpit and taken to where Latimer and Ridley had been burnt six months before. As the flames drew around him, he fulfilled his promise by placing his right hand into the heart of the fire and his dying words were, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit... I see the heavens open and Jesus standing at the right hand of God."[
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Sounds good. Let me try one out.

There are many new forms of alternative energy but maybe none as interesting as the Cool Earth Solar “Balloon.” The concept behind this design is that they create an “inflatable plastic thin-film balloon (solar concentrator) that, upon inflation, focuses sunlight onto a photovoltaic cell held at its focal point.The design produces 400 times the electricity that a solar cell would create without the company’s concentrator.” Cool Earth has already began construction on a power plant in Livermore, CA that will utilize this new technology. The plant is modest in size, creating only 1.4 Megawatts but if this plant works as well as they expect it to, they plan on launching a full sized plant next summer. One great thing about this device is that it’s made up of a very common and cheap material. “Plastic thin film is abundant and cheap,” said Cool Earth Solar CEO Rob Lamkin. “It only costs two dollars for the plastic material
Starting a business?
Back to EDEN
Cheese pizzas in the kitchen at Great Ormond Street hospital, London. Photograph: Karen Robinson
Meat-free menus are to be promoted in hospitals as part of a strategy to cut global warming emissions across the National Health Service.
The plan to offer patients menus that would have no meat option is part of a strategy to be published tomorrow that will cover proposals ranging from more phone-in GP surgeries to closing outpatient departments and instead asking surgeons to visit people at their local doctor's surgery.
Some suggestions are likely to be controversial with patients' groups, especially attempts to curb meat eating and car use. Plans to reuse more equipment could raise concern about infection with superbugs such as MRSA.
Dr David Pencheon, director of the NHS sustainable development unit, said the amount of NHS emissions meant it had to act to make cuts, and the changes would save money, which could be spent on better services for patients.
"", "linktext=Juliette Jowit on proposals to cut NHS carbon emissions&publication_date=&file=");
Julliete Jowit on proposals, including restricting meat in meals, to cut NHS carbon emissions Link to this audio
"This is not just about doing things more efficiently, it's about doing things differently, because efficiency is not going to get us to big cuts," said Pencheon. "What will healthcare look like in 2030-2040 in a very low carbon society? It will not look anything like it looks now."
Last year the NHS published what it believes is the biggest public sector analysis of carbon dioxide, the biggest greenhouse gas, which showed the organisation's emissions in 2004 were 18.6m tonnes and rising. This accounts for more than 3% of all emissions in England, and if the NHS was a country it would have been ranked as the 81st biggest polluter in the world that year, between Estonia and Bahrain.
One-fifth of the emissions were from transport, one-fifth from buildings, and the remainder from procurement, including drugs, medical equipment and food.
On Tuesday, Pencheon and the NHS chief executive, David Nicholson, will publish the strategy - Saving Carbon, Improving Health - which will set targets to cut the organisation's carbon footprint, and proposals to meet them. It follows a government pledge last year to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050.
The plans cover all aspects of patients' care, from building design to transport, waste, food, water and energy use.
Among the most talked-about is likely to be the suggestion that hospitals could cut carbon emissions from food and drink by offering fewer meat and dairy products. Last year, the United Nations climate chief, Rajendra Pachauri, provoked a global debate when he said having a meat-free day every week was the biggest single contribution people could make to curbing climate change in their personal lives, because of the chemicals sprayed on feed crops and the methane emitted by cattle and sheep. Last week, the German federal environment agency went further, advising people to eat meat only on special occasions. Pencheon said the move would cut the relatively high carbon emissions from rearing animals and poultry, and improve health. Last year the NHS served 129m main meals, costing £312m, according to Department of Health figures. "We should not expect to see meat on every menu," said Pencheon. "We'd like higher levels of fresh food, and probably higher levels of fresh fruit and veg, and more investment in a local economy."
Other proposals that will impact directly on patients include urging people to drink less bottled water, more phone-in surgeries by GPs, greater sterilisation and reuse of equipment, and encouraging patients, visitors and staff to leave their car at home.
Many ideas are already being pioneered by one or a few trusts but will be spread more widely, including automatic lights and taps, renewable energy such as biomass and wind turbines, and green travel plans - such as facilities for cycling or new bus routes and bus stations at hospitals. A blueprint for low-carbon buildings is also being considered, and longer term the NHS could develop its own energy grid supplied by renewables on its land.
Staff will also be encouraged to work from home more often, incentives could be introduced for workers to use smaller-engined cars for business mileage, departments could be given their own energy bills with the offer that employees can keep a share of cost savings they make, and hospital pharmacies could hold lower stocks and courier in specialist drugs on demand to cut waste.
The NHS will also use its massive purchasing power - £20bn a year - to persuade suppliers to cut emissions, and pharmaceutical companies will be asked to make drugs with a longer shelf-life to reduce the amount of out-of-date stocks.
Longer term, to make bigger cuts, the NHS will have to make more radical changes, in particular giving more healthcare in or closer to patients' homes, said Pencheon. One idea being examined was for surgeons to travel to GP surgeries for follow-up consultations, to reduce the need for many patients to travel to outpatients departments, said Pencheon.
"If you're going to get me radical I say the default place for health is in the home, and the person who delivers it is yourself: that's the ultimate low-carbon health service," he said.
The report will argue that reducing carbon emissions will cut bills for equipment, medicines, energy, water and waste services, and improve health - in the short-term for example by encouraging people to walk, in the long-term by helping to reduce the impacts of climate change.
"Unless we all take effective action now, millions of people around the world will suffer hunger, water shortages and coastal flooding as the climate changes," it says.
"As one of the world's largest organisations, the NHS has a national and international imperative to act in order to make a real difference and to set an important example."
You say your not perfect. I knew it! Evil is as evil says. War on Drugs.....IS HOUSTON NEXT for REVELATION

8 (he who made the Pleiades and Orion, who turns blackness into dawn and darkens day into night, who calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out over the face of the land— the LORD is his name-
9 he flashes destruction on the stronghold and brings the fortified city to ruin),
10 you hate the one who reproves in court and despise him who tells the truth.
11 You trample on the poor and force him to give you grain. Therefore, though you have built stone mansions, you will not live in them; though you have planted lush vineyards,you will not drink their wine.
12 For I know how many are your offenses and how great your sins. You oppress the righteous and take bribes and you deprive the poor of justice in the courts.
13 Therefore the prudent man keeps quiet in such times, for the times are evil.
Prosecutors say Judges Michael T. Conahan, and Mark A. Ciavarella Jr., above, took kickbacks to send teenagers to detention centers.
“I felt like I had been thrown into some surreal sort of nightmare,” said Hillary, 17, who was sentenced in 2007. “All I wanted to know was how this could be fair and why the judge would do such a thing.”
Answers became clearer on Thursday as the Federal Judge, Mark A. Ciavarella Jr., and a colleague, Michael T. Conahan, appeared in federal court in Scranton, Pa., to plead guilty to wire fraud and income tax fraud for taking more than $2.6 million in kickbacks to send teenagers to two privately run youth detention centers run by PA Child Care and a sister company, Western PA Child Care.
While prosecutors say that Judge Conahan, 56, secured contracts for the two centers to house juvenile offenders, Judge Ciavarella, 58, was the one who carried out the sentencing to keep the centers filled.
“In my entire career, I’ve never heard of anything remotely approaching this,” said Senior Judge Arthur E. Grim, who was appointed by the State Supreme Court this week to determine what should be done with the estimated 5,000 juveniles who have been sentenced by Judge Ciavarella since the scheme started in 2003. Many of them were first-time offenders and some remain in detention.
The case has shocked Luzerne County, an area in northeastern Pennsylvania that has been battered by a loss of industrial jobs and the closing of most of its anthracite coal mines.
And it raised concerns about whether juveniles should be required to have counsel either before or during their appearances in court and whether juvenile courts should be open to the public or child advocates.
If the court agrees to the plea agreement, both judges will serve 87 months in federal prison and resign from the bench and bar. They are expected to be sentenced in the next several months. Lawyers for both men declined to comment.
Since state law forbids retirement benefits to judges convicted of a felony while in office, the judges would also lose their pensions.
With Judge Conahan serving as president judge in control of the budget and Judge Ciavarella overseeing the juvenile courts, they set the kickback scheme in motion in December 2002, the authorities said.
They shut down the county-run juvenile detention center, arguing that it was in poor condition, the authorities said, and maintained that the county had no choice but to send detained juveniles to the newly built private detention centers.
Prosecutors say the judges tried to conceal the kickbacks as payments to a company they control in Florida.
Though he pleaded guilty to the charges Thursday, Judge Ciavarella has denied sentencing juveniles who did not deserve it or sending them to the detention centers in a quid pro quo with the centers.
But Assistant United States Attorney Gordon A. Zubrod said after the hearing that the government continues to charge a quid pro quo.
“We’re not negotiating that, no,” Mr. Zubrod said. “We’re not backing off.”
No charges have been filed against executives of the detention centers. Prosecutors said the investigation into the case was continuing.
For years, youth advocacy groups complained that Judge Ciavarella was unusually harsh. He sent a quarter of his juvenile defendants to detention centers from 2002 to 2006, compared with a state rate of 1 in 10. He also routinely ignored requests for leniency made by prosecutors and probation officers.
“The juvenile system, by design, is intended to be a less punitive system than the adult system, and yet here were scores of children with very minor infractions having their lives ruined,” said Marsha Levick, a lawyer with the Philadelphia-based Juvenile Law Center.
“There was a culture of intimidation surrounding this judge and no one was willing to speak up about the sentences he was handing down.”
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Someone will have to work harder or all night
Here’s a description of J&J’s clinical development of the drug:
The drug extends intercourse time from a humbling two minutes to a still fairly humbling seven minutes, per a J&J-sponsored study. In that study, J&J claims, “wives and girlfriends timed intercourse with a stopwatch over a 12-week period.” The company believes PE affects “27-34% of men across all age ranges.”
J&J has tried hard to get dapoxetine to market. The company started doing PR for the drug back in 2005. At the time, Merrill Lynch analyst Katherine Martinelli bought the hype, hailing the drug as “the new Viagra” in The New York Sun.
The drug, a repurposed short-acting antidepressant, was rejected by the FDA a couple of years ago, around the same time as concerns over antidepressant effectiveness and suicidal-thought side effects became a concern in the category.
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1. Brandon Lee- Attack of the Vibe
2. Robert Glasper- Jelley's Da Beener
2. Bill Monroe- Remember The Cross
3b. Glynace
5. Paddy Casey-Fear
6. melAniejAne/pAt mAcdonald
7. Joe Medwick- If I Dont Get Involoved
8. Joe Bowie-What does your Heart Say
9.Jeff Lorber
10. La Chorale Saint Cecile-Senegal
11. Bamboleo- Lo Mio from No Hace Falta
12 Luis Miguel - A day in the life
13. Horace Grigsby/featuring Pianist Mark Northam- Naima
14. Pharoah Saunders- NAima
15. Willie Aikens
Cytokines as anticancer treatments? Look at IL10 today and jalapenos
health of the world. Our diets make a difference as to the impact and exposure of these toxins. Vegetables, fruits that do not have pesticides can diminish the potential to these toxins such as oil by-products as well as other chemicals. Elimination of toxins from the food chain of the substance consumed can help also.
Nevertheless sometimes once one has been diagnosed with the dreaded initials MS, (multiple sclerosis) , SLE (systemic Lupus Erythematosis) or C word (Cancer), it is contingent upon him or her to eliminate the potential for their acceleration by continued exposure to toxins. The diminution of exposure diminishes potential of subsequent growth and toxicity of the cancer, MS or SLE or progression of the MS and the enhancement of response to treatments.
Some of this toxicity of the tumor is demonstrated through the production of the tumor of cytokines. Cytokines are of the inflammatory type produced by tumor cells and in general represent the Neanderthal but necessary Cro-Magnon but critical response to a foreign substance in normal White Blood Cells (lymphocytes) as allergic as opposed to antibody response. This is the Th1 response and yields the protein /hormone acting cytokines Interleukin 1, Interleukin 6 and Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) in normal lymphocytes under normal biochemical feedback inhibition
As in any protein production messenger RNA is templated if you will, to act as a pattern for each individual protein through Transfer RNA and nucleotide base assembly. Yet the critical length of time that the protein is produced necessary for its action is determined by the length of time the messenger RNA exits (its ½ life ). The substance HuR enhances the 1/2 life of the mRNA by attaching itself to the mRNA at the Uridine rich area. This throws the complete system of biochemical feedback inhibition off and there is an exaggerated production of things that become toxic.
The most toxic of these hormones is TNF because it is supposed to shrink tumors (tumor necrosis) but it turns on the collagenase/gelatinase MMP-9. The MMP-9 exposes more tissue if you will to requiring more TNF by penetrating neighboring basement membranes and hence a vicious cycle is created
What does all this mean? The HuR for the TNF and MMP-9 appear therefore to be the most likely candidate for cancer SLE, and MS treatment.
Keep your eyes pealed for natural and unconventional treatments that
effect this axis. IL10 appears to be a cytokine that may help in this endeavor.
Atorvastatin ( a statin drug lowering cholesterol ) increases IL10 and acts naturally to diminsh the inflammatory wing of the CYTOKINE CASCADE. So do jalapenos by blocking the receptor to Substance P which intiates the Inflammatory Cascade!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Sarah's Yes Lord. Adams Mount Moriah
The Message went further in their interpretation (which will stimulate me to hear, think/meditate/pray and do the WORD) to say that Abraham had an active part in LIVING the faith. He became a participant. His obedience was to the promise and oath of God. Although both he and Sarah had supposed dead desire, ability, seed ect., Abraham's faith brought him to LIVING THE WORD that proceeded out of the mouth of God. Yet in the words of Phillip Bailey something happened along the the promise.
Sarah's idea, Hagar's willingness Abraham's passivity then Ishmael as result. This in essence did not involve faith/belief , but control issuing from self over Spiritual life = SIN. This did not involve Abraham's full matriculation in calling the not be as if it were in the be stage. Instead of death to the child and mother with possible placental rupture and to Abraham by possible head wound from a jealous spouse , then Sarah for her suggestion from a possible lightning strike, God's LOVE, grace, and mercy prevailed until the promise was fulfilled in Isaac. It took another touch of pain of separation from Ishmael for Abraham to be touched up to obey. Sarah on the other hand is not heard saying anything too much more to Abraham but yes Lord after nearly losing him to Hagar.
This may be why Mount Moriah was needed as the next test of God. When is your Mount Moriah coming and what will you do? Will a wonderful change be prayed for by you to ask for the Holy Spirit to control that flesh that you and I have that is soooo rebellious.
From Amos : The Message
Dancers at the "ball" of MS, or 4th step
Without division there are greater possibilities for exchange of information.
This is particularly true for the kidney and the cardiovascular system. Due to their similar embryonic origin, studies involving glomerulonephritis invariably involve explanations of carditis. Since cardiologists do not seek after new treatments in the
nephrology field and vice versa there may be discoveries of sorts that are not being shared between the fields. There certainly has not been an economic stimulus to combine
departments at any medical schools that I know of. This would result in diminished
research funding and invasion of territory. There classically has been a competition
between the two fields and for one to be a cardiologist-nephrologist. Only a medical INFORMATICS department could have sway at collaborative studies in newly discovered information relative to cytokines and inflammatory causes of disease.
I realize this as I read articles form 2003 relative to the kidney that have similar pathologies in Multiple Scleorsis.
Here are the Players IL18, NK cells, HuR, MMP-9 ,TNF, IL1 cleaving
By studying one you solve the problem for 2. Lets block receptors of cytokines, prevent pro-enzyme activation, check our diet, drink water and figure this thing out. If your son had MS you would!
Nevertheless check this out
There is gold in them thar hills ( of nephrology), which will help us understand all disease.
You will love Advanced Medical Informatics Education (AMIE) and me too before it is all over, for the cures that it will bring your children and grandchildren! It may not be too late for your mental disease of evil. It is inflammatory and requires an antiinflammant treatment
( Anti Th1 )
Remember the all your fairy tales that your dad to told you? The stories?
If not we still love you but you need to read and act on the 4th step in 12/12 and do 1John 1:9 and repent while you have time, so you can begin to love yourself! PS do 1-3 then 5-12 thereafter
The Word of God + history. Thank God for HIS Story in His WORD
In bringing Black people to America there was a greedy pre-Industrial Revolution America psyche that looked upon Black people as Stock that could be traded as property in a market. This was regardless of age, and in fact, more aged less Corporate Social Capital worth. This was the original stock with cattle and sheep and goats traded as “Stock” in the Market. After this Blacks were looked upon in reconstruction as those who could drive the cost of labor down, never for skilled labor or for intellect or wisdom. The Industrialized South and North did not want to stop their inhumanity probably as a disease state of racism because of their greed and immense profits obtained from free and or cheap labor. There was resentment set up from an attitude of “if you cant work for free do not come asking from me.” This is what a NIGGER is. Someone demanding payment for services formerly given for free . Someone who asks to be treated fairly. We call it prostitution if sex is involved and they get paid, due to fear of revelation. On the contrary there is no fear of revelation relative to Black labor. It has not been and is not paid, on the intellectual, manual, musical, or any level.
The chances are even less now post bank bailout for equalization. The same greed for profit goes on in many churches today who do not evangelize the Good News. Nevertheless they set up “Catch 22” social club and fostering co-dependence, only initiate guilt by preaching tithing, while doing very little for the poor and destitute. When the “member “ of the church “social club” falters due to job loss or fall from political favor not being able to “pay their dues”, they are sent to the wolves. Thank God for Jesus dying for us. Thank God for faith. Thank God for LIGHT.
To complicate things Black people have been bought into the lie of white beauty superiority. We have writers such as Fanon and Frazier who addressed these problems in their books Black Skin White Masks and Black Bourgoisie. Neither spared any side and in fact E. Franklin Frazier accused the “talented tenth” of gross social malpractice for imitating gangsters. He also followed the monetary corporate control of Historically Black schools, No names need be mentioned of those who got indoctrinated instead of educated to be just as corporate, and greedy as their former slave masters and in a Get HAZED the HAZE mentality they treat their customers, clients, and in some cases parishioners as objects to abuse attempting to coerce them into “ appropriate” behavior. This is what allows the oppressed to oppress with lucid and sexual lyrics for profit .What ends up happening is a class of people without vision following emotional cathexes . They who are dependent and disenfranchised or so because of their appearance and inaccessibility to education, and knowledge of business, the arts, science and God centered Spirituality of relationship with Jesus Christ as opposed to man centered Religion. Thank God for the Word of God that does not change and can transform.
Thank God for the internet and for Churches that are non-denominational . These three
components give hope to teachers who want to give their wisdom and to the dysenfranchized individuals who would like to be a big brother for free to those who need it within the church and on the internet. They give hope to doctors who are
kicked giving care to the poor who now have hope to deal with the hopeless with the help of His Holy Spirit
Thank God for the education of the internet and the offer of Spirituality from the churches such as Lakewood and for His WORD which never changes. They take the L out of world namely the Lies of the World including Black inferiority. The Result is HIS WORD.
Gaming. Why not teach it at elementary. It aint going NO Where!
Since this is true what you read below, then understand what the ramifications are for our America. This "model" of Nintendo recognizing base, instinctual drive can be "flipped" and should be "flipped" by Obama. Write a game to TEACH history, HEBREW, GREEK, Marketing, teach Civics, Math, Physics and Biochemistry , IMMUNO-INFORMATICS, all at the elementary level and at each level. START OFF AT THE PENETENTIARIES!. We have too much waist still present from our former lives when we were telling the poor in America and the rest of the world to "let them eat cake"
FROM writing of Kristin Kalning Games editor msnbc.
In a survey conducted by Frank Magid Associates last spring, just 17 percent of gamers said they’d be willing to pay $59.99 for a next-generation game. (Those are games for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii consoles.)
“What that data shows you, is that it better be a (expletive deleted) good game for $60,” says Mike Vorhaus, president of Magid Advisors.
A much larger number, 30 percent, said that they would buy more used next-generation games versus new ones. And 43 percent said that they would wait for price drops on their favorite games before buying. Remember: This survey was conducted last March. Imagine the response if the polling were done today.
Colin Sebastian, an analyst with Lazard Capital Markets, says it’s clear that pricing pressure is happening on second tier and older games now, and the pace of price cuts seem to be rising.
“EA, for one, had to increase its return reserve in order to account for price discounting at retail, and other top publishers, including Acitivion and Ubisoft, lowered prices over the holidays,” he says.
And that’s a big problem for developers, who are spending upward of $20 million — and often more — to make the most graphic-intensive, most immersive and longest-playing games that they can, says Greenwald, who covers the Internet and digital media for Signal Hill.
“These budgets are sustainable when they’re attached to good projects and the games are a hit,” he says. “It’s become more of a hit-driven industry, because there’s more risk involved.”
In most cases, says Greenwald, these companies' financial forecasts are pinned to next-gen games selling at a $59.99 price point. If they don’t, the business model doesn’t work — and that’s when you see poor quarterly earnings, layoffs and studio closures.
Game companies in general, he says, aren’t the most efficient organizations in the world. “They’re not cranking out cars on an assembly line, they’re trying to make unique and innovative games across several platforms,” he says.
And that’s been another crucial problem for publishers in this console cycle: The leading platform, far and away, is the Nintendo Wii. And as I wrote in my column last week, publishers have figured out — and how — that making a game for the Wii is not a one-size-fits-all proposition.
In the old days, game-makers could crank out one game and port it to multiple platforms without too much trouble or expense. Not so with the Nintendo Wii, which has such a different control scheme — not to mention a different audience. Publishers — like EA, Ubisoft and THQ — that went the cookie-cutter route learned a tough lesson.“Price is a challenge,” says Greenwald. “But the rise of Nintendo and the dominance of Nintendo is a bigger challenge.”
Sunday, February 8, 2009
DAHLGREN raid. What should have been the penalty for rebellion against the soveriegn US
"The men must keep together and well in hand, and once in the city it must be destroyed and Jeff. Davis and Cabinet killed Halbach immediately contacted his commander, Captain Richard H. Bagby, and informed him of the discovery. At 2 p.m. on March 3rd Bagby transferred the papers to Lieutenant James Pollard with instructions to deliver them to his commander Col. Richard L. T. Beale. Beale instructed that they be delivered to the Confederate command in Richmond immediately. Pollard arrived in Richmond at noon on March 4th and delivered the papers to General Fitzhugh Lee. Lee, astonished at their contents, immediately took the papers to President Davis and Secretary of State Judah P. Benjamin. Davis quietly read through the documents in Lee's presence and paused when he reached the assassination order, remarking "That means you, Mr. Benjamin." Lee was then instructed to take the papers to the War Department where they were received by Secretary of War James A. Seddon. Seddon decided to release the documents publicly and sought Davis' approval to do so. The Richmond newspapers were contacted for a conference at the War Department and given copies of the orders, which were published the next morning on March 5.
In coming months the papers were widely circulated in the Confederacy and in Europe as evidence of Union barbarism. Dahlgren was likened to Attila the Hun and several Union leaders were accused of participation in the plot up to and including President Abraham Lincoln. In the North, the papers were denounced as a forgery designed to weaken the Union's war effort.
LIES, DEATH, DISGUISE and their father is ........
For complete post from the Wikepedia

Friday, February 6, 2009
to make of no account, despise utterly
King James Word Usage - Total: 11
despise 6, set at nought 3, esteem least 1, contemptible 1
from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and the base of sqenow - sthenoo 4599; strengthless (in various applications, literal, figurative and moral):--
more feeble, impotent, sick, without strength, weak(-er, -ness, thing).
And please check out this site
Now WORDS from our SPONSOR. Do you qualify as one of these
1. perishing and not knowing it - 622
2. think of cross and crucifiction
as foolish - 3472
3. In and not knowing of the world - 2889
4. think of cross and crucifiction
of Jesus Christ as an offence against
you and your people or have stumbled
over it - 4625
5. weak - 772
6. shamed /despised - 2617/1848
7. Base -36
Now copy and paste that into Google for the GREEK (original language
Example for the despised you will copy and paste into Google
Strong's number 1848 = ?
Let this be your number one browse to check
Good News and WORDS TO THE WISE Hope for the accused Foolish, despised, weak, Bastard
8-11"I don't think the way you think. The way you work isn't the way I work." God's Decree
"For as the sky soars high above earth, so the way I work surpasses the way you work, and the way I think is beyond the way you think.Just as rain and snow descend from the skies and don't go back until they've watered the earth, Doing their work of making things grow and blossom, producing seed for farmers and food for the hungry,So will the words that come out of my mouth not come back empty-handed.They'll do the work I sent them to do, they'll complete the assignment I gave them.
I Corinthians 1
17 For Christ (the Messiah) sent me out not to baptize but [to evangelize by] preaching the glad tidings (the Gospel), and that not with verbal eloquence, lest the cross of Christ should be deprived of force and emptied of its power and rendered vain (fruitless, void of value, and of no effect). 18 For the story and message of the cross is sheer absurdity and folly to those who are perishing and on their way to perdition, but to us who are being saved it is the [manifestation of] the power of God. 19 For it is written, I will baffle and render useless and destroy the learning of the learned and the philosophy of the philosophers and the cleverness of the clever and the discernment of the discerning; I will frustrate and nullify [them] and bring [them] to nothing.20 Where is the wise man (the philosopher)? Where is the scribe (the scholar)? Where is the investigator (the logician, the debater) of this present time and age? Has not God shown up the nonsense and the folly of this world's wisdom? 21 For when the world with all its earthly wisdom failed to perceive and recognize and know God by means of its own philosophy, God in His wisdom was pleased through the foolishness of preaching [salvation, procured by Christ and to be had through Him], to save those who believed (who clung to and trusted in and relied on Him). 22 For while< changed by me I used to
27 [No] for God selected (deliberately chose) what in the world is foolish to put the wise to shame, and what the world calls weak to put the strong to shame.
28 And God also selected (deliberately chose) what in the world is lowborn and insignificant and branded and treated with contempt, even the things that are nothing, that He might depose and bring to nothing the things that are,
29 So that no mortal man should [have pretense for glorying and] boast in the presence of God.
30 But it is from Him that you have your life in Christ Jesus, Whom God made our Wisdom from God, [revealed to us a knowledge of the divine plan of salvation previously hidden, manifesting itself as] our Righteousness [thus making us upright and putting us in right standing with God], and our Consecration [making us pure and holy], and our Redemption [providing our ransom from eternal penalty for sin]. 31 So then, as it is written, Let him who boasts and proudly rejoices and glories, boast and proudly rejoice and glory in the Lord.