Sunday, December 28, 2008

A tell-tale sign.......
These are the factors in order, of HIV positive state and vaginal secretions
2. Prod / Activ Increased
3. Prod / Activ decreased
4. Jnl / Vol / Pg
5. Author / Yr
1.HIV + /vaginal /candidal /infection/menses
vaginal /IL-4/IL-10/RANTES
CAT.INIST/early pub./08 6.
5.AL-HARTHI Lena/KOVACS Andrea/COOMBS Robert W/REICHELDERFER Patricia S/WRIGHT David J./COHEN Mardge H./COHN Jonathan/CU-UVIN Susan/WATTS Heather/LEWIS Shirley/BECKNER Suzanne/LANDAY Alan/08
Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s)
(1) Department of Immunology/Microbiology at Rush-Presbyterian St Luke's Medical Center, Chicago, IL, ETATS-UNIS(2) LAC and USC Comprehensive Maternal-Child and Adolescent HIV Management and Research Center, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, ETATS-UNIS(3) Departments of Laboratory Medicine and Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, ETATS-UNIS(4) National Institute of Child Health and Development (NICHD), NIH, Bethesda, MD, ETATS-UNIS(5) Westat, Rockville, MA, ETATS-UNIS(6) Cook County Hospital, Chicago, IL, ETATS-UNIS(7) Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, ETATS-UNIS(8) Brown University, Providence, RI, ETATS-UNIS
Résumé / Abstract
Objectives: To evaluate the effect of the menstrual cycle in HIV-positive women on plasma and genital cytokine levels, interrelationships between vaginal and plasma cytokines, CD4 and CD8 T cell fluctuations, and genital and plasma viral loads. Methods: Plasma and cervicovaginal lavage specimens were collected from 55 HIV-positive women with CD4 cell counts <>
Friday, December 26, 2008
Kujichagulia (koo-gee-cha-goo-LEE-yah) Self-Determination requires that we define our common interests and make decisions that are in the best interest of our family and community.
Ujima (oo-GEE-mah) Collective Work and Responsibility reminds us of our obligation to the past, present and future, and that we have a role to play in the community, society, and world.
Ujamaa (oo-JAH-mah) Cooperative Economics emphasizes our collective economic strength and encourages us to meet common needs through mutual support.
Nia (NEE-yah) Purpose encourages us to look within ourselves and to set personal goals that are beneficial to the community.
Kuumba (koo-OOM-bah) Creativity makes use of our creative energies to build and maintain a strong and vibrant community.
Imani (ee-MAH-nee) Faith focuses on honoring the best of our traditions, draws upon the best in ourselves, and helps us strive for a higher level of life for humankind, by affirming our self-worth and confidence in our ability to succeed and triumph in righteous struggle.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
FDA Conspiracy
it appears that some of the "science" of cancer immunology was put on the back-burner to
favor the prioritization of cancer cures with anti-angiogenic and genomic centers of explanation. This was obviously a media-medical's corporate attempt to push "sold out research" on the ignorant of immunology medical and lay community. They really do this bad in Indonesia, with the fetus research. Its easy to throw money at what you want to hear-bad science by previously good scientists, when there is no way to immediately know that their data is erroneous.
Yet without starting with the normal cell and its Cytokine Cycle, similar to the established biochemical glycolytic/Krebs /respiratory/and Urea cycles, the eggheads will crack just that; nothing but their heads. Any research into anti-angiogenesis and genomic studies (already paid for with government money) are merely Ponzi and get rich schemes by non-MD researchers (or sold/ bouught-out researchers. I wonder what they are teaching at the local medical schools with respect to a Cytokine Cycle. We have it for all of the patients of the NORTH MEDICAL CENTER and all of those who ask.
I saw with my own eyes in the 90s and experienced the sold out FDA , pressure certain medical doctors who had the cures for brain cancer , with the Texas Board of Medical of Medical Examiners and the Justice Department standing by with more punishment. This did nothing but prevent the cures from coming to the diseases that their own mothers and fathers and cousins were dying from. Now its about a racket/ scheme to block the science already paid for by the US, from getting to the public and falsifying data to favor anti-angiogenic and human genomic based therapies which will be billed again to the US, and private insurance companies. Its an old game of overcapitalization, of a worthless company selling a worthless product. When they try to sell bad data as a good product it is fraud and extortion and limitation of trade.
A call to arms
represent people of color and those without with the gift of knowledge
I have been placed in this favored status due to the actions of my enemy in having me ostracised. I coud not let the world go, so I thank my enemy for forcing me to reconsider my favored status, inventions, talents ect given to share with the world.
Please note that we will have a cure to all the diseases within 3 years (2012) we know today by considering our Cascade of Inflammation invented in 1990, revealing the differences in TH1,Th2 physiology. That will be done with no help from anyone. My life will be dedicated to the cure of HIV,cancer, TB, autoimmune disease and metabolic disease which willall be explained by illucidating the differences aforementioned.
I am asking for any reference from anyone to prove and or disprove the central tenets that
all disease involves inflammatory consequence and sequelae (even Genetic). The tantamount espression of pathology within those inflammatory parameters involves granulomatous/IL10 pathophysiology.
My proposal has to do with IL10 receptor development that will soak up all IL10
produced by the tumor themselves. I do not know at this time the best way for it to be given. It must be given in conjunction with blockade at the genome level of IL10 production. In addition
IL10 receptor blockers must be given and precursors.
Thank you
Monday, December 22, 2008
Too much of a coincidence. Letter auctioned for over $60G.

My belief is that Einstein's understanding of German was good. In reading the first five verses of the Word of God, and the placing of time in the denominator of all of his equations, he could have borrowed from the Torah. This is what makes the infinity and relativity! Relative to time in the denominator in physics! But where did his theory of time come from? What antedated time in the mind if Einstein ? Muse/Moses as Spiritual prophet of God , in saying that God divided/separated darkness from light (not necessary for God but man) and called (nomenclature) light day and darkness night (again only necessary for man creating time) proves too much of a coincidence! When we consider the separation of the atom and the importance of time in his theory, it is too much of a coincidence ! I believe Einstein plagiarized, forgot or was pressured to say different , from the German Tora the theory of relativity.
Remember Relationship not religion yet good religion through Relationship
A thank you, especially to my enemy.
I am preparing for departure, to the mothership (as Bootsy calls it). I am preparing for the best also on this great terestrial ball. Again thank you! Remember there is about ready to be a new heaven and new earth as the heavens explode and the elements http://www.touchspin.com/chem/SWFs/pt2k61012.swf melt. Be ye holy for He is holy. Are you ready?
Saturday, December 20, 2008
War on Drugs = Class Genocide Against itsself consistent with the Willie Lynch letter
Unfortunately the religious leaders sit back and take the donations, then turn their back on the concubine mentioned in Judges 19. She is cut up and passed out as ” pieces” to the IRS, FBI, FDA and other federal agency tribal corporate leaders (thanks to Rev. Jeremiah Wright 12:30 sermon Wheeler Ave Baptist Church. Please e-mail for date of sermon).
I am one of those concubines, cut up like OSIRIS. Yet by the power of faith I am able to tell you this story in an upcoming musical/drama.comedy to star Beyonce Knowles “What’s Really Going On?”. (She does not even know about it yet unless she reads this post. ) I like her acting and singing (see the movie Cadillac Records)
Maybe if you see my true story of victory over the enemy you will know what could or is happening to you. Get cocaine out of our community and those who sell it. You are participating in genocide. All else can be treated including alcohol with 12 steps starting with the first.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Magna Carta: Initated by Church State Liasons. A withdrawl of the plea for control of Ireland and England
At the time of John’s reign there was still a great deal of controversy as to how the Archbishop of Canterbury was to be elected, although it had become traditional that the monarch would appoint a candidate with the approval of the monks of Canterbury.
But in the early 13th century, the bishops began to want a say. To retain control, the monks elected one of their numbers to the role. But John, incensed at his lack of involvement in the proceedings, sent John de Gray, the Bishop of Norwich, to Rome as his choice. Pope Innocent III declared both choices invalid and persuaded the monks to elect Stephen Langton. Nevertheless, John refused to accept this choice and exiled the monks from the realm. Infuriated, Innocent ordered an interdict (prevention of public worship — mass, marriages, the ringing of church bells, etc.) in England in 1208, excommunicated John in 1209, and encouraged Philip to invade England in 1212.
John finally backed down and agreed to endorse Langton and allow the exiles to return. To completely placate the pope, he gave England and Ireland as papal territories and rented them back as a fiefdom for 1,000 marks per annum. This surrender of autonomy to a foreign power further enraged the barons.
King John needed money for armies, but the loss of the French territories, especially Normandy, greatly reduced the state income, and a huge tax would have to be raised in order to attempt to reclaim these territories. Yet, it was difficult to raise taxes because of the tradition of keeping them at the same level.
John relied on clever manipulation of pre-existing rights, including those of forest law, a set of regulations about the king’s hunting preserves, which were easily broken and severely punished. John also increased the pre-existing scutage (feudal payment to an overlord replacing direct military service) eleven times in his seventeen years as king, as compared to eleven times in twice that period covering three monarchs before him. The last two of these increases were double the increase of their predecessors. He also imposed the first income tax, which raised what was, at the time, the extortionate sum of £70,000.
Never a revolution in England?
Clause 61 essentially neutered John's power as a monarch, making him King in name only. He renounced it as soon as the barons left London, plunging England into a civil war, called the First Barons' War. Pope Innocent III also annulled the "shameful and demeaning agreement, forced upon the King by violence and fear." He rejected any call for restraints on the King, saying it impaired John's dignity. He saw it as an affront to the Church's authority over the King and the 'papal territories' of England and Ireland, and he released John from his oath to obey it.John died during the war, from dysentery, on 18 October 1216, and this quickly changed the nature of the war. His nine-year-old son, Henry III, was next in line for the throne. The royalists believed the rebel barons would find the idea of loyalty to the child Henry more palatable, so the boy was swiftly crowned in late October 1216, and the war ended.
Christmas Present: Pathophysiology of TGF-beta /Explanation for Cancer and Autoimmune dis-Ease
Direct to tumor intraoperative therapies with intense allergenic stimuli (possibly sterilized RDs) associated with local corticosteroid therapy to the main tumor masses (liver/lung)
will lead to greater longevities and cures. This will reverse the nonfuctional tolerance associated with cancer metastasis. In addition intraoperative and impanted antineoplastins will lead to greater cures when followed up by better oral treatments. The availability of TNF-alpha free receptor will also ablate the general cathexis induced by TNF.
Stay tuned this data is hot off the press and I will follow for anyone especially the patients of North Medical Center the advancements that have been recognized by Advanced Medical Informatics Education. It will even be made available to Ray Taylor and all those who have played a part in shutting down the NORTH MEDICAL CENTER. by lying and not revealing evidence that would exonerate its doctor. I pray for them also.
Thank You Mr. Leinhard
by John H. Lienhard
Today, Constantine the African. The University of Houston's College of Engineering presents this series about the machines that make our civilization run, and the people whose ingenuity created them.
Salerno was a part of the Kingdom of Sicily, in AD 1060. It'd been under Moslem rule for over a century. That year, even before the Battle of Hastings, the Normans invaded Sicily and conquered it. Now Southern Italy, and especially Salerno, was a great cultural mixing bowl of Mediterranean civilizations. Salerno had already been, and it remained, better defined by its cosmopolitan intellectual energy, than by any ruling group.
Just after the Normans came, a Carthaginian merchant/scholar visited Salerno, Constantine the African, a Moslem fluent in Arabic as well as Greek and Latin. Constantine was a medical-book collector, and Salerno was the best-known European center of medical learning. Constantine saw that Salerno was far behind the Arabs.
So, when he was suspected of practicing magic and exiled from Carthage three years later, he loaded his library on a ship bound for Salerno. It included Arabic translations of lost Greek and Latin medical works -- Hippocrates, Galen, and others. It also included the more advanced treatises of later Arab doctors.
The voyage was marred by a storm that rose up and destroyed many of the books. But Constantine saved a great deal. Then he converted to Christianity and set up shop translating this literature into Latin in the Monastery at Monte Cassino (North of Salerno). Well, maybe translate is not quite the right word. Much of his writing consisted of new books based upon the old works, with ideas moved around and added to.
He's been called a plagiarist, yet what he was doing was no secret. He set out to create a medical literature adapted to bring the West up to speed. Another wrinkle in the plagiarism debate is that he was writing in a region recently retaken from the Moslems by Christians -- a region where it was politically unwise to rub his patron's noses in his Islamic sources.
And he succeeded: In the following century, Salerno became home of what we call the first medical university. And it all came to rest on a voluminous infusion of medical literature (whether translations or original writings) by Constantine the African.
By way of emphasizing the great openness of that intellectual era, another influential medical writer was born in Salerno just about the time Constantine died. This writer produced a body of work called The Trotula. To the best of our knowledge the writer was a woman named Trocta -- an important doctor and teacher whose works, like Constantine's were read and used for centuries.
People speak of a medieval renaissance in those years. It was a time of invention, freedom of ideas, and mental animation -- with cities like Paris and Salerno serving as its centerpieces. And, in the case of Salerno, a major part of its ascendancy was the arrival of an African scholar who looked at the place, and said to himself, these people are backward; something must be done about it.
I'm John Lienhard, at the University of Houston, where we're interested in the way inventive minds work.
(Theme music)
M. McVaugh, Constantine the African. C. C. Gillispie, ed., Dictionary of Scientific Biography, Vol. 3 (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1970): pp. 393-5.
A. S. Lyons and R. J. Petrucelli, Medicine: An Illustrated History. (New York: Abradale Press, 1978/1987) pg. 319.
M. Green, The Trotula: An English Translation of the Medieval Compendium of Women's Medicine. (State College, PA: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 2002).A portion of the map of southern Europe in AD 1097 as shown in the Hammond Historical Atlas of the World, MCMLXXVI. The term Carthage refers to the ancient city once located roughly where Tunis now sits, or the surrounding region which it controlled.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Cadillac Records
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I told you improvisation was a Higher Cortical Function
Learning Memory
(early release to select MD/ Scientists)
Mari Tervaniemi1,2,3,
Mika Rytkönen1,
Erich Schröger4,
Risto J. Ilmoniemi1,5, and
Risto Näätänen1,5
The human central auditory system has a remarkable ability to establish memory traces for invariant features in the acoustic environment despite continual acoustic variations in the sounds heard. By recording the memory-related mismatch negativity (MMN) component of the auditory electric and magnetic brain responses as well as behavioral performance, we investigated how subjects learn to discriminate changes in a melodic pattern presented at several frequency levels. In addition, we explored whether musical expertise facilitates this learning. Our data show that especially musicians who perform music primarily without a score learn easily to detect contour changes in a melodic pattern presented at variable frequency levels. After learning, their auditory cortex detects these changes even when their attention is directed away from the sounds. The present results thus show that, after perceptual learning during attentive listening has taken place, changes in a highly complex auditory pattern can be detected automatically by the human auditory cortex and, further, that this process is facilitated by musical expertise.
For correct interpretation of natural acoustic input such as speech and music, it is of critical importance that the central auditory system is able to extract invariant features from the continually varying sounds. Spoken, played, and sung phrases are recognized even though they are presented by a great variety of speakers, instruments, or singers in different acoustic environments. Moreover, even when no conscious attention is paid to the surrounding sounds, changes in their regularity can cause the listener to redirect his or her attention toward the sounds.
During the past two decades, event-related potential (ERP) recordings have brought new insight to the neuronal events behind auditory change detection in audition. Components P300, N400, and P600 (named after their negative/positive polarity at the vertex and peak latency after the sound onset) are elicited when the subject attends to the sounds. These components reflect the conscious detection of a physical, semantic, or syntactic deviation from the expected sound (for review, see Rugg and Coles 1995). However, in group-comparison designs, intrinsic group differences in motivational, attentional and/or vigilance factors might contaminate the ERP recordings.
In addition, ERP recordings allow one to probe the neural processes preceding the involvement of the attentional mechanisms. In such studies, the subject is asked to concentrate on a task unrelated to the sounds heard. These studies have revealed that automatically-formed cortical memory traces for the recent acoustic input represent basic sound features such as tone frequency and the formant structure of speech sounds (for reviews, see Näätänen 1992, 2001). In addition, ERPs have been recorded that reflect memory traces representing sounds composed of several simultaneous or successive tonal elements (Schröger et al. 1992; Alain et al. 1994; Alho et al. 1996).
The results described above were obtained with the mismatch negativity (MMN) paradigm, in which an infrequently presented sound (“deviant”) among the frequently occurring stimuli (“standard”) elicits the MMN. Its presence implies that the invariant parameters of the standard sound were encoded neurally and found to differ from the parameters of the deviant sound. The MMN can be recorded even when the subject is performing a task unrelated to the stimulation under interest, such as reading a book or playing a computer game. Thus, the MMN offers a direct measure of the similarity of neural codes for different sounds, without being affected by differences in, for instance, attentional or motivational involvement of the subject. However, several studies have indicated that the MMN parameters correlate closely with the subject's behaviorally determined perceptual accuracy. For instance, the MMN amplitude and latency reflect discrimination accuracy as determined by musicality tests;Tervaniemi et al. 1997) and by hit-rate or reaction-time measurements (e.g., Tiitinen et al. 1994; Kraus et al. 1996; Tremblay et al. 1998
However, not all subjects gained equally from the training during the experimental session. The present inter-individual differences in readiness to discriminate transposed melodies could be explained by differences in long-term musical expertise. While all Accurate subjects were professional musicians, the group of Inaccurate subjects had five musicians in addition to the seven nonmusicians. Thus, none of the non-musicians learned the discrimination task, whereas most of the musicians did.
It is noteworthy that the musicians belonging to the “Accurate” and “Inaccurate” groups differed remarkably from each other with regard to the type of their musical expertise. The musicians in the Inaccurate group had most of their training in classical music, in which the musical score is used regularly during learning and occasionally during public performance, as in orchestral and chamber music, for instance. In contrast, six out of the eight musicians in the Accurate group were engaged in a musical genre in which musical information is transferred from one musician to another by playing and singing (e.g., pop and jazz). Their performances often include improvisations. In other words, in their musical communication, they rely more on auditory information than visual (i.e., musical score). Thus, the subject's readiness to process attentively and pre-attentively highly complex musical information was not influenced merely by the presence or absence of expertise in music (musician vs. nonmusician), but also by the type of this expertise (Sloboda 1985;Deliege and Sloboda 1996).
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Murder and Prohibition
It has been a long, hot summer in Cincinnati, with the Ohio River city on a pace to equal or top the record-setting 86 murders committed in 2006. Local officials there are blaming drugs -- or the lack of them -- for the violence -- which is just a step away from acknowledging the role of drug prohibition in violent crime, but don't expect them to take that last step.
In the last week of September, there were five murders, increasing this year's toll to 58, three more than at the same time last year. It's because of a shortage of cocaine, said Cincinnati police.
"Our intelligence says there is quite a shortage of crack cocaine right now, and that has the buyers frantic to buy based on their addiction and the sellers know their livelihood is threatened based on supply and demand," said Lt. Col. James Whalen, Cincinnati's patrol bureau commander. "When you get involved with buying and selling drugs, unfortunately you run into violence," he told the Cincinati Enquirer.
Hamilton County Municipal Judge Melissa Powers said drugs are playing a part in the violence, but it has to do with competition rather than supply. "It's very difficult. Once you arrest one drug dealer, another one takes his place," she said. "I think that's what we're seeing now, the rooting out among drug dealers."
Cincinnati Mayor Mark Mallory and City Manager Milton Dohoney last week issued a joint statement calling for an end to prohibition-related violence, although they called it drug-related violence. "None of the shootings were random, which underscores the importance of staying out of illegal activities," the statement from Mallory and Dohoney said. "If you are involved in drug activity, whether as a buyer or a seller, you put yourself at a very high risk of becoming a victim of violence."
While Cincinnati's law enforcement and political establishment has clearly focused on a problem -- prohibition-related violence -- it has yet to properly identify it. By displacing that cause onto "drugs," the city will not solve its violence problem, but only exacerbate
Slow Learners
Comment posted by Anonymous on Fri, 10/10/2008 - 4:41pm
I seem to remember something like this during alcohol prohibition. When is the last time anyone was murdered because they wanted to eliminate an alcohol distributor to take over their business?
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
You figure it out
Expletive Deleted
Alonzo Peters MD (Doc Pete)
Terry Thomas , Doc Pete
pre-recorded Open Journal
BBC News Headlines
Live Play must have access to 2
Plugs for board. Poetry will pro
6: 00
Discuss Voyage/ Powerhouse/
Personnel/ Me /TERRY
12: 23
6: 00
Music/ Poetry/Improvisation
Music/ Poetry/Improvisation
12: 36
Live Play
READ from Robert Frost
12: 43
Live Discussion
Discussion/ chords/ splitting
OCTAVE/Prof/Music Scene/
Word of God vs World vs JAZZ
12: 46
Jazz Music Scene REVIEW
Live Play
Giant Steps/Read from Sit/
Stand by Watchman Nee
Transition to Laura
Thank you
pre-recorded Open Journal
Citizens League for Environmental Action Now
public service announcement or promo
Total 60:00
Monday, December 1, 2008
Go to world music. This is the state of the New Music World
See Facebook and My Space also
Check out the lunch time 12-1 for future listings
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Freddie HubbARD @ 70 Y/O- dE mAN-FROM sf cHRON ARTICLE 3/08

Back in the '70s, when adopting electric instruments and rock stylings earned jazz artists the scarlet "sellout" S - unlike today, when it's a badge of innovation - it seemed Hubbard took the most flak, even though many of his peers were doing it. It was as if a collective "Freddie, say it ain't so!" went up. It's why Hubbard's producer and arranger, trumpeter David Weiss, calls Hubbard the Barry Bonds of jazz.
"He's the one guy who seems to be taking the brunt of the s- for everybody's whatever," Weiss says, "whether it's fusion, irresponsibility, drug use."
Hubbard doesn't get too exercised over it, though.
"They've got to jump on somebody," he says.
Fact is, he's got bigger things to worry about. For example, his own trumpet turned on him. This occurred in 1992, when Hubbard was on a pressure-cooker tour that brought him to New York, Finland and Japan in a single week. At the Blue Note in New York, "I was playing so hard, my lip popped," he says. A blister formed, but instead of taking some time off, Hubbard flew straight to Finland for another gig, and the blister popped onstage.
"Blood was everywhere, man," Hubbard says.
Then the lip became infected. When it failed to heal, a doctor ordered a biopsy. It came back negative, but Hubbard kept trying to play, which wasn't good for his lip or his reputation. Eventually, he slowed down so much it looked as if he was going to cash in his career, at which point, in the late '90s, Weiss rode to the rescue.
"I call him my baby," Hubbard says, chortling heartily. "He brought me back to work. He called me out of the blue and said, 'C'mon, Freddie, you've got to play some more.' "
On April 7, Hubbard turns 70, and he's celebrating with a series of shows Thursday through Saturday at the San Francisco Yoshi's. Four of his band members - vibraphonist Bobby Hutcherson, alto saxophonist James Spaulding, drummer Lenny White and pianist George Cables - have been playing with Hubbard since the '60s, and Spaulding grew up with him in Indianapolis. The other players for the birthday shows are tenor saxophonist Craig Handy, bassist Dwayne Burno and Weiss.
"It'll be good to be back at Yoshi's. I used to play there all the time, But what with my lip, they've been scared to book me," he says, laughing.
Hubbard is speaking by phone from his Sherman Oaks home in Southern California's San Fernando Valley. He's lived in the area since the early '70s, the period of his brightest stardom, when he was putting out big-selling records such as "Sky Dive," "Red Clay" and "First Light," which won a Grammy for the title song.
By then he had already made dozens of records as a leader and played on hundreds of others. He wasn't only the hardest-working trumpeter in show business, he was also the best, with a gleaming, quicksilver sound that combined the brass of Louis Armstrong with the bebop power of Clifford Brown and the melodic grace of Miles Davis.
"Nobody's played longer, higher, harder or faster than Freddie Hubbard, for more years," Weiss says by phone from New York. "Nobody. Not even close. There's nobody you can compare him to."
Hubbard was lucky, of course, to come up in an era where jazz giants not only roamed the Earth, but a lot of them also lived around the corner. That was the '60s, when the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn was something of a mecca for jazz artists.
"I lived with (saxophonist) Eric Dolphy for a year and a half," Hubbard says. "(Pianist) McCoy Tyner lived down the block." He ticks off the name of his neighbors: "(Bassist) Paul Chambers, (pianists) Cedar Walton, Bobby Timmons, Kenny Barron, Wynton Kelly."
The critical mass of these artists and the camaraderie among them are what distinguishes that era from today's, according to Hubbard.
"We would play with each other and study," he says. "I used to go over to somebody's house every day. Sonny Rollins. I would go over to his house and ask him questions, practice with him. Coltrane, too."
Not that it was easy for Hubbard to get accepted by this crowd when he first arrived in New York from Indianapolis in 1958.
"It took about a month before I had a chance to sit in" at the jam sessions, he says "They wouldn't let me. Finally, I just took my horn and walked up on the bandstand."
He made his mark, but paid gigs came slowly at first because, he says, everyone wanted trumpet players to sound like Dizzy Gillespie or Davis.
"I was playing like Clifford, and I met Miles, and he said (Hubbard imitates Davis' raspy growl), 'You like Clifford?' And I said, 'Yeah, I think he's the baddest around.' And Miles said, 'Nah, he plays too much. He's too staccato. He plays too many notes.'
"Then he said to me, 'Freddie, you play too many notes. Ain't nobody can hear all that s-.' But he got me my first gig with Blue Note records."
Hubbard cut about a dozen records for Blue Note, including "Hub Cap" and "Ready for Freddie," and he played on countless classics for the label: Wayne Shorter's "Speak No Evil," Dolphy's "Out to Lunch," Herbie Hancock's "Takin' Off." It wasn't just Blue Note, of course. Hubbard played on John Coltrane's "Ascension," Ornette Coleman's "Free Jazz," Oliver Nelson's "The Blues and the Abstract Truth" and far too many more albums to name.
"As a trumpet player, nobody's been able to do what he can do on the instrument," Weiss says. "It's just ridiculous."
Musicians who hired Hubbard "could expand how they wrote things because they knew Freddie would be able to play them," Weiss adds. "And that makes great records possible."
Now, of course, the spiel on Hubbard is that he's lost his chops. But, Weiss says, "he's still capable of doing things weakened that nobody else can do." For proof, listen to Hubbard's comeback album, "New Colors," released in 2001 on Hip Bop. Backed by Weiss' New Jazz Composers Octet, Hubbard's genius comes through on flugelhorn played on several of his classic tunes. Some of the pyrotechnics are missing from his arsenal, but his sense of melody and rhythm are 100 percent.
Hubbard has another CD with the octet in the can and an all-star date with drummer Louis Hayes, pianist Roland Hanna and bassist Ron Carter due for Blue Note.
"The trumpet is rough, man, especially the way I play," Hubbard says. "I used to play all over the horn, like a saxophone. It takes a little more stamina. I used to play so long ... 30 choruses. People don't do that s- no more."
So, yes, his trumpet struck back at him. Not that he holds it against the instrument.
"I was lucky. I got to play with everybody I wanted to play with. And that trumpet took me all over the world, man. I really appreciate it."
It all started in England. I do not think the book deals with the way things were handled B4 THE QUEEN - Victoria but basically if it was good for her it was good for England and she issued a charter. America emulted by giving the states the right to issue charters whch generated income for the individual states via fees and taxes.
This right without zealous overview became abused through OVERCAPITALIZATION (OC)which basically means the selling of securities after many years of business costs have been capitalized. This put more money into the pockets of the fat-cats ( and caused a draining of the overall capital pool from further R and D of potentially more products ) without a regard for the graft potential created via lobbying and sellouts at legislative bodies. Monopolies could be created with the only way for dividends to be paid, would be by overcharging for the good or service. The greater degree of OC the greater potential for monopoly and the greater potential for the goods or service cost to go up. This coupled with the lack of regulation caused Benjamin Tillman of North Carolina to lash out at the intelligence of allowing "fictitious valuation". Teddy Roosevelt in 1910 had the ____ to initiate Acts of Congress (MANN-ELKINS ACT) to the consternation of sold out legislatures
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Don Wilkerson

TIGNON? Then Headdress?
A young Creole woman of color in a tignon of her own creation. Note that the rosette in the tignon is repeated as either a brooch or in the linen at her neck. Painting from the Historic New Orleans Collection, and taken from BlackCreoles.com.
As a result, Governor Miró decreed that women of color and black women, slave or free, should cover their hair and heads with a knotted headdress and refrain from "excessive attention to dress" themselves in jewels or feathers to maintain class distinctions. But the women who were targets of this decree were inventive and imaginative. They decorated tignons with their jewels or by using the finest colored materials with which to wrap their hair. In other words, "[t]hey effectively re-interpreted the law without technically breaking the law"[1]--and they continued to be pursued by men. Image File history File links Headdress. ... Image File history File links Headdress. ... Class ASCII art NFO header by a!b. ...
Black women modeling variations of the tignon during a lecture by Barbara Levigne on "The Tignon and Women of Color in Old New Orleans," at the New Orleans Main Library in July, 2005.)
The tignon can be wrapped in many ways, and part of its uniqueness is that it was and is worn in an entirely different way by every woman. Madras was a popular fabric for tignons among both free and slave populations, and has become iconic. Tignons were often created out of scraps of undyed fabric given to slaves by their masters. The fabrics, of course, were of seemingly disparate weaves, prints or patterns. Wasted or flawed material was made to unaccountably match and appear festive. The tignons worn by women of color or African women slaves in Louisiana and the Caribbean were much more distinctive, however, than those worn by American black slaves, and even had hidden messages.[2] Image File history File links Img_2585. ... Image File history File links Img_2585. ... Madras is a lightweight cotton fabric with patterned texture, used primarily for summer clothing -- pants, shorts, dresses and jackets. ...
The tignon or gélé is experiencing a resurgence in African American fashion. Celebrities such as Erykah Badu and Jill Scott have revived it, transforming the controversial headwrapping into a celebration of African-American culture. An African American (also Afro-American, Black American, or simply black), is a member of an ethnic group in the United States whose ancestors, usually in predominant part, were indigenous to Africa. ... Erykah Badu Erykah Badu (born Erica Abi Wright on February 26, 1971 in Dallas, Texas) is an American R&B/hip hop artist whose work crosses over into jazz. ... Jill Scott Jill Scott (born April 4, 1972) is a jazz and rhythm and blues and neo-soul singer. ... An African American (also Afro-American or Black American, or black) is a member of an ethnic group in the United States whose ancestors, usually in predominant part, were indigenous to Africa. ...
From http://www.annerice.com/Bookshelf-FeastSaints.html
Set in 1840's New Orleans, this historical novel traces the journey of the community of free people of color who were feared and ignored by whites. Suspended between worlds of blacka nd white, finding stability only int their own community, they live in tension and ambiguity that form their greatest strength and their greatest weakness. The protagonist is a 14 year old boy named Marcel with one white and one free black parent. Together with his sister and two close friends they deal with the transition of adolescence and its mirror in the ambiguity of their social position. Marcel awakens when his idol, a famous novelist and free man of color comes to New Orleans to open a school. Marcel has been promised an education by his rich white father and Marcel intends to make it at Christophe's school. Meanwhile, his sister Marie is being courted by a prosperous and respected friend of Marcel's, but her vulnerability and the plans of other jeopardize her happiness. Marcel is making his own journey to adulthood through relationships with Christophe and his family. When it is announced that Marcel is to learn a trade to support himself instead of finish academic study, Marcel rebels, is removed from school, and wanders seeking the truth about who he is and what he was meant to do.A painfully historically rich and accurate novel that delicately and clearly draws patterns of irony and injustice together through complex family relationships and social structures, The Feast of All Saints was Anne Rice's second novel.
Feast of All Saints Discussion Questions
Discuss whether The Feast of All Saints a coming of age tale. How does it differ from most other tales that deal with the trials and tribulations of maturation?
Marcel and Marie are the children of a French plantation owner, Philippe Ferroniare and his mistress, Cecile. Discuss the father son relationship between Marcel and Philippe. How does this relationship differ from most other father son relationships in mid-1800 New Orleans?
At what age was Marcel baptized? For the 1840’s, is this a common age for New Orleans Catholics to receive their baptism?
Who are the gens de couluer libres? Describe their social existence. What has history forgotten about them?
What most surprised you about the gens de couluer?
Who is Christophe? What is his profession? What sort of person is he? Does Christophe encapsulate the Byronic hero or does Marcel? Discuss the relationship between Christophe and Marcus. Who is Anna-Belle? Discuss the relationship between her and Marcus. What effects do these two characters have on Marcus?
What does Jean Jacques offer the young Marcel?
What specifically is a quadroon? What is the etymology of this word?
Madame Elisie Calvière recalls the days before the Louisiana Purchase, when New Orleans was a French colony and then ruled by the Spanish Empire. Discuss the “Tignon Law” passed by Governor Esteban Miró in 1785. Discuss the repercussions of this law. Though this law has long since been abolished, does some measure of this law evince itself in today’s day and age?
Josette, Marcel’s aunt, informs him of his family’s experience of the African Diaspora, and she discusses with him the Haitian Revolution. Discuss the affect the African Diaspora had along the Cane River. What effects did the Haitian Revolution have on New Orleans slave trade? In what ways does the Haitian Revolution differ from the Slave Revolt of 1811 New Orleans?
New Orleans and Paris are juxtaposed in this novel. Discuss how France’s capital differs from one of its former colonies only 130 years after the founding of New Orleans. Discuss whether or not Rice has adequately depicted this cultural divergence.
Rice relies greatly on historicity to propel the plot of Feast Of All Saints. For example: A quadroon is free to study the revolution of photography. Etc. Do these historical events help drive the plot and overall themes of the novel? In what way(s) does Rice’s historical research enable the reader to empathize with the protagonist and other characters?
Which religion is the norm in 1840 New Orleans? What distinguishes this religion from the religious celebrated along the Cane River? What is the commonality and distinction between the two faiths? Discuss whether Rice’s research has portrayed these religious practices well.
Lisette leads Marie to the house of a voodooienne. How is Voodoo different from the spiritual practice of the Creoles? How is Voodoo different from Hoodoo? Discuss the divergence of Louisiana Voodoo from Haitian Voodoo. Why does Rice find it necessary to include Louisiana Voodoo in this novel?
Is Rice’s attitude toward the Civil War reflected in this novel? Discuss her attitude toward slaves in contrast with the free people of color. Is there a greater sympathy shown toward one or the other or both equally?
How did this novel change your view of black history before the civil war?
Who is the local madam? Discuss why Marie would seek refuge under the roof of Dolly Rose.
Cecile is the mistress of Phillippe Ferronaire. Anna Bella is Vincent Danzicourt’s mistress. Marie is assaulted by five men and is then betrothed to Richard as a result. Discuss some of the various dispositions men have toward women in this book.
This novel is entitled The Feast Of All Saints. Discuss why Rice would associate this novel with a celebration of the Roman Catholic Church on the first of November. Who are the saints of this novel? What kind of saints are they? Martyrs? Virgins? Holy men and women?
Mini-series Discussion Questions
How does screenwriter, James Wilder, adapt the novel? Anne has claimed he is the most faithful adapter of her work. Do you agree?
Wilder expanded the role of Dolly Rose for the mini-series. Was he faithful to the character and the work?
Does Ben Vereen faithfully capture the vigor of Rudolph Lermontant?
Read and Weep . No wonder . I need to let the Lord fight my battle!
All I can say is that several of my friends failed out of a majority white school after pledging "greek" organizations. I was asked by A Phi A and Kappa Alpha Psi. The only thing I considered was being a "dog". They are far removed from this BOULE mentioned below
The BOULE (Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity) is perhaps one of the first black Greek letter fraternities that was founded in 1904, but most of its founders were Prince Hall Masons and/or had strong Masonic affiliations. The term BOULE means “advisor to the king”. Steve Cokley is considered the authority on the BOULE, he has a video series titled, “Boule Buster: The Plot To Destroy Black Education”. Frontline Magazine did an article titled, “Boule” stated, “We know the Illuminati (Rhodes/Rothschild secret society) also goes by the name, the ROUND TABLE GROUP the Boule, which created the 8 black fraternities and sororities (now known as the Divine Nine). Rockefeller is a subdivision of the Rhodes/Rothschild or New World Order regime.” Charles H. Wesley who was a prominent Prince Hall Mason wrote the definitive history of the Boule (Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity) titled, Reference: Charles H. Wesley; “History of Sigma Pi Phi, first of the Negro-American Greek-letter fraternities”).
This African-American secret society is a “powerful” fraternity and sorority known as the BOULE which is a Freemasonic type organization that attracts some of the top black politicians, intellectuals, business persons, etc, and those who are considered influential and part of the black bourgeoisie.
W.E.B. Dubois preached and advocated that blacks should pursue a classical and/or Liberal Arts education, as opposed to Booker T. Washington espousing technical training. Dubois model was geared towards sending 10% of the black population to the universities and colleges of higher learning with an objective of attaining liberal arts education and coming back to the black community and help to elevate the race. Dubois and historians called this theory the “Talented Tenth” theory (Reference: W.E.B. Dubois “The Souls of Black Folk”). Also, there is an interesting book written by Charles H. Wesley, titled, “The History of Alpha Phi Alpha: A Development in College Life” that deals African American race, class and the pursuit of education.
The Boule has been known for attracting the African American Talented Tenth for now over a century; it was described this way “the quintessential brotherhood for African-American men." The incoming Grand Sire Archon, New Orleans banker and financier Charles Teamer, says the Boule "is unique because no other organization brings together so many talented leaders--sometimes you have in the same room the mayor and the biggest educational and economic leaders in town--and no other organization provides such an unparalleled opportunity to mentor, change structures, and build bridges." He says his administration will concentrate on mentoring, creating new international connections and moving networking to another level.
The BOULE was originally styled after the Skull Bones Fraternity conceived as an organization that would contain the "best of Skull and Bones of Yale and of Phi Beta Kappa," In the keynote address, Archon Vernon Jordan Jr. (former aid to Bill Clinton and Civil Right leader) presented a 12-point program for personal and collective renewal, saying, among other things, that "we must create a new sense of community among our own ... bridge the growing economic gap within the Black community [and] re-Brown Brown to counter the long slide back into de facto segregation." We must also, he said, "constantly remind the new entrants into the Talented Tenth that their exciting jobs in corporate America and investment banking and in law firms are not the result of their grades and their ability and their school all by themselves. They did not get there by themselves ... and they have to know it."
The Skull and Bones of Yale University, the author John Lawrence Reynolds book titled, “Secret Societies: Inside The World’s Most Notorious Organizations” he assess this secret society by stating, “One, however, exerts day-to-day influence over the lives of virtually everyone on the planet, and it achieved this not with a tightly structured organization but via an association of privileged young men attending a prestigious university. Its existence is verifiable, its history is linked to MASONIC traditions and the ILLUMINATI objectives, its practices remain shadowy, and its activities are replete with suspicious behavior. It is Skull & Bones, a hatchery of American leadership whose members has not only achieved POWER and Prominence on a scale far in excess of their numbers, but retains their close bond throughout their careers, creating at least the semblance of a cabal and perhaps something much more than that.”
Now! The above assessment is real high degree Freemasonry because these OATH TAKERS of an Elite sector of our society have sworn to use their DYNASTIC influence (High Finance) that is tied too prominent banking families and have placed their Devotes in every decision making endeavor which to influence the political, economic and social reality of world society. The 33rd Degree in Freemasonry under Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite is styled the Sovereign Grand Inspector General. This degree is an honorary and conferred degree and it is not up for petition; thus entry into this final and terminal degree is only at the recommendation of another 33rd Degree Mason.
The ceremonies and rituals of this conferment ordinarily include some of the most powerful men in the United States in particular and the world in general. We learn in the ritual a set of questions and answers that reads like this: QUESTIONS: Are you a Sovereign Grand Inspector General? ANSWER: By giving you the past word. QUESTION: Begin. ANSWER: Jacques de Molay. QUESTION: Hiram Abif. ANSWER: Frederick of Prussia. QUESTION: What are the meanings of the skeletons skulls, bones and torches in our Council? ANSWER: They serve to remind of the massacre of our ancestors by Philippe the Fair who delivered them to the most cruel tortures. QUESTION: Why do you appear in mourning armed with a sword? Answer: To mourn their loss and be ready to avenge them. QUESTION: Who established this degree? ANSWER: Our Illustrious Brother of Brunswick, Frederick, King of Prussia.
This writer wonder does the Skull and Bones and Black BOULE’ have a loose philosophical connection to The United Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the Thirty-Third and Last Degree in Freemasonry. This writer resides in Durham, which the Mayor of the city William V. “Bill” Bell is a BOULE’ member and in a recent citywide mayoral race, Obama came to Durham and endorsed the black BOULE member and it left this writer inquisitive whether his relationship with BOULE’ Mayor Bell was based on them both being perhaps OATH TAKERS. A writer in Ebony Magazine who authored and article titled,“1904-2004: the Boule at 100: Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity Holds Centennial Celebration” stated, “What makes the Boule's success all the more interesting is that it was founded as a secret or quasi-secret organization and did not seek public notice until the 1960s and 1970s”
On most of the white college campus throughout America; they had white only Greek lettered societies and organizations, in which their existed a long tradition of social and academic prosperity and social networking that ventured far beyond college life into the social, political, and economic lives of its members, as far as politically maneuvering and stationing its members in key positions through society. The undergraduate mission statement for most Greek Letter Fraternities on the white college campus was getting drunk and partying and having a good social time, but many of these students were third and fourth generation Greek Letter Oath Takers and their parents were getting them prepared for the task of leading humanity (once they sobered up). The Skull and Bones was founded on the campus of Yale University in the year of 1832 and is perhaps the most powerful and influential college fraternity in America. Black Greek Lettered Fraternities and Sororities are miniature Skull and Bones organization, but lack the real Elite networking, which is reserved for those individuals who will eventually be initiated in the REAL ORDERS (many are call, few chosen) such as the Bilderberger, Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission this is the real brotherhood and sisterhood that rule over humanity and their membership is not based on race or ethnicity, but on an ideology that is rooted in the principles of GLOBALIZATION AND A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. (Reference: Gary Allen and Larry Abraham; “None Dare Call it Conspiracy”)
Fahim A. Knight-EL Chief
Saturday, November 22, 2008
What child if This? Some you Just LOVE to burn, but let God do the Burning. Time is drawing nigh
Do you have a Dis – Ease and lack of PEACE about what is going on? Faith, power, JOY, LOVE, and Spiritual maturity is all a result of the lack of discernment which is part of the disease ultimately of an non-existent relationship with Jesus Christ. I do not care what my future holds but I know who holds the future!
2 Thessalonians Message 1:4
We're so proud of you; you're so steady and determined in your faith despite all the hard times that have come down on you. We tell everyone we meet in the churches all about you. 5-10 All this trouble is a clear sign that God has decided to make you fit for the kingdom. You're suffering now, but justice is on the way. When the Master Jesus appears out of heaven in a blaze of fire with his strong angels, he'll even up the score by settling accounts with those who gave you such a bad time.
2 Thes 2: King James
2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
What a Surprise in the OLD TESTAMENT!
Zechariah 11: 15
And the LORD said unto me, Take unto thee yet the instruments of a foolish shepherd. 16 For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, which shall not visit those that be cut off, neither shall seek the young one, nor heal that that is broken, nor feed that that standeth still: but he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear their claws in pieces.
Psalm 147: 2- 6
GOD's the one who rebuilds Jerusalem, who regathers Israel's scattered exiles.
He heals the heartbroken and bandages their wounds.
He counts the stars and assigns each a name. Our Lord is great, with limitless strength;
we'll never comprehend what he knows and does.
GOD puts the fallen on their feet again and pushes the wicked into the ditch And from
Isaiah 61:1,2 Masoretic (King James Translators)
The Spirit of the Lord GOD [is] upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to [them that are] bound; 2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;
And lastly Ephesians 4:
14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; 15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up (think
AGain an Addendum PREACHED Lately?
to the cure with JESUS supplying the antithesis of the Zechariah passage:
16 From whom (this uses the word HOS
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Refraction of Light from a simulated BLACK HOLE?
has figured out. Well here goes.
It appears that the different colors are due to the variation of the speed of refraction.
Yet can anyone tell me why there are two of the same with the bottom one showing up first.
The Angle of Refraction
Refraction is the bending of the path of a light wave as it passes across the boundary separating two media. Refraction is caused by the change in speed experienced by a wave when it changes medium. In Lesson 1, we learned that if a light wave passes from a medium in which it travels slow (relatively speaking) into a medium in which it travels fast, then the light wave will refract away from the normal. In such a case, the refracted ray will be farther from the normal line than the incident ray; this is the SFA rule of refraction. On the other hand, if a light wave passes from a medium in which it travels fast (relatively speaking) into a medium in which it travels slow, then the light wave will refract towards the normal. In such a case, the refracted ray will be closer to the normal line than the incident ray is; this is the FST rule of refraction. These two rules regarding the refraction of light only indicate the direction which a light ray bends; they do not indicate how much bending occurs. Lesson 1 focused on the topics of "What causes refraction?" and "Which direction does light refract?" Lesson 2 will focus on the question of "By how much does light refract when it crosses a boundary?"
The question is: "By how much does light refract when it crosses a boundary?" Perhaps there are numerous answers to such a question. (For example, " a lot," "a little," "like wow! quite a bit dude," etc.) The concern of this lesson is to express the amount of refraction of a light ray in terms of a measurable quantity that has a mathematical value. The diagram to the right shows a light ray undergoing refraction as it passes from air into water. As mentioned in Lesson 1, the incident ray is a ray (drawn perpendicular to the wavefronts) which shows the direction which light travels as it approaches the boundary. (The meaning of an incident ray was first introduced in the discussion of Reflection of Light in Unit 13 of The Physics Classroom Tutorial.) Similarly, the refracted ray is a ray (drawn perpendicular to the wavefronts) which shows the direction which light travels after it has crossed over the boundary. In the diagram, a normal line is drawn to the surface at the point of incidence, This line is always drawn perpendicular to the boundary. The angle which the incident ray makes with the normal line is referred to as the angle of incidence. Similarly, the angle which the refracted ray makes with the normal line is referred to as the angle of refraction. The angle of incidence and angle of refraction are denoted by the following symbols:
= angle of incidence
= angle of refraction
The amount of bending which a light ray experiences can be expressed in terms of the angle of refraction (more accurately, by the difference between the angle of refraction and the angle of incidence). A ray of light may approach the boundary at an angle of incidence of 45-degrees and bend towards the normal. If the medium into which it enters causes a small amount of refraction, then the angle of refraction might be a value of about 42-degrees. On the other hand if the medium into which the light enters causes a large amount of refraction, the angle of refraction might be 22-degrees. (These values are merely arbitrarily chosen values to illustrate a point.) The diagram below depicts a ray of light approaching three different boundaries at an angle of incidence of 45-degrees. The refractive medium is different in each case, causing different amounts of refraction. The angles of refraction are shown on the diagram.
Of the three boundaries in the diagram, the light ray refracts the most at the air-diamond boundary. This is evident by the fact that the difference between the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction is greatest for the air-diamond boundary. But how can this be explained? The cause of refraction is a change in light speed; and wherever the light speed changes most, the refraction is greatest. We have already learned that the speed is related to the optical density of a material which is related to the index of refraction of a material. Of the four materials present in the above diagram, air is the least dense material (lowest index of refraction value) and diamond is the most dense material (largest index of refraction value). Thus, it would be reasonable that the most refraction occurs for the transmission of light across an air-diamond boundary.
In this example, the angle of refraction is the measurable quantity which indicates the amount of refraction taking place at any boundary. A comparison of the angle of refraction to the angle of incidence provides a good measure of the refractive ability of any given boundary. For any given angle of incidence, the angle of refraction is dependent upon the speeds of light in each of the two materials. The speed is in turn dependent upon the optical density and the index of refraction values of the two materials. There is a mathematical equation relating the angles which the light rays make with the normal to the indices (plural for index) of refraction of the two materials on each side of the boundary. This mathematical equation is known as Snell's Law and is the topic of the next section of Lesson 2.x