Monday, December 22, 2008

A thank you, especially to my enemy.

Thank you for your patience. After all the lies , slander, kangaroo proceedings and my shortcomings covered by the blood of Jesus, I am convicted that God is sovereign. I would not have anything to offer you as a Christmas present, if it had not been for the difficulties in my life, certainly not have a desire to perfect the gifts given to me. It is through the the difficulties that the Lord God almighty has given me a blessed ministry of an evangelistic tool in Bibleboost, the cancer/lupus and other disease curing invention AMIE, and the blessed new friends and ministries that I have been exposed to. There is no way I would be steadfast in my dedication for the physical cure of diseases with AMIE , and the emotional/mental/Spiritual diS-Ease with Bibleboost, which will allow the possiblity for more people to seek then enter the Kingdom of God. I am steadfast in the focus to relate all physical disease to inflammation including strokes cancer and heart attacks, and all spiritual/emotional/ mental disease to the war mentioned in Galations 5:16-18, and Ephesians 6:12. Put on you whole armor now!
I am preparing for departure, to the mothership (as Bootsy calls it). I am preparing for the best also on this great terestrial ball. Again thank you! Remember there is about ready to be a new heaven and new earth as the heavens explode and the elements melt. Be ye holy for He is holy. Are you ready?

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