Sunday, December 28, 2008

A tell-tale sign.......
These are the factors in order, of HIV positive state and vaginal secretions
2. Prod / Activ Increased
3. Prod / Activ decreased
4. Jnl / Vol / Pg
5. Author / Yr
1.HIV + /vaginal /candidal /infection/menses
vaginal /IL-4/IL-10/RANTES
CAT.INIST/early pub./08 6.
5.AL-HARTHI Lena/KOVACS Andrea/COOMBS Robert W/REICHELDERFER Patricia S/WRIGHT David J./COHEN Mardge H./COHN Jonathan/CU-UVIN Susan/WATTS Heather/LEWIS Shirley/BECKNER Suzanne/LANDAY Alan/08
Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s)
(1) Department of Immunology/Microbiology at Rush-Presbyterian St Luke's Medical Center, Chicago, IL, ETATS-UNIS(2) LAC and USC Comprehensive Maternal-Child and Adolescent HIV Management and Research Center, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, ETATS-UNIS(3) Departments of Laboratory Medicine and Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, ETATS-UNIS(4) National Institute of Child Health and Development (NICHD), NIH, Bethesda, MD, ETATS-UNIS(5) Westat, Rockville, MA, ETATS-UNIS(6) Cook County Hospital, Chicago, IL, ETATS-UNIS(7) Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, ETATS-UNIS(8) Brown University, Providence, RI, ETATS-UNIS
Résumé / Abstract
Objectives: To evaluate the effect of the menstrual cycle in HIV-positive women on plasma and genital cytokine levels, interrelationships between vaginal and plasma cytokines, CD4 and CD8 T cell fluctuations, and genital and plasma viral loads. Methods: Plasma and cervicovaginal lavage specimens were collected from 55 HIV-positive women with CD4 cell counts <>
Friday, December 26, 2008
Kujichagulia (koo-gee-cha-goo-LEE-yah) Self-Determination requires that we define our common interests and make decisions that are in the best interest of our family and community.
Ujima (oo-GEE-mah) Collective Work and Responsibility reminds us of our obligation to the past, present and future, and that we have a role to play in the community, society, and world.
Ujamaa (oo-JAH-mah) Cooperative Economics emphasizes our collective economic strength and encourages us to meet common needs through mutual support.
Nia (NEE-yah) Purpose encourages us to look within ourselves and to set personal goals that are beneficial to the community.
Kuumba (koo-OOM-bah) Creativity makes use of our creative energies to build and maintain a strong and vibrant community.
Imani (ee-MAH-nee) Faith focuses on honoring the best of our traditions, draws upon the best in ourselves, and helps us strive for a higher level of life for humankind, by affirming our self-worth and confidence in our ability to succeed and triumph in righteous struggle.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
FDA Conspiracy
it appears that some of the "science" of cancer immunology was put on the back-burner to
favor the prioritization of cancer cures with anti-angiogenic and genomic centers of explanation. This was obviously a media-medical's corporate attempt to push "sold out research" on the ignorant of immunology medical and lay community. They really do this bad in Indonesia, with the fetus research. Its easy to throw money at what you want to hear-bad science by previously good scientists, when there is no way to immediately know that their data is erroneous.
Yet without starting with the normal cell and its Cytokine Cycle, similar to the established biochemical glycolytic/Krebs /respiratory/and Urea cycles, the eggheads will crack just that; nothing but their heads. Any research into anti-angiogenesis and genomic studies (already paid for with government money) are merely Ponzi and get rich schemes by non-MD researchers (or sold/ bouught-out researchers. I wonder what they are teaching at the local medical schools with respect to a Cytokine Cycle. We have it for all of the patients of the NORTH MEDICAL CENTER and all of those who ask.
I saw with my own eyes in the 90s and experienced the sold out FDA , pressure certain medical doctors who had the cures for brain cancer , with the Texas Board of Medical of Medical Examiners and the Justice Department standing by with more punishment. This did nothing but prevent the cures from coming to the diseases that their own mothers and fathers and cousins were dying from. Now its about a racket/ scheme to block the science already paid for by the US, from getting to the public and falsifying data to favor anti-angiogenic and human genomic based therapies which will be billed again to the US, and private insurance companies. Its an old game of overcapitalization, of a worthless company selling a worthless product. When they try to sell bad data as a good product it is fraud and extortion and limitation of trade.
A call to arms
represent people of color and those without with the gift of knowledge
I have been placed in this favored status due to the actions of my enemy in having me ostracised. I coud not let the world go, so I thank my enemy for forcing me to reconsider my favored status, inventions, talents ect given to share with the world.
Please note that we will have a cure to all the diseases within 3 years (2012) we know today by considering our Cascade of Inflammation invented in 1990, revealing the differences in TH1,Th2 physiology. That will be done with no help from anyone. My life will be dedicated to the cure of HIV,cancer, TB, autoimmune disease and metabolic disease which willall be explained by illucidating the differences aforementioned.
I am asking for any reference from anyone to prove and or disprove the central tenets that
all disease involves inflammatory consequence and sequelae (even Genetic). The tantamount espression of pathology within those inflammatory parameters involves granulomatous/IL10 pathophysiology.
My proposal has to do with IL10 receptor development that will soak up all IL10
produced by the tumor themselves. I do not know at this time the best way for it to be given. It must be given in conjunction with blockade at the genome level of IL10 production. In addition
IL10 receptor blockers must be given and precursors.
Thank you
Monday, December 22, 2008
Too much of a coincidence. Letter auctioned for over $60G.

My belief is that Einstein's understanding of German was good. In reading the first five verses of the Word of God, and the placing of time in the denominator of all of his equations, he could have borrowed from the Torah. This is what makes the infinity and relativity! Relative to time in the denominator in physics! But where did his theory of time come from? What antedated time in the mind if Einstein ? Muse/Moses as Spiritual prophet of God , in saying that God divided/separated darkness from light (not necessary for God but man) and called (nomenclature) light day and darkness night (again only necessary for man creating time) proves too much of a coincidence! When we consider the separation of the atom and the importance of time in his theory, it is too much of a coincidence ! I believe Einstein plagiarized, forgot or was pressured to say different , from the German Tora the theory of relativity.
Remember Relationship not religion yet good religion through Relationship
A thank you, especially to my enemy.
I am preparing for departure, to the mothership (as Bootsy calls it). I am preparing for the best also on this great terestrial ball. Again thank you! Remember there is about ready to be a new heaven and new earth as the heavens explode and the elements http://www.touchspin.com/chem/SWFs/pt2k61012.swf melt. Be ye holy for He is holy. Are you ready?
Saturday, December 20, 2008
War on Drugs = Class Genocide Against itsself consistent with the Willie Lynch letter
Unfortunately the religious leaders sit back and take the donations, then turn their back on the concubine mentioned in Judges 19. She is cut up and passed out as ” pieces” to the IRS, FBI, FDA and other federal agency tribal corporate leaders (thanks to Rev. Jeremiah Wright 12:30 sermon Wheeler Ave Baptist Church. Please e-mail for date of sermon).
I am one of those concubines, cut up like OSIRIS. Yet by the power of faith I am able to tell you this story in an upcoming musical/drama.comedy to star Beyonce Knowles “What’s Really Going On?”. (She does not even know about it yet unless she reads this post. ) I like her acting and singing (see the movie Cadillac Records)
Maybe if you see my true story of victory over the enemy you will know what could or is happening to you. Get cocaine out of our community and those who sell it. You are participating in genocide. All else can be treated including alcohol with 12 steps starting with the first.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Magna Carta: Initated by Church State Liasons. A withdrawl of the plea for control of Ireland and England
At the time of John’s reign there was still a great deal of controversy as to how the Archbishop of Canterbury was to be elected, although it had become traditional that the monarch would appoint a candidate with the approval of the monks of Canterbury.
But in the early 13th century, the bishops began to want a say. To retain control, the monks elected one of their numbers to the role. But John, incensed at his lack of involvement in the proceedings, sent John de Gray, the Bishop of Norwich, to Rome as his choice. Pope Innocent III declared both choices invalid and persuaded the monks to elect Stephen Langton. Nevertheless, John refused to accept this choice and exiled the monks from the realm. Infuriated, Innocent ordered an interdict (prevention of public worship — mass, marriages, the ringing of church bells, etc.) in England in 1208, excommunicated John in 1209, and encouraged Philip to invade England in 1212.
John finally backed down and agreed to endorse Langton and allow the exiles to return. To completely placate the pope, he gave England and Ireland as papal territories and rented them back as a fiefdom for 1,000 marks per annum. This surrender of autonomy to a foreign power further enraged the barons.
King John needed money for armies, but the loss of the French territories, especially Normandy, greatly reduced the state income, and a huge tax would have to be raised in order to attempt to reclaim these territories. Yet, it was difficult to raise taxes because of the tradition of keeping them at the same level.
John relied on clever manipulation of pre-existing rights, including those of forest law, a set of regulations about the king’s hunting preserves, which were easily broken and severely punished. John also increased the pre-existing scutage (feudal payment to an overlord replacing direct military service) eleven times in his seventeen years as king, as compared to eleven times in twice that period covering three monarchs before him. The last two of these increases were double the increase of their predecessors. He also imposed the first income tax, which raised what was, at the time, the extortionate sum of £70,000.
Never a revolution in England?
Clause 61 essentially neutered John's power as a monarch, making him King in name only. He renounced it as soon as the barons left London, plunging England into a civil war, called the First Barons' War. Pope Innocent III also annulled the "shameful and demeaning agreement, forced upon the King by violence and fear." He rejected any call for restraints on the King, saying it impaired John's dignity. He saw it as an affront to the Church's authority over the King and the 'papal territories' of England and Ireland, and he released John from his oath to obey it.John died during the war, from dysentery, on 18 October 1216, and this quickly changed the nature of the war. His nine-year-old son, Henry III, was next in line for the throne. The royalists believed the rebel barons would find the idea of loyalty to the child Henry more palatable, so the boy was swiftly crowned in late October 1216, and the war ended.
Christmas Present: Pathophysiology of TGF-beta /Explanation for Cancer and Autoimmune dis-Ease
Direct to tumor intraoperative therapies with intense allergenic stimuli (possibly sterilized RDs) associated with local corticosteroid therapy to the main tumor masses (liver/lung)
will lead to greater longevities and cures. This will reverse the nonfuctional tolerance associated with cancer metastasis. In addition intraoperative and impanted antineoplastins will lead to greater cures when followed up by better oral treatments. The availability of TNF-alpha free receptor will also ablate the general cathexis induced by TNF.
Stay tuned this data is hot off the press and I will follow for anyone especially the patients of North Medical Center the advancements that have been recognized by Advanced Medical Informatics Education. It will even be made available to Ray Taylor and all those who have played a part in shutting down the NORTH MEDICAL CENTER. by lying and not revealing evidence that would exonerate its doctor. I pray for them also.
Thank You Mr. Leinhard
by John H. Lienhard
Today, Constantine the African. The University of Houston's College of Engineering presents this series about the machines that make our civilization run, and the people whose ingenuity created them.
Salerno was a part of the Kingdom of Sicily, in AD 1060. It'd been under Moslem rule for over a century. That year, even before the Battle of Hastings, the Normans invaded Sicily and conquered it. Now Southern Italy, and especially Salerno, was a great cultural mixing bowl of Mediterranean civilizations. Salerno had already been, and it remained, better defined by its cosmopolitan intellectual energy, than by any ruling group.
Just after the Normans came, a Carthaginian merchant/scholar visited Salerno, Constantine the African, a Moslem fluent in Arabic as well as Greek and Latin. Constantine was a medical-book collector, and Salerno was the best-known European center of medical learning. Constantine saw that Salerno was far behind the Arabs.
So, when he was suspected of practicing magic and exiled from Carthage three years later, he loaded his library on a ship bound for Salerno. It included Arabic translations of lost Greek and Latin medical works -- Hippocrates, Galen, and others. It also included the more advanced treatises of later Arab doctors.
The voyage was marred by a storm that rose up and destroyed many of the books. But Constantine saved a great deal. Then he converted to Christianity and set up shop translating this literature into Latin in the Monastery at Monte Cassino (North of Salerno). Well, maybe translate is not quite the right word. Much of his writing consisted of new books based upon the old works, with ideas moved around and added to.
He's been called a plagiarist, yet what he was doing was no secret. He set out to create a medical literature adapted to bring the West up to speed. Another wrinkle in the plagiarism debate is that he was writing in a region recently retaken from the Moslems by Christians -- a region where it was politically unwise to rub his patron's noses in his Islamic sources.
And he succeeded: In the following century, Salerno became home of what we call the first medical university. And it all came to rest on a voluminous infusion of medical literature (whether translations or original writings) by Constantine the African.
By way of emphasizing the great openness of that intellectual era, another influential medical writer was born in Salerno just about the time Constantine died. This writer produced a body of work called The Trotula. To the best of our knowledge the writer was a woman named Trocta -- an important doctor and teacher whose works, like Constantine's were read and used for centuries.
People speak of a medieval renaissance in those years. It was a time of invention, freedom of ideas, and mental animation -- with cities like Paris and Salerno serving as its centerpieces. And, in the case of Salerno, a major part of its ascendancy was the arrival of an African scholar who looked at the place, and said to himself, these people are backward; something must be done about it.
I'm John Lienhard, at the University of Houston, where we're interested in the way inventive minds work.
(Theme music)
M. McVaugh, Constantine the African. C. C. Gillispie, ed., Dictionary of Scientific Biography, Vol. 3 (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1970): pp. 393-5.
A. S. Lyons and R. J. Petrucelli, Medicine: An Illustrated History. (New York: Abradale Press, 1978/1987) pg. 319.
M. Green, The Trotula: An English Translation of the Medieval Compendium of Women's Medicine. (State College, PA: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 2002).A portion of the map of southern Europe in AD 1097 as shown in the Hammond Historical Atlas of the World, MCMLXXVI. The term Carthage refers to the ancient city once located roughly where Tunis now sits, or the surrounding region which it controlled.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Cadillac Records
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I told you improvisation was a Higher Cortical Function
Learning Memory
(early release to select MD/ Scientists)
Mari Tervaniemi1,2,3,
Mika Rytkönen1,
Erich Schröger4,
Risto J. Ilmoniemi1,5, and
Risto Näätänen1,5
The human central auditory system has a remarkable ability to establish memory traces for invariant features in the acoustic environment despite continual acoustic variations in the sounds heard. By recording the memory-related mismatch negativity (MMN) component of the auditory electric and magnetic brain responses as well as behavioral performance, we investigated how subjects learn to discriminate changes in a melodic pattern presented at several frequency levels. In addition, we explored whether musical expertise facilitates this learning. Our data show that especially musicians who perform music primarily without a score learn easily to detect contour changes in a melodic pattern presented at variable frequency levels. After learning, their auditory cortex detects these changes even when their attention is directed away from the sounds. The present results thus show that, after perceptual learning during attentive listening has taken place, changes in a highly complex auditory pattern can be detected automatically by the human auditory cortex and, further, that this process is facilitated by musical expertise.
For correct interpretation of natural acoustic input such as speech and music, it is of critical importance that the central auditory system is able to extract invariant features from the continually varying sounds. Spoken, played, and sung phrases are recognized even though they are presented by a great variety of speakers, instruments, or singers in different acoustic environments. Moreover, even when no conscious attention is paid to the surrounding sounds, changes in their regularity can cause the listener to redirect his or her attention toward the sounds.
During the past two decades, event-related potential (ERP) recordings have brought new insight to the neuronal events behind auditory change detection in audition. Components P300, N400, and P600 (named after their negative/positive polarity at the vertex and peak latency after the sound onset) are elicited when the subject attends to the sounds. These components reflect the conscious detection of a physical, semantic, or syntactic deviation from the expected sound (for review, see Rugg and Coles 1995). However, in group-comparison designs, intrinsic group differences in motivational, attentional and/or vigilance factors might contaminate the ERP recordings.
In addition, ERP recordings allow one to probe the neural processes preceding the involvement of the attentional mechanisms. In such studies, the subject is asked to concentrate on a task unrelated to the sounds heard. These studies have revealed that automatically-formed cortical memory traces for the recent acoustic input represent basic sound features such as tone frequency and the formant structure of speech sounds (for reviews, see Näätänen 1992, 2001). In addition, ERPs have been recorded that reflect memory traces representing sounds composed of several simultaneous or successive tonal elements (Schröger et al. 1992; Alain et al. 1994; Alho et al. 1996).
The results described above were obtained with the mismatch negativity (MMN) paradigm, in which an infrequently presented sound (“deviant”) among the frequently occurring stimuli (“standard”) elicits the MMN. Its presence implies that the invariant parameters of the standard sound were encoded neurally and found to differ from the parameters of the deviant sound. The MMN can be recorded even when the subject is performing a task unrelated to the stimulation under interest, such as reading a book or playing a computer game. Thus, the MMN offers a direct measure of the similarity of neural codes for different sounds, without being affected by differences in, for instance, attentional or motivational involvement of the subject. However, several studies have indicated that the MMN parameters correlate closely with the subject's behaviorally determined perceptual accuracy. For instance, the MMN amplitude and latency reflect discrimination accuracy as determined by musicality tests;Tervaniemi et al. 1997) and by hit-rate or reaction-time measurements (e.g., Tiitinen et al. 1994; Kraus et al. 1996; Tremblay et al. 1998
However, not all subjects gained equally from the training during the experimental session. The present inter-individual differences in readiness to discriminate transposed melodies could be explained by differences in long-term musical expertise. While all Accurate subjects were professional musicians, the group of Inaccurate subjects had five musicians in addition to the seven nonmusicians. Thus, none of the non-musicians learned the discrimination task, whereas most of the musicians did.
It is noteworthy that the musicians belonging to the “Accurate” and “Inaccurate” groups differed remarkably from each other with regard to the type of their musical expertise. The musicians in the Inaccurate group had most of their training in classical music, in which the musical score is used regularly during learning and occasionally during public performance, as in orchestral and chamber music, for instance. In contrast, six out of the eight musicians in the Accurate group were engaged in a musical genre in which musical information is transferred from one musician to another by playing and singing (e.g., pop and jazz). Their performances often include improvisations. In other words, in their musical communication, they rely more on auditory information than visual (i.e., musical score). Thus, the subject's readiness to process attentively and pre-attentively highly complex musical information was not influenced merely by the presence or absence of expertise in music (musician vs. nonmusician), but also by the type of this expertise (Sloboda 1985;Deliege and Sloboda 1996).
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Murder and Prohibition
It has been a long, hot summer in Cincinnati, with the Ohio River city on a pace to equal or top the record-setting 86 murders committed in 2006. Local officials there are blaming drugs -- or the lack of them -- for the violence -- which is just a step away from acknowledging the role of drug prohibition in violent crime, but don't expect them to take that last step.
In the last week of September, there were five murders, increasing this year's toll to 58, three more than at the same time last year. It's because of a shortage of cocaine, said Cincinnati police.
"Our intelligence says there is quite a shortage of crack cocaine right now, and that has the buyers frantic to buy based on their addiction and the sellers know their livelihood is threatened based on supply and demand," said Lt. Col. James Whalen, Cincinnati's patrol bureau commander. "When you get involved with buying and selling drugs, unfortunately you run into violence," he told the Cincinati Enquirer.
Hamilton County Municipal Judge Melissa Powers said drugs are playing a part in the violence, but it has to do with competition rather than supply. "It's very difficult. Once you arrest one drug dealer, another one takes his place," she said. "I think that's what we're seeing now, the rooting out among drug dealers."
Cincinnati Mayor Mark Mallory and City Manager Milton Dohoney last week issued a joint statement calling for an end to prohibition-related violence, although they called it drug-related violence. "None of the shootings were random, which underscores the importance of staying out of illegal activities," the statement from Mallory and Dohoney said. "If you are involved in drug activity, whether as a buyer or a seller, you put yourself at a very high risk of becoming a victim of violence."
While Cincinnati's law enforcement and political establishment has clearly focused on a problem -- prohibition-related violence -- it has yet to properly identify it. By displacing that cause onto "drugs," the city will not solve its violence problem, but only exacerbate
Slow Learners
Comment posted by Anonymous on Fri, 10/10/2008 - 4:41pm
I seem to remember something like this during alcohol prohibition. When is the last time anyone was murdered because they wanted to eliminate an alcohol distributor to take over their business?
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
You figure it out
Expletive Deleted
Alonzo Peters MD (Doc Pete)
Terry Thomas , Doc Pete
pre-recorded Open Journal
BBC News Headlines
Live Play must have access to 2
Plugs for board. Poetry will pro
6: 00
Discuss Voyage/ Powerhouse/
Personnel/ Me /TERRY
12: 23
6: 00
Music/ Poetry/Improvisation
Music/ Poetry/Improvisation
12: 36
Live Play
READ from Robert Frost
12: 43
Live Discussion
Discussion/ chords/ splitting
OCTAVE/Prof/Music Scene/
Word of God vs World vs JAZZ
12: 46
Jazz Music Scene REVIEW
Live Play
Giant Steps/Read from Sit/
Stand by Watchman Nee
Transition to Laura
Thank you
pre-recorded Open Journal
Citizens League for Environmental Action Now
public service announcement or promo
Total 60:00
Monday, December 1, 2008
Go to world music. This is the state of the New Music World
See Facebook and My Space also
Check out the lunch time 12-1 for future listings