Oh PS to be with Him and for Him to be with you is to believe that He was raised from death. Death for what?I am glad you asked that question!
Read Romans 10:9
O Oh picosegundo a ser com ele e para que seja com você é acreditar que estêve levantado da morte. Morte para que?Eu estou contente você fiz essa pergunta!
Ler o 10:9 dos Romanos
Monday, January 26, 2009
Você ama-se, o vizinho e o deus? Deixar-me ver o carro que você está conduzindo. Pode você pegarar alguns sem abrigo? Ou você está falhando no impossível de missão?Eu preciso de começar escrever a isto em Microsoft “palavra” sobre a PALAVRA de deus aquele veio-me hoje. A saber que nosso amor de nos é indicado no nosso ombro como uma microplaqueta ou como um livro ou como um vestuário quando em uma casa ou em um carro. Você pensa de o senhor mesmo como com alguma outra pessoa eyes. Jorram os povos de Isreal fizeram como atravessaram a região selvagem em sua maneira dentro à terra prometida. Isto manteve fora da terra prometida uma geração inteira que nunca conseguisse saber ou se amar. Era um pecado de encontro ao DEUS. A igreja está fazendo esta hoje? Eu usei-me a.Você sabe o que o deus nos está dizendo. Amar-se, não se ver mesmo através dos olhos da sua mãe. Pode ser errada se não o define bìblica. Não pode conhecê-lo porque você não é o que o definiu como, a saber como um fornecedor se seu marido morrer. É um segredo pequeno nestled no livro do verso 3. do capítulo 13 dos NÚMEROS.“E como os gafanhotos em nossos olhos nós eram” são umas citações dos números que o 13:33 em nossos olhos é o ayin hebreu da palavra (5869). a palavra prim um olho, uma fonte, aflição, appearnce+ externo before+ pensa + melhor + cor + presunçãoo índice de +be, coutenance + desagradaEste é o wammy dobro ou triplo dos escravos que foram alcançados com as máscaras pretas da pele e do branco como Frantz Fanon os põr. Nós vimo-lo errado querer votar, estejamos livres ser diferentes fazer a gerência da dor, para ajudar os pobres. Para atualizar como as crianças do deus, conservadas e sanctified, SEM RECURSOS como os cidadãos dos E.U. que eram da ascendência africana, nunca sendo ensinado a riqueza de uma cultura perdeu, e apenas ser seres humanos foi umas tarefas dificil neste país que nos definiu como o trabalho livre e como rebelde de encontro ao querer trabalhar para livre. Era um IMPOSSÍVEL impossível do sonho e de MISSÃO sem mão constante do deus do poder.
O livro de primeiro John diz-nos que para não amar o mundo, peça de que é definido como a luxúria do olho. Eu ensinei sempre este erro como uma sorte da “da compra janela”. Eu fui corrigido isto AM aproximadamente 0400. Igualmente diz-nos para permanecer desobstruído da luxúria da carne (sexo fora da união) e do orgulho da vida (o egoismo)Este é o que Obama teve que negociar com sua infância a assentar bem no presidente dos Estados Unidos da América que este é o que você deve fazer como um líder, uma criança, uma mãe ou um pai a começar a amar você mesmo e saber você mesmo não porque outro o define para seu bom, mas a se conhecer enquanto o deus sabe seus mente, coração e vontade rebelde essencial.Para amar-se como ama-o. Para não se definir por o que você tem mas por o que você faz para alguma outra pessoa em seus profissão e ministério. Esperançosamente você está em uma igreja que ensine a liberdade de espiritual na religião do relacionamento não. A necessidade para uma relação pessoal com Jesus Cristo pode ser obtida depois que salvação PEDINDO que O ESPÍRITO SANTO RECONHEÇA-O E AUTORIZE- NO AMOR assim como a necessidade para o reconhecimento, e desenvolvimento de todos os PRESENTES ESPIRITUAIS ATRAVÉS DA FRUTA DO AMOR.
O livro de primeiro John diz-nos que para não amar o mundo, peça de que é definido como a luxúria do olho. Eu ensinei sempre este erro como uma sorte da “da compra janela”. Eu fui corrigido isto AM aproximadamente 0400. Igualmente diz-nos para permanecer desobstruído da luxúria da carne (sexo fora da união) e do orgulho da vida (o egoismo)Este é o que Obama teve que negociar com sua infância a assentar bem no presidente dos Estados Unidos da América que este é o que você deve fazer como um líder, uma criança, uma mãe ou um pai a começar a amar você mesmo e saber você mesmo não porque outro o define para seu bom, mas a se conhecer enquanto o deus sabe seus mente, coração e vontade rebelde essencial.Para amar-se como ama-o. Para não se definir por o que você tem mas por o que você faz para alguma outra pessoa em seus profissão e ministério. Esperançosamente você está em uma igreja que ensine a liberdade de espiritual na religião do relacionamento não. A necessidade para uma relação pessoal com Jesus Cristo pode ser obtida depois que salvação PEDINDO que O ESPÍRITO SANTO RECONHEÇA-O E AUTORIZE- NO AMOR assim como a necessidade para o reconhecimento, e desenvolvimento de todos os PRESENTES ESPIRITUAIS ATRAVÉS DA FRUTA DO AMOR.
Mission Possible
Do you love yourself, neighbor and God? Let me see the car you are driving. Can you pick up some homeless? Or are you failing at the Mission Impossible?
I need to start writing this in Microsoft “Word” about the WORD of God that
came to me today. Namely that our love of ourselves is displayed on our
shoulder as a chip or as a book or as a garment while in a house or car.. Do you think of yourself as through someone else’s eyes. Well the people of Isreal did as they went through the wilderness on their way in to the promised land. This kept out of the promised land a whole generation that never got to know or love themselves.. It was a sin against GOD. Is the church doing this today? I used to.
You know what God is telling us. Love yourself, Do not even see yourself through your mother’s eyes. She may be wrong if she does not define you Biblically. She may not know you because you are not what she defined you as, namely as a provider should her husband die. It is a little secret nestled in the book of NUMBERS chapter 13 verse 3. .
“ And as grasshoppers in our eyes we were” is a quote from Numbers 13:33 In our eyes is the Hebrew word ayin ( 5869 ) . prim word an eye, a fountain, affliction, outward appearnce+ before+ think + best + colour + conceit
+be content, coutenance + displease
This is the double or triple wammy of slaves who were caught up with black skin and white masks as Frantz Fanon put it. We saw it wrong to want to vote, be free to be different to do pain management , to help the poor. To actualize as children of God, saved and sanctified, WITH NO RESOURCES as US citizens who were of African ancestry, and to just be human beings has been a difficult task in this country who defined us as free labor and as rebellious against wanting to work for free. It was an impossible dream and MISSION IMPOSSIBLE without God’s unchanging hand of power.
The book of first John tells us to not love the world, part of which is defined as the lust of the eye. I have always taught this wrong as a sort of “window shopping”. I was corrected this AM about 0400. He also tells us to stay clear of the lust of the flesh (sex outside of marriage) and the pride of life (selfishness)
This is what Obama has had to negotiate through his childhood to becoming the President of the United States of America This is what you must do as a leader, child, mother or father to begin to love yourself and know yourself not as another defines you for their good, but to know yourself as God knows your mind, heart and essential rebellious will.
To love yourself as He loves you. Not to define yourself by what you have but by what you do for someone else in your profession and ministry. Hopefully you are at a church that teaches the freedom of Spiritual in relationship not religion. The need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ can be obtained after salvation by ASKING THE HOLY SPIRIT TO RECOGNIZE AND EMPOWER YOU IN LOVE as well as the need for the recognition, and development of ALL of the SPIRITUAL GIFTS THROUGH THE FRUIT OF LOVE.
I may be on a limb but this is the only way that I have been able ever to fulfill the ONE commandment that HE gives which is to love. I did it by imitating my Father on earth at first. Now since his death I can only know/love the Father in Heaven through the Son by reading His Word and asking the Holy Spirt to EMPOWER ME to hear and do His Word.
I have for 55 years kept the Holy Spirit at bay unemployed. Are you doing the same thing? Otherwise we will forget who we are once we have seen through a glass darkly once we leave the mirror after fixing our new way of wearing our hair (James 1 and I Corinthians 13). All love shows commitment and wisdom especially to self according to Scott M Peck MD. Do you love yourself?
Yes the purpose of ministry is to serve and give one the purpose that God has ordained you to be able to live for. Breathe Him in. He gave you the breath and the life of today to do His will which is to love (know/perceive ) yourself, love others as He perceives them, and then in obedience love Him by loving yourself and loving others!
Let us start from the bottom up, not what we consider the top down (self to others) squeezing God out!
I need to start writing this in Microsoft “Word” about the WORD of God that
came to me today. Namely that our love of ourselves is displayed on our
shoulder as a chip or as a book or as a garment while in a house or car.. Do you think of yourself as through someone else’s eyes. Well the people of Isreal did as they went through the wilderness on their way in to the promised land. This kept out of the promised land a whole generation that never got to know or love themselves.. It was a sin against GOD. Is the church doing this today? I used to.
You know what God is telling us. Love yourself, Do not even see yourself through your mother’s eyes. She may be wrong if she does not define you Biblically. She may not know you because you are not what she defined you as, namely as a provider should her husband die. It is a little secret nestled in the book of NUMBERS chapter 13 verse 3. .
“ And as grasshoppers in our eyes we were” is a quote from Numbers 13:33 In our eyes is the Hebrew word ayin ( 5869 ) . prim word an eye, a fountain, affliction, outward appearnce+ before+ think + best + colour + conceit
+be content, coutenance + displease
This is the double or triple wammy of slaves who were caught up with black skin and white masks as Frantz Fanon put it. We saw it wrong to want to vote, be free to be different to do pain management , to help the poor. To actualize as children of God, saved and sanctified, WITH NO RESOURCES as US citizens who were of African ancestry, and to just be human beings has been a difficult task in this country who defined us as free labor and as rebellious against wanting to work for free. It was an impossible dream and MISSION IMPOSSIBLE without God’s unchanging hand of power.
The book of first John tells us to not love the world, part of which is defined as the lust of the eye. I have always taught this wrong as a sort of “window shopping”. I was corrected this AM about 0400. He also tells us to stay clear of the lust of the flesh (sex outside of marriage) and the pride of life (selfishness)
This is what Obama has had to negotiate through his childhood to becoming the President of the United States of America This is what you must do as a leader, child, mother or father to begin to love yourself and know yourself not as another defines you for their good, but to know yourself as God knows your mind, heart and essential rebellious will.
To love yourself as He loves you. Not to define yourself by what you have but by what you do for someone else in your profession and ministry. Hopefully you are at a church that teaches the freedom of Spiritual in relationship not religion. The need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ can be obtained after salvation by ASKING THE HOLY SPIRIT TO RECOGNIZE AND EMPOWER YOU IN LOVE as well as the need for the recognition, and development of ALL of the SPIRITUAL GIFTS THROUGH THE FRUIT OF LOVE.
I may be on a limb but this is the only way that I have been able ever to fulfill the ONE commandment that HE gives which is to love. I did it by imitating my Father on earth at first. Now since his death I can only know/love the Father in Heaven through the Son by reading His Word and asking the Holy Spirt to EMPOWER ME to hear and do His Word.
I have for 55 years kept the Holy Spirit at bay unemployed. Are you doing the same thing? Otherwise we will forget who we are once we have seen through a glass darkly once we leave the mirror after fixing our new way of wearing our hair (James 1 and I Corinthians 13). All love shows commitment and wisdom especially to self according to Scott M Peck MD. Do you love yourself?
Yes the purpose of ministry is to serve and give one the purpose that God has ordained you to be able to live for. Breathe Him in. He gave you the breath and the life of today to do His will which is to love (know/perceive ) yourself, love others as He perceives them, and then in obedience love Him by loving yourself and loving others!
Let us start from the bottom up, not what we consider the top down (self to others) squeezing God out!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Therapie außerhalb
Wir haben uns mit dir früh in unserem Blog besprochen, der cytokines und ihr entzündlicher Zyklus zu allen Krankheitprozessen kritisch waren. Wir haben seit dem spezifischer erhalten und haben gezeigt, dass MMP-9 insbesondere mit der Funktionsstörung der Zelle im Krebs und in der multiplen Sklerose in seinem " gleichwertig ist; Umgestaltung des gegangenen mad" natürliche Funktion entsprechend einem Vergewaltiger. Dieser Artikelzusammenbruch bespricht eine Hautkrankheit und seine Behandlung mit Fotochemotherapie und der Invasion von MMP-2. Es scheint, dass das MMP-2 in einer regelnden Art Funktion dient, die Normalität zum Melanocyte zusammen mit Alpha MSH wieder herzustellen. Dieses kann den Effekt der Hitzetherapiewirksamkeit im metastatischen pankreatischen Krebs, sowie die Verminderung der Verdauung von Selbst mit MMP-9 erklären, das durch TNF-Alpha getankt wird.Der mAb (monoclonal Antikörper) verwiesen am TNF-Alpha Empfänger, würde scheinen, die sicherste emergency Therapie außerhalb der unterstützenden Sorgfalt für das vergeudensyndrom zu sein. Diese Behandlung wird jetzt im septischen Schlag verwendet.
We have discussed with you earlier in our blog that cytokines and their Inflammatory Cycle were critical to all disease processes. We have since gotten more specific and have shown that MMP-9 in particular is tantamount to the dysfunction of the cell in cancer and multiple sclerosis in its "re-modeling gone mad" natural function akin to a rapist.
This article breakdown will discuss a skin disease and its treatment with photo-chemotherapy and the invasion of MMP-2. It appears that the MMP-2 serves in a regulatory type function to restore the normalcy to the melanocyte along with alpha MSH. This may explain the effect of the heat therapy efficacy in Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer, as well as the diminution of the digestion of self with MMP-9 fueled by TNF-alpha. The mAb (monoclonal antibody) directed at the TNF-alpha receptor, would appear to be the safest emergency therapy outside of supportive care for the wasting syndrome. This treatment is used now in septic shock.
Other enhacers of MMP-9 to be investigated for their potential in treatment include:
1.HuR (ELAV) blockers
2. Nitrous Oxide and its enzyme iNOS inhancemnet
3. Reduction of tumor load
4. MMP-1, MMP-2,MMP-13
5. Diminution in the oxidized state
I will give more as time allows
This article breakdown will discuss a skin disease and its treatment with photo-chemotherapy and the invasion of MMP-2. It appears that the MMP-2 serves in a regulatory type function to restore the normalcy to the melanocyte along with alpha MSH. This may explain the effect of the heat therapy efficacy in Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer, as well as the diminution of the digestion of self with MMP-9 fueled by TNF-alpha. The mAb (monoclonal antibody) directed at the TNF-alpha receptor, would appear to be the safest emergency therapy outside of supportive care for the wasting syndrome. This treatment is used now in septic shock.
Other enhacers of MMP-9 to be investigated for their potential in treatment include:
1.HuR (ELAV) blockers
2. Nitrous Oxide and its enzyme iNOS inhancemnet
3. Reduction of tumor load
4. MMP-1, MMP-2,MMP-13
5. Diminution in the oxidized state
I will give more as time allows
Por Brasil, Angola
Nós discutimos com você mais cedo em nosso blogue que os cytokines e seu ciclo inflamatório eram críticos a todos os processos da doença. Nós temos começ mais específicos e temos desde que MMP-9 sido em particular equivalente à deficiência orgânica da pilha no cancro e na esclerose múltipla em seu " remodelando o mad" ido; função natural aparentada a um violador. Esta avaria do artigo discutirá uma doença de pele e seu tratamento com a foto-quimioterapia e a invasão de MMP-2. Parece que o MMP-2 sere em um tipo regulador função para restaurar a normalidade ao melanocyte junto com o alfa MSH. Isto pode explicar o efeito da eficácia da terapia do calor no cancro Pancreatic metastático
Hemos discutido con ti anterior en nuestro blog que los cytokines y su ciclo inflamatorio eran críticos a todos los proscesses de la enfermedad. Hemos conseguido más específicos y hemos demostrado desde entonces que MMP-9 particularmente es equivalente a la disfunción de la célula en cáncer y esclerosis múltiple en su " remodelado del mad" ido; función natural relacionada con un violador. Esta avería del artículo discutirá una enfermedad de piel y su tratamiento con foto-quimioterapia y la invasión de MMP-2. Aparece que el MMP-2 sirve en un tipo regulador función restaurar la normalidad al melanocyte junto con la alfa MSH. Esto puede explicar el efecto de la eficacia de la terapia del calor en cáncer pancreático metastático.
Hemos discutido con ti anterior en nuestro blog que los cytokines y su ciclo inflamatorio eran críticos a todos los proscesses de la enfermedad. Hemos conseguido más específicos y hemos demostrado desde entonces que MMP-9 particularmente es equivalente a la disfunción de la célula en cáncer y esclerosis múltiple en su " remodelado del mad" ido; función natural relacionada con un violador. Esta avería del artículo discutirá una enfermedad de piel y su tratamiento con foto-quimioterapia y la invasión de MMP-2. Aparece que el MMP-2 sirve en un tipo regulador función restaurar la normalidad al melanocyte junto con la alfa MSH. Esto puede explicar el efecto de la eficacia de la terapia del calor en cáncer pancreático metastático.
Make your contributions KPFT!. No amount is too small
Its not too late to listen in on the past Spiritual/SOUL food!
Houston Music Etc incorPRORATED
OPEN JOURNAL Monday, January 12, 2009 12:00 pm
Houston Music Etc incorPRORATED
OPEN JOURNAL Monday, January 12, 2009 12:00 pm
Friday, January 23, 2009
A varied microbial flora is found in the oral cavity, and streptococcal anaerobes inhabit the gingival crevice. The pharynx can be a point of entry and initial colonization for Neisseria, Bordetella, Corynebacterium, and Streptococcus
The dipthroid normal flora if pathologized by its environment , and a lack of phagocytosis can lead to invasion of membranes and subsequent tolerance. MMP/LF and EF production and action via mRNA production, can perpetuate a pathologic state
This appears to be a type of rebellious Coup d’ Etat.and requires coordination and INTELLIGENCE. This is what my current theory of cancer involves
The dipthroid normal flora if pathologized by its environment , and a lack of phagocytosis can lead to invasion of membranes and subsequent tolerance. MMP/LF and EF production and action via mRNA production, can perpetuate a pathologic state
This appears to be a type of rebellious Coup d’ Etat.and requires coordination and INTELLIGENCE. This is what my current theory of cancer involves
Disease viewed as Intelligent?
Well again its Santa in late January. What I give you today is what I get. I
had assumed that a cell that is cancerous is intelligent. It was merely a guess that the
complexity of a cancerous cell’s metastasis or physiologic dysfunction such as the wasting syndrome or the disruption of the myelin sheath seen in Multiple Sclerosis,
with subsequent blurred vision, was a part of a grand theme. It was a conspiracy of sorts. It is one of the enemies' tools, namely to use self against the Spiritual Man.
It was not until I saw an article on Anthrax and its common ground of a LETHAL FACTOR in a metaloproteinase that I realized that I had hit pay dirt.. The field of microbiology is repleat with proof of this “intelligence”. Until we view the cancer as an intelligent “being “ of sorts we will lose the war on cancer. I will give you more as I get it.
This is why faith is important, because the wisdom of this "world" (its system, and tangible aspects) is foolishhness to God , the weak things of man are where God is strong and the unseen things are those things that will last and supercede the things seen in the empiric world. God has allowed the princes of the world to have their say and do their thing in order to allow for grace.
Have you read your Word today? Put on your whole armor and pray!
had assumed that a cell that is cancerous is intelligent. It was merely a guess that the
complexity of a cancerous cell’s metastasis or physiologic dysfunction such as the wasting syndrome or the disruption of the myelin sheath seen in Multiple Sclerosis,
with subsequent blurred vision, was a part of a grand theme. It was a conspiracy of sorts. It is one of the enemies' tools, namely to use self against the Spiritual Man.
It was not until I saw an article on Anthrax and its common ground of a LETHAL FACTOR in a metaloproteinase that I realized that I had hit pay dirt.. The field of microbiology is repleat with proof of this “intelligence”. Until we view the cancer as an intelligent “being “ of sorts we will lose the war on cancer. I will give you more as I get it.
This is why faith is important, because the wisdom of this "world" (its system, and tangible aspects) is foolishhness to God , the weak things of man are where God is strong and the unseen things are those things that will last and supercede the things seen in the empiric world. God has allowed the princes of the world to have their say and do their thing in order to allow for grace.
Have you read your Word today? Put on your whole armor and pray!
Updating the Classic Business Plan from BNET
By Sean Silverthorne
October 10th, 2008 @ 10:56 am
What makes a great business plan? Powerful PowerPoints? Pivoting Spreadsheets?
According to Harvard Business School professor William Sahlman, who wrote a classic work on business plans, it all comes down to one thing: People.
Working Knowledge:
“When there is great uncertainty in the market, investors become quite risk averse. They will only back proven entrepreneurs with truly compelling ideas. People make the numbers, not conversely. So, I still think the people making the forecasts are more important than the numbers themselves.”
Some more tips for business plan writers:
Short and Simple. “I have seen compelling business plans in the form of a few PowerPoint slides, a couple of scribbled pages, and a brief video,” Sahlman says. “What matters is having all the required ingredients (or a road map for getting them), not the exact form of communication.”
Encourage Investment From Customers. The best money comes from potential customers, not venture capitalists.
Tough Times Present Opportunities. Yes, this is a difficult environment for start-ups, but it also likely means you will have fewer competitors competing for resources.
Think Global. “We live in a world of democratized access to ideas, human capital, and mone,” Sahlman says. “There are fabulous global ventures being started in every corner of the globe. These ventures can raise money locally or globally. They can disperse talent in many countries.”
What do you think are the key ingredients of a business plan? Do you have a favorite format? How do you emphasize the people behind the pitch?
By Sean Silverthorne
October 10th, 2008 @ 10:56 am
What makes a great business plan? Powerful PowerPoints? Pivoting Spreadsheets?
According to Harvard Business School professor William Sahlman, who wrote a classic work on business plans, it all comes down to one thing: People.
Working Knowledge:
“When there is great uncertainty in the market, investors become quite risk averse. They will only back proven entrepreneurs with truly compelling ideas. People make the numbers, not conversely. So, I still think the people making the forecasts are more important than the numbers themselves.”
Some more tips for business plan writers:
Short and Simple. “I have seen compelling business plans in the form of a few PowerPoint slides, a couple of scribbled pages, and a brief video,” Sahlman says. “What matters is having all the required ingredients (or a road map for getting them), not the exact form of communication.”
Encourage Investment From Customers. The best money comes from potential customers, not venture capitalists.
Tough Times Present Opportunities. Yes, this is a difficult environment for start-ups, but it also likely means you will have fewer competitors competing for resources.
Think Global. “We live in a world of democratized access to ideas, human capital, and mone,” Sahlman says. “There are fabulous global ventures being started in every corner of the globe. These ventures can raise money locally or globally. They can disperse talent in many countries.”
What do you think are the key ingredients of a business plan? Do you have a favorite format? How do you emphasize the people behind the pitch?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Nitrous Oxide and L-arginine

I tried to superimpose one on the other to no avail. Here it is, as it is !
Take a little biochem lesson on two advantages of an amino acid
Monday, January 19, 2009
Nitrous Oxide block of PPAR the key to diminishing MMP-9 lethality in cancer metastasis
The potentiation of MMP-9 promoter activity functionally depends on an upstream peroxisome proliferator-responsive element-like binding site, which displayed an increased DNA binding of a PPAR immunopositive complex. In contrast, the IL-1 -induced DNA-binding of nuclear factor B was significantly impaired by PPAR agonists
All PPARs heterodimerize with the retinoid X receptor (RXR) and bind to specific regions on the DNA of target genes. These DNA sequences are termed PPREs (peroxisome proliferator hormone response elements). The DNA consensus sequence is AGGTCAXAGGTCA, with X being a random nucleotide. In general, this sequence occurs in the promotor region of a gene, and, when the PPAR binds its ligand, transcription of target genes is increased or decreased, depending on the gene. The RXR also forms a heterodimer with a number of other receptors (e.g., vitamin D and thyroid hormone).
The function of PPARs is modified by the precise shape of their ligand-binding domain (see below) induced by ligand binding and by a number of coactivator and corepressor proteins, the presence of which can stimulate or inhibit receptor function, respectively.[7]
Endogenous ligands for the PPARs include free fatty acids and eicosanoids. PPARγ is activated by PGJ2 (a prostaglandin). In contrast, PPARα is activated by leukotriene B4.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
PPAR -alpha and -gamma pathways.
In the field of molecular biology, the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are a group of nuclear receptor proteins that function as transcription factors regulating the expression of genes.[1] PPARs play essential roles in the regulation of cellular differentiation, development, and metabolism (carbohydrate, lipid, and protein) of higher organisms.[2][3]
Nomenclature and tissue distribution
Three types of PPARs have been identified: alpha, gamma, and delta (beta):[2]
α (alpha) - expressed in liver, kidney, heart, muscle, adipose tissue, and others
β/δ (beta/delta) - expressed in many tissues but markedly in brain, adipose tissue, and skin
γ (gamma) - although transcribed by the same gene, this PPAR through alternative splicing is expressed in three forms:
γ1 - expressed in virtually all tissues, including heart, muscle, colon, kidney, pancreas, and spleen
γ2 - expressed mainly in adipose tissue (30 amino acids longer)
γ3 - expressed in macrophages, large intestine, white adipose tissue.
PPARs were originally identified in Xenopus frogs as receptors that induce the proliferation of peroxisomes in cells.[4] The first PPAR (PPARα) was discovered during the search of a molecular target for a group of agents then referred to as peroxisome proliferators, as they increased peroxisomal numbers in rodent liver tissue, apart from improving insulin sensitivity.[5] These agents, pharmacologically related to the fibrates were discovered in the early 1980s. When it turned out that PPARs played a much more versatile role in biology, the agents were in turn termed PPAR ligands. The best-known PPAR ligands are the thiazolidinediones; see below for more details.
After PPARδ (delta) was identified in humans in 1992,[6] it turned out to be closely-related to the PPARβ (beta) previously described during the same year in other animals (Xenopus). The name PPARδ is generally used in the US, whereas the use of the PPARβ denomination has remained in Europe where this receptor was initially discovered in Xenopus.
Physiological function
All PPARs heterodimerize with the retinoid X receptor (RXR) and bind to specific regions on the DNA of target genes. These DNA sequences are termed PPREs (peroxisome proliferator hormone response elements). The DNA consensus sequence is AGGTCAXAGGTCA, with X being a random nucleotide. In general, this sequence occurs in the promotor region of a gene, and, when the PPAR binds its ligand, transcription of target genes is increased or decreased, depending on the gene. The RXR also forms a heterodimer with a number of other receptors (e.g., vitamin D and thyroid hormone).
The function of PPARs is modified by the precise shape of their ligand-binding domain (see below) induced by ligand binding and by a number of coactivator and corepressor proteins, the presence of which can stimulate or inhibit receptor function, respectively.[7]
Endogenous ligands for the PPARs include free fatty acids and eicosanoids. PPARγ is activated by PGJ2 (a prostaglandin). In contrast, PPARα is activated by leukotriene B4.
The three main forms are transcribed from different genes:
PPARα - chromosome 22q12-13.1 (OMIM 170998)
PPARβ/δ - chromosome 6p21.2-21.1 (OMIM 600409)
PPARγ - chromosome 3p25 (OMIM 601487).
Hereditary disorders of all PPARs have been described, generally leading to a loss in function and concomitant lipodystrophy, insulin resistance, and/or acanthosis nigricans.[8] Of PPARγ, a gain-of-function mutation has been described and studied (Pro12Ala) which decreased the risk of insulin resistance; it is quite prevalent (allele frequency 0.03 - 0.12 in some populations).[9] In contrast, pro115gln is associated with obesity. Some other polymorphisms have high incidence in populations with elevated body mass indexes.
Like other nuclear receptors, PPARs are modular in structure and contain the following functional domains:
(A/B) N-terminal region
(C) DBD (DNA-binding domain)
(D) flexible hinge region
(E) LBD (ligand binding domain)
(F) C-terminal region
The DBD contains two zinc finger motifs, which bind to specific sequences of DNA known as hormone response elements when the receptor is activated. The LBD has an extensive secondary structure consisting of 13 alpha helices and a beta sheet.[10] Natural and synthetic ligands bind to the LBD, either activating or repressing the receptor.
Pharmacology and PPAR modulators
Main article: PPAR modulator
PPARα and PPARγ are the molecular targets of a number of marketed drugs, e.g. the fibrates. The synthetic chemical perfluorooctanoic acid activates PPARα while the synthetic perfluorononanoic acid activates both PPARα and PPARγ.
See also
Anti-diabetic drug
Diabetes mellitus
Insulin resistance
Metabolic syndrome
^ Michalik L, Auwerx J, Berger JP, Chatterjee VK, Glass CK, Gonzalez FJ, Grimaldi PA, Kadowaki T, Lazar MA, O'Rahilly S, Palmer CN, Plutzky J, Reddy JK, Spiegelman BM, Staels B, Wahli W (2006). "International Union of Pharmacology. LXI. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors". Pharmacol. Rev. 58 (4): 726–41. doi:10.1124/pr.58.4.5. PMID 17132851.
^ a b Berger J, Moller DE (2002). "The mechanisms of action of PPARs". Annu. Rev. Med. 53: 409–35. doi:10.1146/annurev.med.53.082901.104018. PMID 11818483.
^ Feige JN, Gelman L, Michalik L, Desvergne B, Wahli W (2006). "From molecular action to physiological outputs: peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors are nuclear receptors at the crossroads of key cellular functions". Prog. Lipid Res. 45 (2): 120–59. doi:10.1016/j.plipres.2005.12.002. PMID 16476485.
^ Dreyer C, Krey G, Keller H, Givel F, Helftenbein G, Wahli W (1992). "Control of the peroxisomal beta-oxidation pathway by a novel family of nuclear hormone receptors". Cell 68 (5): 879–87. doi:10.1016/0092-8674(92)90031-7. PMID 1312391.
^ Issemann I, Green S (1990). "Activation of a member of the steroid hormone receptor superfamily by peroxisome proliferators". Nature 347 (6294): 645–50. doi:10.1038/347645a0. PMID 2129546.
^ Schmidt A, Endo N, Rutledge SJ, Vogel R, Shinar D, Rodan GA (1992). "Identification of a new member of the steroid hormone receptor superfamily that is activated by a peroxisome proliferator and fatty acids". Mol. Endocrinol. 6 (10): 1634–41. doi:10.1210/me.6.10.1634. PMID 1333051.
^ Yu S, Reddy JK (2007). "Transcription coactivators for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors". Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1771 (8): 936–51. doi:10.1016/j.bbalip.2007.01.008. PMID 17306620.
^ Meirhaeghe A, Amouyel P (2004). "Impact of genetic variation of PPARgamma in humans". Mol. Genet. Metab. 83 (1-2): 93–102. doi:10.1016/j.ymgme.2004.08.014. PMID 15464424.
^ Buzzetti R, Petrone A, Ribaudo MC, Alemanno I, Zavarella S, Mein CA, Maiani F, Tiberti C, Baroni MG, Vecci E, Arca M, Leonetti F, Di Mario U (2004). "The common PPAR-gamma2 Pro12Ala variant is associated with greater insulin sensitivity". Eur. J. Hum. Genet. 12 (12): 1050–4. doi:10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201283. PMID 15367918.
^ Zoete V, Grosdidier A, Michielin O (2007). "Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor structures: ligand specificity, molecular switch and interactions with regulators". Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1771 (8): 915–25. doi:10.1016/j.bbalip.2007.01.007. PMID 17317294.
Rat renal mesangial cells express high levels of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) in response to inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin 1 (IL-1 ). We tested whether ligands of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR ) could influence the cytokine-induced expression of MMP-9.
Different PPAR agonists dose-dependently inhibited the IL-1 -triggered increase in gelatinolytic activity mainly by decreasing the MMP-9 steady-state mRNA levels.
PPAR agonists on their own had no effects on MMP-9 mRNA levels and gelatinolytic activity.
Surprisingly, the reduction of MMP-9 mRNA levels by PPAR activators contrasted with an amplification of cytokine-mediated MMP-9 gene promoter activity and mRNA expression. The potentiation of MMP-9 promoter activity functionally depends on an upstream peroxisome proliferator-responsive element-like binding site, which displayed an increased DNA binding of a PPAR immunopositive complex. In contrast, the IL-1 -induced DNA-binding of nuclear factor B was significantly impaired by PPAR agonists. Most interestingly, in the presence of an inducible nitric-oxide synthase (iNOS) inhibitor, the PPAR -mediated suppression switched to a strong amplification of IL-1 -triggered MMP-9 mRNA expression. Concomitantly, activators of PPAR potentiated the cytokine-induced iNOS expression. Using actinomycin D, we found that NO, but not PPAR activators, strongly reduced the stability of MMP-9 mRNA. In contrast, the stability of MMP-9 protein was not affected by PPAR activators. In summary, our data suggest that the inhibitory effects of PPAR agonists on cytokine-induced MMP-9 expression are indirect and primarily due to a superinduction of iNOS with high levels of NO reducing the half-life of MMP-9 mRNA.
All PPARs heterodimerize with the retinoid X receptor (RXR) and bind to specific regions on the DNA of target genes. These DNA sequences are termed PPREs (peroxisome proliferator hormone response elements). The DNA consensus sequence is AGGTCAXAGGTCA, with X being a random nucleotide. In general, this sequence occurs in the promotor region of a gene, and, when the PPAR binds its ligand, transcription of target genes is increased or decreased, depending on the gene. The RXR also forms a heterodimer with a number of other receptors (e.g., vitamin D and thyroid hormone).
The function of PPARs is modified by the precise shape of their ligand-binding domain (see below) induced by ligand binding and by a number of coactivator and corepressor proteins, the presence of which can stimulate or inhibit receptor function, respectively.[7]
Endogenous ligands for the PPARs include free fatty acids and eicosanoids. PPARγ is activated by PGJ2 (a prostaglandin). In contrast, PPARα is activated by leukotriene B4.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
PPAR -alpha and -gamma pathways.
In the field of molecular biology, the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are a group of nuclear receptor proteins that function as transcription factors regulating the expression of genes.[1] PPARs play essential roles in the regulation of cellular differentiation, development, and metabolism (carbohydrate, lipid, and protein) of higher organisms.[2][3]
Nomenclature and tissue distribution
Three types of PPARs have been identified: alpha, gamma, and delta (beta):[2]
α (alpha) - expressed in liver, kidney, heart, muscle, adipose tissue, and others
β/δ (beta/delta) - expressed in many tissues but markedly in brain, adipose tissue, and skin
γ (gamma) - although transcribed by the same gene, this PPAR through alternative splicing is expressed in three forms:
γ1 - expressed in virtually all tissues, including heart, muscle, colon, kidney, pancreas, and spleen
γ2 - expressed mainly in adipose tissue (30 amino acids longer)
γ3 - expressed in macrophages, large intestine, white adipose tissue.
PPARs were originally identified in Xenopus frogs as receptors that induce the proliferation of peroxisomes in cells.[4] The first PPAR (PPARα) was discovered during the search of a molecular target for a group of agents then referred to as peroxisome proliferators, as they increased peroxisomal numbers in rodent liver tissue, apart from improving insulin sensitivity.[5] These agents, pharmacologically related to the fibrates were discovered in the early 1980s. When it turned out that PPARs played a much more versatile role in biology, the agents were in turn termed PPAR ligands. The best-known PPAR ligands are the thiazolidinediones; see below for more details.
After PPARδ (delta) was identified in humans in 1992,[6] it turned out to be closely-related to the PPARβ (beta) previously described during the same year in other animals (Xenopus). The name PPARδ is generally used in the US, whereas the use of the PPARβ denomination has remained in Europe where this receptor was initially discovered in Xenopus.
Physiological function
All PPARs heterodimerize with the retinoid X receptor (RXR) and bind to specific regions on the DNA of target genes. These DNA sequences are termed PPREs (peroxisome proliferator hormone response elements). The DNA consensus sequence is AGGTCAXAGGTCA, with X being a random nucleotide. In general, this sequence occurs in the promotor region of a gene, and, when the PPAR binds its ligand, transcription of target genes is increased or decreased, depending on the gene. The RXR also forms a heterodimer with a number of other receptors (e.g., vitamin D and thyroid hormone).
The function of PPARs is modified by the precise shape of their ligand-binding domain (see below) induced by ligand binding and by a number of coactivator and corepressor proteins, the presence of which can stimulate or inhibit receptor function, respectively.[7]
Endogenous ligands for the PPARs include free fatty acids and eicosanoids. PPARγ is activated by PGJ2 (a prostaglandin). In contrast, PPARα is activated by leukotriene B4.
The three main forms are transcribed from different genes:
PPARα - chromosome 22q12-13.1 (OMIM 170998)
PPARβ/δ - chromosome 6p21.2-21.1 (OMIM 600409)
PPARγ - chromosome 3p25 (OMIM 601487).
Hereditary disorders of all PPARs have been described, generally leading to a loss in function and concomitant lipodystrophy, insulin resistance, and/or acanthosis nigricans.[8] Of PPARγ, a gain-of-function mutation has been described and studied (Pro12Ala) which decreased the risk of insulin resistance; it is quite prevalent (allele frequency 0.03 - 0.12 in some populations).[9] In contrast, pro115gln is associated with obesity. Some other polymorphisms have high incidence in populations with elevated body mass indexes.
Like other nuclear receptors, PPARs are modular in structure and contain the following functional domains:
(A/B) N-terminal region
(C) DBD (DNA-binding domain)
(D) flexible hinge region
(E) LBD (ligand binding domain)
(F) C-terminal region
The DBD contains two zinc finger motifs, which bind to specific sequences of DNA known as hormone response elements when the receptor is activated. The LBD has an extensive secondary structure consisting of 13 alpha helices and a beta sheet.[10] Natural and synthetic ligands bind to the LBD, either activating or repressing the receptor.
Pharmacology and PPAR modulators
Main article: PPAR modulator
PPARα and PPARγ are the molecular targets of a number of marketed drugs, e.g. the fibrates. The synthetic chemical perfluorooctanoic acid activates PPARα while the synthetic perfluorononanoic acid activates both PPARα and PPARγ.
See also
Anti-diabetic drug
Diabetes mellitus
Insulin resistance
Metabolic syndrome
^ Michalik L, Auwerx J, Berger JP, Chatterjee VK, Glass CK, Gonzalez FJ, Grimaldi PA, Kadowaki T, Lazar MA, O'Rahilly S, Palmer CN, Plutzky J, Reddy JK, Spiegelman BM, Staels B, Wahli W (2006). "International Union of Pharmacology. LXI. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors". Pharmacol. Rev. 58 (4): 726–41. doi:10.1124/pr.58.4.5. PMID 17132851.
^ a b Berger J, Moller DE (2002). "The mechanisms of action of PPARs". Annu. Rev. Med. 53: 409–35. doi:10.1146/annurev.med.53.082901.104018. PMID 11818483.
^ Feige JN, Gelman L, Michalik L, Desvergne B, Wahli W (2006). "From molecular action to physiological outputs: peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors are nuclear receptors at the crossroads of key cellular functions". Prog. Lipid Res. 45 (2): 120–59. doi:10.1016/j.plipres.2005.12.002. PMID 16476485.
^ Dreyer C, Krey G, Keller H, Givel F, Helftenbein G, Wahli W (1992). "Control of the peroxisomal beta-oxidation pathway by a novel family of nuclear hormone receptors". Cell 68 (5): 879–87. doi:10.1016/0092-8674(92)90031-7. PMID 1312391.
^ Issemann I, Green S (1990). "Activation of a member of the steroid hormone receptor superfamily by peroxisome proliferators". Nature 347 (6294): 645–50. doi:10.1038/347645a0. PMID 2129546.
^ Schmidt A, Endo N, Rutledge SJ, Vogel R, Shinar D, Rodan GA (1992). "Identification of a new member of the steroid hormone receptor superfamily that is activated by a peroxisome proliferator and fatty acids". Mol. Endocrinol. 6 (10): 1634–41. doi:10.1210/me.6.10.1634. PMID 1333051.
^ Yu S, Reddy JK (2007). "Transcription coactivators for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors". Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1771 (8): 936–51. doi:10.1016/j.bbalip.2007.01.008. PMID 17306620.
^ Meirhaeghe A, Amouyel P (2004). "Impact of genetic variation of PPARgamma in humans". Mol. Genet. Metab. 83 (1-2): 93–102. doi:10.1016/j.ymgme.2004.08.014. PMID 15464424.
^ Buzzetti R, Petrone A, Ribaudo MC, Alemanno I, Zavarella S, Mein CA, Maiani F, Tiberti C, Baroni MG, Vecci E, Arca M, Leonetti F, Di Mario U (2004). "The common PPAR-gamma2 Pro12Ala variant is associated with greater insulin sensitivity". Eur. J. Hum. Genet. 12 (12): 1050–4. doi:10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201283. PMID 15367918.
^ Zoete V, Grosdidier A, Michielin O (2007). "Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor structures: ligand specificity, molecular switch and interactions with regulators". Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1771 (8): 915–25. doi:10.1016/j.bbalip.2007.01.007. PMID 17317294.
Rat renal mesangial cells express high levels of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) in response to inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin 1 (IL-1 ). We tested whether ligands of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR ) could influence the cytokine-induced expression of MMP-9.
Different PPAR agonists dose-dependently inhibited the IL-1 -triggered increase in gelatinolytic activity mainly by decreasing the MMP-9 steady-state mRNA levels.
PPAR agonists on their own had no effects on MMP-9 mRNA levels and gelatinolytic activity.
Surprisingly, the reduction of MMP-9 mRNA levels by PPAR activators contrasted with an amplification of cytokine-mediated MMP-9 gene promoter activity and mRNA expression. The potentiation of MMP-9 promoter activity functionally depends on an upstream peroxisome proliferator-responsive element-like binding site, which displayed an increased DNA binding of a PPAR immunopositive complex. In contrast, the IL-1 -induced DNA-binding of nuclear factor B was significantly impaired by PPAR agonists. Most interestingly, in the presence of an inducible nitric-oxide synthase (iNOS) inhibitor, the PPAR -mediated suppression switched to a strong amplification of IL-1 -triggered MMP-9 mRNA expression. Concomitantly, activators of PPAR potentiated the cytokine-induced iNOS expression. Using actinomycin D, we found that NO, but not PPAR activators, strongly reduced the stability of MMP-9 mRNA. In contrast, the stability of MMP-9 protein was not affected by PPAR activators. In summary, our data suggest that the inhibitory effects of PPAR agonists on cytokine-induced MMP-9 expression are indirect and primarily due to a superinduction of iNOS with high levels of NO reducing the half-life of MMP-9 mRNA.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
So how do you deal with the drum major INSTINCT?
MLK on Jesus as an alternative to the drum major instinct premise:
"And he transformed the situation by giving a new definition of greatness. And you know how he said it? He said, "Now brethren, I can't give you greatness. And really, I can't make you first." This is what Jesus said to James and John. "You must earn it. True greatness comes not by favoritism, but by fitness. And the right hand and the left are not mine to give, they belong to those who are prepared." (Amen) And so Jesus gave us a new norm of greatness. If you want to be important—wonderful. If you want to be recognized—wonderful. If you want to be great—wonderful. But recognize that he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. (Amen) That's a new definition of greatness.
MLK on Jesus as an alternative to the drum major instinct premise:
"And he transformed the situation by giving a new definition of greatness. And you know how he said it? He said, "Now brethren, I can't give you greatness. And really, I can't make you first." This is what Jesus said to James and John. "You must earn it. True greatness comes not by favoritism, but by fitness. And the right hand and the left are not mine to give, they belong to those who are prepared." (Amen) And so Jesus gave us a new norm of greatness. If you want to be important—wonderful. If you want to be recognized—wonderful. If you want to be great—wonderful. But recognize that he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. (Amen) That's a new definition of greatness.
MMp-9, HuR, NO (Nitrous Oxide)
It appears that Nitrous Oxide may have a tumor fighting effect.
According to some old data that I pulled up in another article, the introduction of Nitrous Oxide had an anti-tumor effect. What this means is that arginine biochemistry as well as anything that increases local Nitrous Oxide would diminish the tumor by increasing the decay of MMP-9 messenger RNA which causes a loss of integrity at basal membranes and causes cancer to spread. In other words it could be that a class of cancer fighting drugs may be on the order of Viagra.
In the normal state of MMP -9 physiology in Mesangial Cells
Besides the proinflammatory cytokines, Mesangial Cells are able to respond to a variety of other biological mediators including eicosanoids, growth factors, reactive oxygen species, NO, and to extracellular nucleotides such as ATP and UTP
Previously, we have demonstrated an additional mode of posttranscriptional regulation of MMP-9, which involves the reduction of cytokine-induced MMP-9 via reduction of mRNA stability exerted by exogenous and endogenouly produced NO (6).
ref 6 eberhardt w et all j biol chem vol 277 pg. 33518
According to some old data that I pulled up in another article, the introduction of Nitrous Oxide had an anti-tumor effect. What this means is that arginine biochemistry as well as anything that increases local Nitrous Oxide would diminish the tumor by increasing the decay of MMP-9 messenger RNA which causes a loss of integrity at basal membranes and causes cancer to spread. In other words it could be that a class of cancer fighting drugs may be on the order of Viagra.
In the normal state of MMP -9 physiology in Mesangial Cells
Besides the proinflammatory cytokines, Mesangial Cells are able to respond to a variety of other biological mediators including eicosanoids, growth factors, reactive oxygen species, NO, and to extracellular nucleotides such as ATP and UTP
Previously, we have demonstrated an additional mode of posttranscriptional regulation of MMP-9, which involves the reduction of cytokine-induced MMP-9 via reduction of mRNA stability exerted by exogenous and endogenouly produced NO (6).
ref 6 eberhardt w et all j biol chem vol 277 pg. 33518
Friday, January 16, 2009
So your kid wants a job....
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
False Accusation, motivation by church and state
This content was directly out of Wikepedia 1-13-09
Captain Alfred Dreyfus, a graduate of both École polytechnique and the École Supérieure de Guerre, was a promising young artillery officer. His high exit rankings from these elite institutions had led to a training position on the French Army's General Staff in January 1893. Alfred Dreyfus's family background was solidly upper middle class and rested on a successful family-owned textile manufacture in Mulhouse, a city in Alsace that is close to the German and Swiss borders. After the French defeat in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871 and the annexation of Alsace by the German Empire, part of the Dreyfus family had chosen to retain its French nationality and moved permanently to Paris. Its younger members, including 12-year-old Alfred Dreyfus jr. and his brother Mathieu Dreyfus, grew up there.
Accusations and arrest
In October 1894, shortly after he had begun his training assignment in the "3ème Bureau" of the General Staff, Captain Dreyfus was arrested and charged with passing military secrets to the German embassy in Paris.
In December 1894, a military tribunal convicted Dreyfus of treason and sentenced him to life imprisonment in solitary confinement on Devil's Island, a prison island off the coast of French Guiana.
Captain Dreyfus's conviction was based on a handwritten list (the bordereau) offering Germans access to secret French weaponry. Marie Bastian (née Caudron), a French cleaning woman and spy in the employ of French military counter-intelligence (the so-called "Section de Statistique" led by a Lt Col Sandherr), retrieved the bordereau list from the wastepaper basket of the German military attaché in Paris, Maximilian Von Schwartzkoppen.
The "bordereau" list appeared to implicate an artillery officer since it proposed access to technical information concerning a French artillery weapon, the Modèle 1890 120mm Baquet howitzer. Dreyfus came under suspicion because of his artillery training, his Alsatian origins, his yearly trips to his then-German home town of Mülhausen (now the French town of Mulhouse in Alsace) to visit his ailing father, and because he was a Jew (a negative connotation for the anti-semitic Sandherr and some high-level officers at the "4ème Bureau" of the General Staff). Above all, the handwriting on the bordereau appeared to resemble that of Dreyfus.
By the time the High Command realized it could not find substantial evidence against Dreyfus (apart from the "bordereau", which forensic experts could not agree was in Dreyfus's handwriting), it had become impossible to withdraw the prosecution without a scandal that would bring down the highest levels of the French Army.[3] The obstinacy of the Army's General Staff in pressing unfounded charges against Captain Dreyfus precipitated criminal activities by French military counter-intelligence officers. Officers fabricated false documents designed to incriminate Dreyfus.
The protracted cover-up of illegal activities by highly placed members of the Army's General Staff became the heart of the Dreyfus Affair. While anti-Semitic overtones contributed, Dreyfus, although generally praised by his superiors, was not popular with some colleagues because of his aloof personality and comparatively wealthy background. His father had died in 1893 and had left him a small fortune. Captain Dreyfus's personal income, in addition to that of his wife, exceeded that of a general officer in the French Army (Doise, 1994).
Judicial errors and obstruction of justice
The subsequent court-martial was notable for its numerous errors of procedure. The defense was not made aware of a secret dossier that the prosecution had provided to the military judges (Bredin, 1986). Withholding this dossier from the defense was illegal under French law. The French military historian Jean Doise, a retired officer in the French Army's General Staff, has published evidence (Doise, 1994) that led him to propose the conclusion that Dreyfus may have been used, at least initially, as a decoy by French military counter-intelligence (the "Section de Statistique" led by Lt Colonel Sandherr). According to Doise,[3] the intense prosecution of Alfred Dreyfus may have been initially designed to mislead German espionage into believing that it had stumbled onto highly sensitive artillery information.
Lt Col Georges Picquart demonstrated as early as 1896, that the partially destroyed bordereau used to incriminate Alfred Dreyfus in reality had been handwritten and delivered to the German Embassy by a French infantry officer of Hungarian descent, Major Ferdinand Walsin Esterhazy. Written above the list on the bordereau was a promise to deliver to the German Military Attaché technical information concerning the oleo-pneumatic recoil mechanism of a newly developed French howitzer, the 120mm Baquet. Presumably, Esterhazy either hoped to extract money from the German Attaché or had, as proposed by Jean Doise (1984), planted a deception into German hands to throw them off the Canon de 75 modèle 1897 field gun project. The new French 75 prototype and its advanced oleo-pneumatic recoil mechanism were secretly in concurrent development, while the 120mm Baquet had been earmarked for discontinuation.
If Esterhazy was a double-agent, it would explain why he, although unmistakably identified by Lt Col Picquart as the author of the "bordereau", was acquitted by French military Justice in January 1898 and allowed to retire in England with a pension. Moreover, lieutenant Walsin-Esterhazy served in 1881 and 1882 as a German translator on the staff of the "Section de Statistique", at the same time and in the same office as Major Joseph Hubert Henry, the officer later to be caught forging evidence against Dreyfus. These career overlaps are well documented and took place during the early part of Esterhazy's career, long before the Dreyfus Affair.[4] This underlines that the two officers worked in the same French military counter-espionage group twelve years before the Dreyfus Affair and knew each other well.
The theory that Esterhazy wasn't a man who sold military secrets to the Germans to cover debts and who sought revenge against France for denying him promotions and appointments is problematic. If Esterhazy was a double-agent working for Sandherr at the time that the bordereau was written, Sandherr's reaction to its discovery appears illogical. Esterhazy's sheltering from being convicted in January 1898 was likely not to protect a double agent, but rather to justify the original sentencing pronounced against Dreyfus in December 1894.
Revelations by professional French Army historians further confirm conclusions of Lt Col Georges Picquart in 1896, that the criminal machinations devised by Lt Col Sandherr and his group (notably Major Hubert-Joseph Henry, Captain Lauth, and archivist Gribelin) at the "Section de Statistique". Because counter-intelligence officers were loosely supervised and distinct from the regular military intelligence section (the 2ème bureau ) at the French War Ministry, they were able to forge evidence against Dreyfus (the "faux Henry") and pervert the course of justice.[5] This occurred because Lt Col Sandherr reported directly and secretly to the office of the politically appointed War Minister, General Auguste Mercier, who occupied this key position until 1896. General Auguste Mercier was responsible for initiating the events and pressing the subsequent cover-up of the miscarriage of justice.[6] It is speculated but unprovable that General Deloye, who directed French Artillery and supervised the French 75's secret development, initiated the conspiracy.[7]
Dreyfus cashiered in a public ceremony.
In 1894, Alfred Dreyfus was tried on charges of espionage and found guilty. He was sentenced to life in prison on Devil's Island in French Guiana where he was to endure debilitating solitary confinement in a small hut for nearly five years. Before his deportation to Guiana, he underwent a formal degradation ceremony in the École Militaire in Paris where he was publicly cashiered: his rank marks and buttons were ripped off his uniform and his sabre was broken.[8]
In June 1899, the case was reopened following the uncovering of exonerating evidence and denial of due process during the initial court-martial. France's Court of Cassation quashed his conviction and ordered a new court-martial. Despite the new evidence presented at his second military trial, Dreyfus was re-convicted in September 1899 and sentenced to 10 years in prison. He was subsequently pardoned by President Émile Loubet and freed, but would not be formally exonerated until 12 July 1906, when the Court of Cassation annulled his second conviction.
In July 1906, Dreyfus was formally reinstated as a major in the army and made a Knight of the Légion d'Honneur. He retired in July 1907 until he was recalled to active duty in August 1914, at the age of 55.
During World War I, Dreyfus served behind the lines of the Western Front as a Lieutenant-Colonel of Artillery, and performed front line duties in 1917, notably at Verdun and on the Chemin des Dames.
In July 1919, Alfred Dreyfus was raised to the rank of Officer of the Légion d'Honneur. This elevation constituted official recognition that he served his country in time of war with distinction and well beyond the normal retirement age. However, his personal life and that of his family, not to speak of his military career, had been deeply damaged by the baseless accusations made against him since 1894.
Captain Alfred Dreyfus, a graduate of both École polytechnique and the École Supérieure de Guerre, was a promising young artillery officer. His high exit rankings from these elite institutions had led to a training position on the French Army's General Staff in January 1893. Alfred Dreyfus's family background was solidly upper middle class and rested on a successful family-owned textile manufacture in Mulhouse, a city in Alsace that is close to the German and Swiss borders. After the French defeat in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871 and the annexation of Alsace by the German Empire, part of the Dreyfus family had chosen to retain its French nationality and moved permanently to Paris. Its younger members, including 12-year-old Alfred Dreyfus jr. and his brother Mathieu Dreyfus, grew up there.
Accusations and arrest
In October 1894, shortly after he had begun his training assignment in the "3ème Bureau" of the General Staff, Captain Dreyfus was arrested and charged with passing military secrets to the German embassy in Paris.
In December 1894, a military tribunal convicted Dreyfus of treason and sentenced him to life imprisonment in solitary confinement on Devil's Island, a prison island off the coast of French Guiana.
Captain Dreyfus's conviction was based on a handwritten list (the bordereau) offering Germans access to secret French weaponry. Marie Bastian (née Caudron), a French cleaning woman and spy in the employ of French military counter-intelligence (the so-called "Section de Statistique" led by a Lt Col Sandherr), retrieved the bordereau list from the wastepaper basket of the German military attaché in Paris, Maximilian Von Schwartzkoppen.
The "bordereau" list appeared to implicate an artillery officer since it proposed access to technical information concerning a French artillery weapon, the Modèle 1890 120mm Baquet howitzer. Dreyfus came under suspicion because of his artillery training, his Alsatian origins, his yearly trips to his then-German home town of Mülhausen (now the French town of Mulhouse in Alsace) to visit his ailing father, and because he was a Jew (a negative connotation for the anti-semitic Sandherr and some high-level officers at the "4ème Bureau" of the General Staff). Above all, the handwriting on the bordereau appeared to resemble that of Dreyfus.
By the time the High Command realized it could not find substantial evidence against Dreyfus (apart from the "bordereau", which forensic experts could not agree was in Dreyfus's handwriting), it had become impossible to withdraw the prosecution without a scandal that would bring down the highest levels of the French Army.[3] The obstinacy of the Army's General Staff in pressing unfounded charges against Captain Dreyfus precipitated criminal activities by French military counter-intelligence officers. Officers fabricated false documents designed to incriminate Dreyfus.
The protracted cover-up of illegal activities by highly placed members of the Army's General Staff became the heart of the Dreyfus Affair. While anti-Semitic overtones contributed, Dreyfus, although generally praised by his superiors, was not popular with some colleagues because of his aloof personality and comparatively wealthy background. His father had died in 1893 and had left him a small fortune. Captain Dreyfus's personal income, in addition to that of his wife, exceeded that of a general officer in the French Army (Doise, 1994).
Judicial errors and obstruction of justice
The subsequent court-martial was notable for its numerous errors of procedure. The defense was not made aware of a secret dossier that the prosecution had provided to the military judges (Bredin, 1986). Withholding this dossier from the defense was illegal under French law. The French military historian Jean Doise, a retired officer in the French Army's General Staff, has published evidence (Doise, 1994) that led him to propose the conclusion that Dreyfus may have been used, at least initially, as a decoy by French military counter-intelligence (the "Section de Statistique" led by Lt Colonel Sandherr). According to Doise,[3] the intense prosecution of Alfred Dreyfus may have been initially designed to mislead German espionage into believing that it had stumbled onto highly sensitive artillery information.
Lt Col Georges Picquart demonstrated as early as 1896, that the partially destroyed bordereau used to incriminate Alfred Dreyfus in reality had been handwritten and delivered to the German Embassy by a French infantry officer of Hungarian descent, Major Ferdinand Walsin Esterhazy. Written above the list on the bordereau was a promise to deliver to the German Military Attaché technical information concerning the oleo-pneumatic recoil mechanism of a newly developed French howitzer, the 120mm Baquet. Presumably, Esterhazy either hoped to extract money from the German Attaché or had, as proposed by Jean Doise (1984), planted a deception into German hands to throw them off the Canon de 75 modèle 1897 field gun project. The new French 75 prototype and its advanced oleo-pneumatic recoil mechanism were secretly in concurrent development, while the 120mm Baquet had been earmarked for discontinuation.
If Esterhazy was a double-agent, it would explain why he, although unmistakably identified by Lt Col Picquart as the author of the "bordereau", was acquitted by French military Justice in January 1898 and allowed to retire in England with a pension. Moreover, lieutenant Walsin-Esterhazy served in 1881 and 1882 as a German translator on the staff of the "Section de Statistique", at the same time and in the same office as Major Joseph Hubert Henry, the officer later to be caught forging evidence against Dreyfus. These career overlaps are well documented and took place during the early part of Esterhazy's career, long before the Dreyfus Affair.[4] This underlines that the two officers worked in the same French military counter-espionage group twelve years before the Dreyfus Affair and knew each other well.
The theory that Esterhazy wasn't a man who sold military secrets to the Germans to cover debts and who sought revenge against France for denying him promotions and appointments is problematic. If Esterhazy was a double-agent working for Sandherr at the time that the bordereau was written, Sandherr's reaction to its discovery appears illogical. Esterhazy's sheltering from being convicted in January 1898 was likely not to protect a double agent, but rather to justify the original sentencing pronounced against Dreyfus in December 1894.
Revelations by professional French Army historians further confirm conclusions of Lt Col Georges Picquart in 1896, that the criminal machinations devised by Lt Col Sandherr and his group (notably Major Hubert-Joseph Henry, Captain Lauth, and archivist Gribelin) at the "Section de Statistique". Because counter-intelligence officers were loosely supervised and distinct from the regular military intelligence section (the 2ème bureau ) at the French War Ministry, they were able to forge evidence against Dreyfus (the "faux Henry") and pervert the course of justice.[5] This occurred because Lt Col Sandherr reported directly and secretly to the office of the politically appointed War Minister, General Auguste Mercier, who occupied this key position until 1896. General Auguste Mercier was responsible for initiating the events and pressing the subsequent cover-up of the miscarriage of justice.[6] It is speculated but unprovable that General Deloye, who directed French Artillery and supervised the French 75's secret development, initiated the conspiracy.[7]
Dreyfus cashiered in a public ceremony.
In 1894, Alfred Dreyfus was tried on charges of espionage and found guilty. He was sentenced to life in prison on Devil's Island in French Guiana where he was to endure debilitating solitary confinement in a small hut for nearly five years. Before his deportation to Guiana, he underwent a formal degradation ceremony in the École Militaire in Paris where he was publicly cashiered: his rank marks and buttons were ripped off his uniform and his sabre was broken.[8]
In June 1899, the case was reopened following the uncovering of exonerating evidence and denial of due process during the initial court-martial. France's Court of Cassation quashed his conviction and ordered a new court-martial. Despite the new evidence presented at his second military trial, Dreyfus was re-convicted in September 1899 and sentenced to 10 years in prison. He was subsequently pardoned by President Émile Loubet and freed, but would not be formally exonerated until 12 July 1906, when the Court of Cassation annulled his second conviction.
In July 1906, Dreyfus was formally reinstated as a major in the army and made a Knight of the Légion d'Honneur. He retired in July 1907 until he was recalled to active duty in August 1914, at the age of 55.
During World War I, Dreyfus served behind the lines of the Western Front as a Lieutenant-Colonel of Artillery, and performed front line duties in 1917, notably at Verdun and on the Chemin des Dames.
In July 1919, Alfred Dreyfus was raised to the rank of Officer of the Légion d'Honneur. This elevation constituted official recognition that he served his country in time of war with distinction and well beyond the normal retirement age. However, his personal life and that of his family, not to speak of his military career, had been deeply damaged by the baseless accusations made against him since 1894.
Monday, January 12, 2009
KPFT.org, Music Music Music and Medical Informatics
1.What are MMPs?
( formerly collagenases , have Zinc inside, Involved in atherosclerotic process, MS, Renal Disease. Turned on by TNF, IL1 and maintained by HuR. Turned off by TGF –beta, all of which are cytokines All this came from AMIE)
2.What is AMIE
(AN Invented software called Advanced Medical Informatics )
This allowed the development of the Cytokine Cycle and a way to prove its
existence from existing Index Medicus Data
3.How long have you been working on this cytokine cycle?
(since 1972 doing first
experiments with Peter and Professor Noteboom at the University of Missouri on RBCs receptors and Methadone, then with Professor Hirschburg at St. Louis University School of Medicine working on Gycoproteins and as their contribution to Cell Receptors.. I have had friends and patients die of MS and I was taught by any means necessary ( El Haj Malik). Nevertheless , I got distracted in Houston. Divorce/picking wrong mates, and people to assciate with. Not to say I am better. Due to identifying myself as hyperactive and trying to self treat it with Drugs and Alcohol . In ostracizing myself from my enemy ( no money) , the invention of AMIE has gained new life
Thank God for my sponsors including federal supervisors for the Federal Government. I took steps to stop and this is what got me back seriously on track. This is my story I am sticking to it but this is not about me. It is about an explanation of disease including psychiatric FROM ITS INFLAMMATORY PERSPECTIVE) IT IS POSSIBLE TO EXPLAIN EVIL AS AN ALLERGIC CONSEQUENCE OF SOMETHING INGESTED. I will be working with Dr. Sunshine on this as well as fasting as treatment in the future if God says the same
4. Discuss the Cytokine cycle and Th1 Th2 system as it articulates with MMP
(No different than Glycolytic, TCA, UREA cycles and respiratory chain There is a TH1,TH2 split so to speak It appears that unchecked TH1 cytokines called inflammatory IL1, TNF IL6 become unchecked and stimulate mRna of MMPs. IL1 recruits a stabilizing factor named HuR)
5. Why are MMPs important?
(PROTEAN MANIFESTATIONS- Nerve sheath ingestion of fast nerve axons-MS, Cancer Spread/basement membrane, atherosclerosis remodeling, arthritis, stokes, coagulation disorders, PEs)
6. Where do they work? Are there Good ones/bad ones?
(extracelular space, between cells on proteins to break them down. Yes as in the case of MMP 3,9 being involved in remodeling of atherosclerotic plaque)
7. What is the take home message?
An ounce of prevention
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If you can not beat em do not lick em or you may catch something or get your a-- beat.
( formerly collagenases , have Zinc inside
2.What is AMIE
(AN Invented software called Advanced Medical Informatics )
This allowed the development of the Cytokine Cycle and a way to prove its
existence from existing Index Medicus Data
3.How long have you been working on this cytokine cycle?
(since 1972 doing first
experiments with Peter and Professor Noteboom at the University of Missouri on RBCs receptors and Methadone, then with Professor Hirschburg at St. Louis University School of Medicine working on Gycoproteins and as their contribution to Cell Receptors.. I have had friends and patients die of MS and I was taught by any means necessary ( El Haj Malik). Nevertheless , I got distracted in Houston. Divorce/picking wrong mates, and people to assciate with. Not to say I am better. Due to identifying myself as hyperactive and trying to self treat it with Drugs and Alcohol . In ostracizing myself from my enemy ( no money) , the invention of AMIE has gained new life
Thank God for my sponsors including federal supervisors for the Federal Government. I took steps to stop and this is what got me back seriously on track. This is my story I am sticking to it but this is not about me. It is about an explanation of disease including psychiatric FROM ITS INFLAMMATORY PERSPECTIVE) IT IS POSSIBLE TO EXPLAIN EVIL AS AN ALLERGIC CONSEQUENCE OF SOMETHING INGESTED. I will be working with Dr. Sunshine on this as well as fasting as treatment in the future if God says the same
4. Discuss the Cytokine cycle and Th1 Th2 system as it articulates with MMP
(No different than Glycolytic, TCA, UREA cycles and respiratory chain There is a TH1,TH2 split so to speak It appears that unchecked TH1 cytokines called inflammatory IL1, TNF IL6 become unchecked and stimulate mRna of MMPs. IL1 recruits a stabilizing factor named HuR)
5. Why are MMPs important?
(PROTEAN MANIFESTATIONS- Nerve sheath ingestion of fast nerve axons-MS, Cancer Spread/basement membrane, atherosclerosis remodeling, arthritis, stokes, coagulation disorders, PEs)
6. Where do they work? Are there Good ones/bad ones?
(extracelular space, between cells on proteins to break them down. Yes as in the case of MMP 3,9 being involved in remodeling of atherosclerotic plaque)
7. What is the take home message?
An ounce of prevention
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If you can not beat em do not lick em or you may catch something or get your a-- beat.
Friday, January 9, 2009
KPFT, Freddie Hubbard
I sure am glad of putting the late Freddie Hubbard on top of the Play list. He will remain on the top of the
Playlist. I did not put him in the program on 1-12-09
12:00 noon
Playlist. I did not put him in the program on 1-12-09
12:00 noon
http://www.kpft.org/ - online*
MONDAY January 12-09
12:00 noon 90.1 on FM
* a Pacifica outlet
Featured Artists
My good friend Cecil Mayfield's late father
2. Terrance Toney- formerly of the Art Blakey Band
3. Bob Wills -Texas Playboys. Arnett Cobb set in
4. Bonnie Lambourne ON ORIGINAL PROSE
5. Robert Glasper- Pianist Supreme graduate of HSPVA in one of EXPLETIVE DELETED's Bands , along with Houston's own Johnny Torres
6 Pan Pipes- Local Houston Church featured
7. Sevda - Relatives in Houston
8. Bessie Smith- No known Texas connection, appreciated by Norma Zenteno
9. Charlie Hayden Brought By Ms. Sarah Rothenberg to Jones Hall with Da Camera SERIES
10. Bamboleneo-Cuban group featured AL Paglioso, Doing one of Norma Zenteno's favorites
11. Buddy Defranco- with Houston native band members
Become a member for pennies a day
MONDAY January 12-09
12:00 noon 90.1 on FM
* a Pacifica outlet
Featured Artists
My good friend Cecil Mayfield's late father
2. Terrance Toney- formerly of the Art Blakey Band
3. Bob Wills -Texas Playboys. Arnett Cobb set in
4. Bonnie Lambourne ON ORIGINAL PROSE
5. Robert Glasper- Pianist Supreme graduate of HSPVA in one of EXPLETIVE DELETED's Bands , along with Houston's own Johnny Torres
6 Pan Pipes- Local Houston Church featured
7. Sevda - Relatives in Houston
8. Bessie Smith- No known Texas connection, appreciated by Norma Zenteno
9. Charlie Hayden Brought By Ms. Sarah Rothenberg to Jones Hall with Da Camera SERIES
10. Bamboleneo-Cuban group featured AL Paglioso, Doing one of Norma Zenteno's favorites
11. Buddy Defranco- with Houston native band members
Become a member for pennies a day
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Should raise stock of Both companies
Deals are a dime a dozen in the new media world, but every now and then, one comes along that seems to provide a window on the future. Today’s announcement that Microsoft will team up with Netflix to allow subscribers to stream 10,000 movies and TV shows via their Xbox consoles for viewing on monitors may be one of those.
“This generation of consoles will change the face of home entertainment more than any other generation before,” John Schappert, corporate vice president of Microsoft’s interactive entertainment division, told the Associated Press. That may be nothing more than typical press-release hyperbole, but there are other aspects of this partnership that intrigue me.
One is how Netflix is preparing for the eventual transition of its innovative “DVD-by-mail” rental business into a video-downloading subscription model. We are living through a period of hyper-change, where what was really a game-changer (the original Netflix model) just a few years ago can already envision a declining market just a few cycles out.
By teaming up, Microsoft and Netflix are essentially taking on Apple, which developed its own downloading service for movies and TV programs last year. The Xbox 360’s high graphics quality, which gamers say provides a more immersive gaming experience, will easily prove to be a much better better movie-viewing platform than computer screens.
Who knows which partnerships will finally claim the all-purpose home-entertainment hub sweepstakes that enthusiasts have been predicting for a decade or more. This one probably has as good a chance as any.
Compliments of BNET
“This generation of consoles will change the face of home entertainment more than any other generation before,” John Schappert, corporate vice president of Microsoft’s interactive entertainment division, told the Associated Press. That may be nothing more than typical press-release hyperbole, but there are other aspects of this partnership that intrigue me.
One is how Netflix is preparing for the eventual transition of its innovative “DVD-by-mail” rental business into a video-downloading subscription model. We are living through a period of hyper-change, where what was really a game-changer (the original Netflix model) just a few years ago can already envision a declining market just a few cycles out.
By teaming up, Microsoft and Netflix are essentially taking on Apple, which developed its own downloading service for movies and TV programs last year. The Xbox 360’s high graphics quality, which gamers say provides a more immersive gaming experience, will easily prove to be a much better better movie-viewing platform than computer screens.
Who knows which partnerships will finally claim the all-purpose home-entertainment hub sweepstakes that enthusiasts have been predicting for a decade or more. This one probably has as good a chance as any.
Compliments of BNET
Monday, January 5, 2009
Not Bigger in Houston Texas.... THIS TIME!
There is so much disparity in Health Care Delivery to the poor. Yet we attack the individual doctors with the media and federal prosecution and persecutiion for providing health care to the poor. Where is the watchdog over overcharging the payor, by ANY TAX-EXEMPT ORGANIZATION.
Now look at the statistics for the uninsured Black man's health care hospitalization days in the Med Center (total/3) (Numerator) divided by by the average (total/3) percentage difference (in % 15 max in denominator) in health care benefits difference paid between hospitals Methodist, St. Lukes and MD Anderson. The lower this coeficient is the higher is the (GC) see AMIE abbreviations for translation. This number probably is greater in Houston
meaning that Houston is more humanitarian to its uninsured black men. I am merely speculating!
Let us look at the article.
Part One: A healthcare system badly out of balance
Procedures such as angioplasty cost far more at elite medical centers such as Brigham and Women’s Hospital than they do at community hospitals. In general, a handful of hospitals — including Brigham, Massachusetts General and Children’s Hospital — are paid 15-60 percent more than their competitors. Individual procedures can cost two to three times as much at the favored hospitals.
The disparities reflect a healthcare system in which “deregulation and lax government oversight have allowed hospitals with the most clout to extract big increases from insurers while everyone else falls behind.”
Family health-insurance premiums in Massachusetts have risen 78 percent since 2000. Charles Baker, president of the state’s second-largest insurer — Harvard Pilgrim Health Care — says a significant part of the increase reflects the fact that powerful hospitals have extracted higher payments from insurers.
Most Massachusetts hospitals are nonprofits, yet the higher payments allow the elite institutions to snare patients and physicians from their rivals. “They are using that not-for-profit status to make a profit and to build more capacity for things we don’t need,” says John Chessare, former acting CEO of Caritas Christi, the state’s second-largest hospital chain.
Inflation of insurance payments to doctors and hospitals directly affects insurance premiums.
Children’s Hospital struck the highest reimbursement rates in the state, and consistently reports profits three times the median for Massachusetts hospitals. Insurers have little choice because they believe people won’t accept insurance that doesn’t cover such a prominent pediatric hospital.
Partners HealthCare, formed by a 1994 merger that brought together Brigham and Mass. General, has played the reimbursement game aggressively. When Tufts Health Plan rejected a proposed reimbursement increase, Partners announced it would no longer accept Tufts insurance. Thousands of Tufts members threatened cancellation, and the health plan backed down.
The Globe estimates that Partners and its doctors receive $800 million more every year than they would were they paid at rates similar to competitors. As a result, Partners recently launched a five-year, $4 billion expansion program.
These inequities even work in reverse. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center is paid 15-20 less than Partners hospitals, but its overall mortality rate was lower in 2005.
The dominance of Partners and Children’s hospital parallels a national trend toward hospital consolidation and the closure of unprofitable facilities.
Outcomes data suggests that routine care at Partners hospitals is in general merely good — and sometimes inferior to that at community medical centers and other hospitals.
Part Two: Fueled by profits, a healthcare giant takes aim at suburbs
Since Partners’ creation in 1993 — yes, the Globe gives two different years for the founding — it has expanded rapidly into the Boston suburbs in what the paper calls “an unapologetic battle for suburban market share.”
Partly as a result, community hospitals are suffering. Twenty have closed during the 1990s, and two dozen more are currently losing money. In addition to the competitive threat, hospitals are seeing their own physicians leave to set up outpatient facilities that offer highly lucrative services such as radiology.
Partners’ own revenue from outpatient facilities more than quadrupled to $1.7 billion from 1997 to 2007. The company now receives nearly one in every five dollars spent on such care.
Community hospitals owned by Partners are already charging higher rates to insurers. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts pays three suburban Partners hospitals an average of 14 percent more than it does other facilities.
Partners CEO Jack Connors, a former advertising executive, says the complaints about his company amount to little more than jealousy. He disparages Paul Levy, CEO of Beth Israel, and Harvard Pilgrim’s Charles Baker by name, saying of Levy, “There are not enough crying towels to keep this guy in service.”
In one case study, the Globe looks at the impending rivalry between local Beverly Hospital in Danvers and a new Partners facility currently under construction nearby. The twist: Beverly used to be part of the Partners network, until the company kicked its doctors out in early 2007. Since then, the two sides have waged a fierce advertising and medical-arms race.
Massachusetts officials recently adopted new rules intended to prevent the construction of duplicative medical facilities. But critics of Partners say the rules are too late, and will mostly prevent its rivals from expanding to fight back.
Part Three: A handshake that made healthcare history
In May 2000, Partners CEO Samuel Thier and Blue Cross CEO William van Faasen shook hands and agreed to what the Globe calls the biggest insurance-payment increase in at least seven years. In return, Partners agreed that it would push for the same increase from Blue Cross’ competitors, pushing up health-insurance costs across the state.
According to the Globe, that deal had never been made public, apparently at least partly because Partners’ lawyers were concerned about the legality of striking a market-setting agreement.
By 2001, Partners had won similarly large increases from Tufts and Harvard Pilgrim, two other major insurers in the state. At the time, Thier said he wanted to “reset the prices” that insurers paid hospitals. During the 1990s, many hospitals complained that insurance companies underpaid them.
The situation is ironic because executives justified the merger that formed Partners by saying it would save money — as much as $240 million a year. In fact, Partners now says the merger saved only a total of $200 million to $250 million over five years.
Partners’ two main hospitals continue to compete with each other and to offer duplicate services. Brigham, for instance, recently added a pancreatic transplant program, even though a competing service at Mass. General does only one to two such transplants a year. Brigham said it would perform ten such transplants in 2007, but did only two.
Legal scholars suggest that the Thier-van Faasen agreement could raise antitrust issues. Others disagree, noting that proving the verbal arrangement violated the law would be very difficult.
Now look at the statistics for the uninsured Black man's health care hospitalization days in the Med Center (total/3) (Numerator) divided by by the average (total/3) percentage difference (in % 15 max in denominator) in health care benefits difference paid between hospitals Methodist, St. Lukes and MD Anderson. The lower this coeficient is the higher is the (GC) see AMIE abbreviations for translation. This number probably is greater in Houston
meaning that Houston is more humanitarian to its uninsured black men. I am merely speculating!
Let us look at the article.
Part One: A healthcare system badly out of balance
Procedures such as angioplasty cost far more at elite medical centers such as Brigham and Women’s Hospital than they do at community hospitals. In general, a handful of hospitals — including Brigham, Massachusetts General and Children’s Hospital — are paid 15-60 percent more than their competitors. Individual procedures can cost two to three times as much at the favored hospitals.
The disparities reflect a healthcare system in which “deregulation and lax government oversight have allowed hospitals with the most clout to extract big increases from insurers while everyone else falls behind.”
Family health-insurance premiums in Massachusetts have risen 78 percent since 2000. Charles Baker, president of the state’s second-largest insurer — Harvard Pilgrim Health Care — says a significant part of the increase reflects the fact that powerful hospitals have extracted higher payments from insurers.
Most Massachusetts hospitals are nonprofits, yet the higher payments allow the elite institutions to snare patients and physicians from their rivals. “They are using that not-for-profit status to make a profit and to build more capacity for things we don’t need,” says John Chessare, former acting CEO of Caritas Christi, the state’s second-largest hospital chain.
Inflation of insurance payments to doctors and hospitals directly affects insurance premiums.
Children’s Hospital struck the highest reimbursement rates in the state, and consistently reports profits three times the median for Massachusetts hospitals. Insurers have little choice because they believe people won’t accept insurance that doesn’t cover such a prominent pediatric hospital.
Partners HealthCare, formed by a 1994 merger that brought together Brigham and Mass. General, has played the reimbursement game aggressively. When Tufts Health Plan rejected a proposed reimbursement increase, Partners announced it would no longer accept Tufts insurance. Thousands of Tufts members threatened cancellation, and the health plan backed down.
The Globe estimates that Partners and its doctors receive $800 million more every year than they would were they paid at rates similar to competitors. As a result, Partners recently launched a five-year, $4 billion expansion program.
These inequities even work in reverse. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center is paid 15-20 less than Partners hospitals, but its overall mortality rate was lower in 2005.
The dominance of Partners and Children’s hospital parallels a national trend toward hospital consolidation and the closure of unprofitable facilities.
Outcomes data suggests that routine care at Partners hospitals is in general merely good — and sometimes inferior to that at community medical centers and other hospitals.
Part Two: Fueled by profits, a healthcare giant takes aim at suburbs
Since Partners’ creation in 1993 — yes, the Globe gives two different years for the founding — it has expanded rapidly into the Boston suburbs in what the paper calls “an unapologetic battle for suburban market share.”
Partly as a result, community hospitals are suffering. Twenty have closed during the 1990s, and two dozen more are currently losing money. In addition to the competitive threat, hospitals are seeing their own physicians leave to set up outpatient facilities that offer highly lucrative services such as radiology.
Partners’ own revenue from outpatient facilities more than quadrupled to $1.7 billion from 1997 to 2007. The company now receives nearly one in every five dollars spent on such care.
Community hospitals owned by Partners are already charging higher rates to insurers. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts pays three suburban Partners hospitals an average of 14 percent more than it does other facilities.
Partners CEO Jack Connors, a former advertising executive, says the complaints about his company amount to little more than jealousy. He disparages Paul Levy, CEO of Beth Israel, and Harvard Pilgrim’s Charles Baker by name, saying of Levy, “There are not enough crying towels to keep this guy in service.”
In one case study, the Globe looks at the impending rivalry between local Beverly Hospital in Danvers and a new Partners facility currently under construction nearby. The twist: Beverly used to be part of the Partners network, until the company kicked its doctors out in early 2007. Since then, the two sides have waged a fierce advertising and medical-arms race.
Massachusetts officials recently adopted new rules intended to prevent the construction of duplicative medical facilities. But critics of Partners say the rules are too late, and will mostly prevent its rivals from expanding to fight back.
Part Three: A handshake that made healthcare history
In May 2000, Partners CEO Samuel Thier and Blue Cross CEO William van Faasen shook hands and agreed to what the Globe calls the biggest insurance-payment increase in at least seven years. In return, Partners agreed that it would push for the same increase from Blue Cross’ competitors, pushing up health-insurance costs across the state.
According to the Globe, that deal had never been made public, apparently at least partly because Partners’ lawyers were concerned about the legality of striking a market-setting agreement.
By 2001, Partners had won similarly large increases from Tufts and Harvard Pilgrim, two other major insurers in the state. At the time, Thier said he wanted to “reset the prices” that insurers paid hospitals. During the 1990s, many hospitals complained that insurance companies underpaid them.
The situation is ironic because executives justified the merger that formed Partners by saying it would save money — as much as $240 million a year. In fact, Partners now says the merger saved only a total of $200 million to $250 million over five years.
Partners’ two main hospitals continue to compete with each other and to offer duplicate services. Brigham, for instance, recently added a pancreatic transplant program, even though a competing service at Mass. General does only one to two such transplants a year. Brigham said it would perform ten such transplants in 2007, but did only two.
Legal scholars suggest that the Thier-van Faasen agreement could raise antitrust issues. Others disagree, noting that proving the verbal arrangement violated the law would be very difficult.
Thank You to the Directors of Lakewood Music
Thank you goes out to the vocalists and arrangers and players who participate in allowing participation in this activity of actualizing/ showing of our sense of worthiness towards our Creator and Savour in WORSHIP
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Hank Jones

from Wikepedia
Henry "Hank" Jones (born July 31, 1918) is an American jazz pianist, bandleader, and composer. Critics and musicians have described Jones as eloquent, lyrical, and impeccable.[1]
In 1989, The National Endowment for the Arts honored Hank Jones with its highest honor in jazz, the NEA Jazz Masters Award.[2] He was also honored in 2003 with the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) Jazz Living Legend Award.[3] In 2008, he was awarded the National Medal of Arts.
Hank Jones has recorded over sixty albums under his own name, and countless others as a guest.[4]
Born in Vicksburg, Mississippi, Henry "Hank" Jones moved to Pontiac, Michigan, where his father, a Baptist deacon and lumber inspector, bought a three-story brick home. One of seven children, Jones was raised in a musical family. His mother sang; his two older sisters studied piano; and his two younger brothers—Thad, a trumpeter, and Elvin, a drummer—also became world famous jazz musicians.[5] He studied piano at an early age and came under the influence of Earl Hines, Fats Waller, Teddy Wilson and Art Tatum. By the age of 13 Jones was performing locally in Michigan and Ohio. While playing with territory bands in Grand Rapids and Lansing in 1944 he met Lucky Thompson, who invited Jones to work in New York City at the Onyx Club with Hot Lips Page.[6]
In 1989, The National Endowment for the Arts honored Hank Jones with its highest honor in jazz, the NEA Jazz Masters Award.[2] He was also honored in 2003 with the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) Jazz Living Legend Award.[3] In 2008, he was awarded the National Medal of Arts.
Hank Jones has recorded over sixty albums under his own name, and countless others as a guest.[4]
Born in Vicksburg, Mississippi, Henry "Hank" Jones moved to Pontiac, Michigan, where his father, a Baptist deacon and lumber inspector, bought a three-story brick home. One of seven children, Jones was raised in a musical family. His mother sang; his two older sisters studied piano; and his two younger brothers—Thad, a trumpeter, and Elvin, a drummer—also became world famous jazz musicians.[5] He studied piano at an early age and came under the influence of Earl Hines, Fats Waller, Teddy Wilson and Art Tatum. By the age of 13 Jones was performing locally in Michigan and Ohio. While playing with territory bands in Grand Rapids and Lansing in 1944 he met Lucky Thompson, who invited Jones to work in New York City at the Onyx Club with Hot Lips Page.[6]
In New York, Jones regularly listened to leading bop musicians, and was inspired to master the new style. While practicing and studying the music he worked with John Kirby, Howard McGhee, Coleman Hawkins, Andy Kirk, and Billy Eckstine. In autumn 1947 he began touring in Norman Granz's Jazz at the Philharmonic package, and from 1948 to 1953 he was accompanist for Ella Fitzgerald, and accompanying her in England in the Fall of 1948,[7] developed a harmonic facility of extraordinary taste and sophistication. During this period he also made several historically important recordings with Charlie Parker, which included "The Song Is You", from the Now's the Time album, recorded December 1952, with Teddy Kotick on bass and Max Roach on drums.
Engagements with Artie Shaw and Benny Goodman followed, and recordings with such artists as Lester Young, Cannonball Adderley and Wes Montgomery, as well as being for a time, 'house pianist' on the Savoy label. From 1959 through 1975 Jones was staff pianist for CBS studios.[8] This included backing such guests as Frank Sinatra on The Ed Sullivan Show.[9] With his rare combination of talents as a strong soloist, sensitive accompanist, and adept sight-reader, Jones has always been in great demand for recording sessions of all kinds, and may be heard on thousands of albums. By the late 1970s his involvement as pianist and conductor with the Broadway musical Ain't Misbehavin' (based on the music of Fats Waller) had informed a wider audience of his unique qualities as a musician.
During the late 1970s and the 1980s Jones continued to record prolifically, as an unaccompanied soloist, in duos with other pianists (including John Lewis and Tommy Flanagan), and with various small ensembles, most notably the Great Jazz Trio. The group took this name in 1976, by which time Jones had already begun working at the Village Vanguard with its original members, Ron Carter and Tony Williams (it was Buster Williams rather than Carter, however, who took part in the trio's first recording session in 1976); by 1980 Jones' sidemen were Eddie Gomez and Al Foster, and in 1982 Jimmy Cobb replaced Foster. The trio has also recorded with other all-star personnel, such as Art Farmer, Benny Golson, and Nancy Wilson. In the early 1980s Jones held a residency as a solo pianist at the Cafe Ziegfeld and made a tour of Japan, where he performed and recorded with George Duvivier and Sonny Stitt. Jones' versatility has been more in evidence with the passage of time. He collaborated on recordings of Afro-pop with an ensemble from Mali and on an album of spirituals, hymns and folksongs with Charlie Haden called Steal Away (1995).
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Some of his recent recordings are For My Father (2005) with bassist George Mraz and drummer Dennis Mackrel, a solo piano recording issued in Japan under the title Round Midnight (2006), and as a side man on Joe Lovano's Joyous Encounter (2005). Jones has recently made his debut on Lineage records, recording with Frank Wess and with guitar player Eddie Diehl, but also appears on West of 5th (2006) with Jimmy Cobb and Christian McBride on Chesky Records. He has also accompanied Diana Krall for "Dream a Little Dream of Me" on the album compilation, "We all Love Ella" (2007 Verve Music Group). He's one of the musicians who test and talk about the piano in the documentary Note by Note: The Making of Steinway L1037, released in November 2007.
Some of his recent recordings are For My Father (2005) with bassist George Mraz and drummer Dennis Mackrel, a solo piano recording issued in Japan under the title Round Midnight (2006), and as a side man on Joe Lovano's Joyous Encounter (2005). Jones has recently made his debut on Lineage records, recording with Frank Wess and with guitar player Eddie Diehl, but also appears on West of 5th (2006) with Jimmy Cobb and Christian McBride on Chesky Records. He has also accompanied Diana Krall for "Dream a Little Dream of Me" on the album compilation, "We all Love Ella" (2007 Verve Music Group). He's one of the musicians who test and talk about the piano in the documentary Note by Note: The Making of Steinway L1037, released in November 2007.
Early 2000 saw the Hank Jones Quartet accompanying jazz singer Salena Jones at the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival in Idaho, and in 2006 at the legendary Monterey Jazz Festival with both jazz singer Roberta Gambarini and the Oscar Peterson Trio.
Hank Jones lives in upstate New York.
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