Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Autoimmune Disease? A step in the right direction for elimination
In essence like a heat seeking missle , if these selective modulators are directed at let us say hepatic eosinophyllic cell over-production there will be hope for AIH or Autoimmune Hepatitis,
Lupus (SLE), and other diseases involving autoimmunity, the disease can be eliminated.
There are cytokines which more specifically are responsible for the TNF and eosiniphyl and IgA
production. If their receptor is blocked then their action is blocked within the context of the cytokine cycle.
I will seek to continue to prove the connection of the Cytokine Cycle to the Krebs, Respriatory, UREA, and Glycolytic cycles as my contribution to humanity forever
Please read below for this GOOD NEWS! -For Twitters
Trial to Evaluate Safety of CCL2-LPM for Inflammatory Kidney Disease
SAN FRANCISCO, April 14 /PRNewswire/ -- Osprey Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc. announced today that patient dosing has commenced in a Phase Ib clinical trial of the company's lead compound, CCL2-LPM, for the treatment of IgA nephropathy, an inflammatory kidney disease. Osprey Pharmaceuticals U.S.A. is developing novel chemokine-enzyme fusion protein therapeutics, known as Leukocyte Population Modulators (LPMs), for the treatment of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. CCL2-LPM selectively targets activated leukocytes expressing the chemokine receptor CCR2 that are responsible for initiating and maintaining a variety of inflammatory conditions.
The Phase Ib open-label, dose-escalating study will enroll up to 30 patients diagnosed with IgA nephropathy at clinical sites in Canada. The trial design utilizes a continuous reassessment method to evaluate safety of CCL2-LPM and to establish a maximum-tolerated dose. Secondary endpoints for the Phase Ib clinical trial include an assessment of pharmacokinetics and biomarkers of disease associated with the mechanism of action of CCL2-LPM.
"We are pleased to advance the first of our LPM compounds designed to target and neutralize chemokine-mediated inflammation into clinical trials. CCL2-LPM has shown a favorable pharmaceutical profile, demonstrating efficacy at low doses in models of glomerulonephritis, as well as tolerability at relatively high doses in preclinical toxicology testing," said Barbara Finck, M.D, Senior Vice President of Research and Development and Chief Medical Officer for Osprey Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc. "We are hopeful that the Phase Ib clinical trial of CCL2-LPM will provide us with indications of the compound's biologic activity in addition to establishing safety. Initial results from the Phase Ib study are expected later this year."
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Tignons- Band of Angels
His mullato concubine wears a Tignon.
His new woman bought from Kentucky plantation never wears one!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Right Brain Scene (RBs)
Growths and Cancer and Abnormality Cures
Also speak to the problem
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Anthrax- No more Genocide?

A new statistical method that can estimate the origin and time of an aerosolized release of the pathogen causing anthrax, following detection of the first few cases has been developed by researchers from the Medical Research Council (MRC) Centre for Outbreak Analysis and Modelling at Imperial College London in collaboration with the Health Protection Agency's Microbial Risk Assessment group.
The method, described in an article published April 10 in the open-access journal PLoS Computational Biology, predicts where the most critically affected areas will be following the release of this highly pathogenic agent, which may enable preventative treatment of individuals at risk and protection from the disease.
Previously published methods can estimate the date and scale of anthrax release but not the source location or geographic extent of human exposure. The new method uses information about the first people infected, including when they started to experience symptoms of infection and where they live and work, combined with recent weather information, such as wind direction.
Dr Judith Legrand, lead author of the study from the MRC Centre for Outbreak Analysis and Modelling, said: "We have devised a new way to forecast the future course of a potential outbreak and the people and geographic areas likely to be worst affected."
Anthrax has the potential to cause a large number of deaths in the event of a covert, open air release. If such a release were to occur, it is critical for public health decision makers to evaluate its extent and the potential impact on the population and then to identify the people most at risk of infection as soon as possible.
Dr Judith Legrand added: "It is critical to treat people as soon as possible after exposure to anthrax. While forecasts based on small numbers of early cases are less reliable than those obtained later in an outbreak, we show that treating individuals based on early '/>"/>
Contact: Dr. Judith Library of ScienceSource:Eurekalert
Friday, April 10, 2009
Isaiah 5:11 DO NOT be INFLAMED
Word Origin
a primitive root
Transliterated Word
Phonetic Spelling
Parts of Speech
KJV (9) - burning, 1; chase, 1; inflame, 1; kindle, 2; persecute, 1; persecutors, 1; pursue, 2;
NAS (9) - burning, 1; chased, 1; chasing, 1; fiery shafts, 1; hotly pursue, 1; hotly pursued, 1; inflame, 1; kindle, 1; set them on fire, 1;
From Bible Gateway
Woe to those who rise early in the morning that they may pursue strong drink, Who stay up late in the evening that wine may inflame them!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Step in Right Direction
"We are proud and confident with achieving this major breakthrough!" says Professor Rob H. Meloen, Pepscan's founder and Chief Scientific officer. "Since a number of years we have been working on developing our CLIPS technology through which we can synthesize 3D conformational mimics of protein active sites , allowing us to do site-specific immunization to come up with functional antibodies against very difficult targets such as G-protein coupled receptors, as we have now proven with CXCR7." Meloen states that the CLIPS-technology is not limited to application in the GPCR field but also offers possibilities with other therapeutically interesting target such as for instance ion-channels.
Pepscan's Chief Commercial Officer Dr. Peter van Dijken thinks that this technology might unlock a whole new area of interesting therapeutic targets that could so far not be addressed: "One-third of the interesting GPCR targets have proven to be "undrugable" until now. Our CLIPS technology provides a systematic and efficient way to unlock these targets and make them available to antibody therapy, that is a multi-billion dollar playing field to which Pepscan now holds the unique technological key!"
Pepscan indicated today that over the coming period, it will continue to technically and commercially develop its clips-based technology for additional targets and indications.
Therapeutic antibody therapy is well established. Monoclonal antibodies are produced outsid
SOURCE Pepscan Therapeutics B.V.
Copyright©2009 PR Newswire.
All rights reserved
Definite Strategic Collaboration
Roche has many years of experience in partnering with external companies to complement its internal drug discovery expertise with external services and innovation. After extensive evaluation of many companies, Roche selected BioDuro as a strategic partner for this effort.
"Presently, there is intense competition within the CRO industry for outsourcing and drug discovery services, and the expectation is that they will deliver problem solving skills and innovation in both chemistry and biology," commented Robert Goodnow, Ph.D., Roche's Global Head of Medicinal Chemistry Outsourcing. "We selected BioDuro due to their demonstrated excellent performance in synthetic chemistry and ability to deliver integrated medicinal chemistry services."
"BioDuro is pleased to build upon this existing collaboration and work closely with the experienced team at Roche to aid in the development of novel therapeutics. We care deeply about working on projects that will impact the quality of life worldwide and working with Roche ensures this outcome. Our partnership demonstrates the strength of our innovative, fully integrated R&D service platform, and is a true testament to the caliber of scientists that have joined our team," commented John Oyler, Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of BioDuro LLC.
About Roche
Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, Roche is one of the world's leading research-focused healthcare groups in the fields of pharmaceuticals and diagnostics. As the world's bigges'/>"/>
SOURCE BioDuroCopyright©2009 PR Newswire.All rights reserved
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Sleazy I do not think so
Nothing can get more sleazy than bringing forth a financial breakdown of the entire
world community for the Tri-Lateral commission, then wishing him GOOD LUCK
The fact of the matter is that the controllers of the banks in the past are the ones that got us in the mess in the first place. It can not get any worst when the 700 Billion already given to the
x-president's retirement fund is remaining stagnant and AIG is asking for more. be part of the soloution of positive. We know it is a Ruppert stimulated post in the WSJ, from the divide and conquer "continentals"
Read this instead on Twitter
waynesutton 2 other Triangle Startup weekend startups in private beta: @startupjunkyard & @tribetrader
IBM says We'll take this deal and SHOVE IT
I.B..M. Withdraws $7 Billion Offer for Sun Microsystems
@JRStratford Please RT
The breakdown in the talks, said the second person close to the negotiations, came over the shifting balance of price and conditions for the deal.
For example, I.B.M. scrutinized the "change of control" contracts with Sun executives, senior engineers and managers. I.B.M. felt that the payments to senior employees were higher and extended more broadly across the company than it had anticipated. I.B.M. pointed to the change of control contracts as one reason it was reducing its offer price.
Also look at
This was comical
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Lab in China
ACM Global Central Laboratory conducted a harmonization program in China, and chose to work with Chindex in order to ensure the same degree of global standards that clients enjoy from the Americas, Europe, India and Australasia. Offering on-the-ground central lab capabilities in China is a significant milestone in the organization's history.
"Given the challenges of exporting whole blood from Mainland China coupled with the demand for conducting trials in China, we recognized the importance of establishing services locally," said Elena Logan, Vice President, ACM Global Central Laboratory. "We also refuse to compromise on quality and working with Chindex helps us maintain our rigorous service standards in an exciting developing market. I'm honored to be able to work with the UFH team led by US trained pathologist, Dr. Sun Fei, who will oversee the clinical trial efforts at UFH."
"As the only Western-founded hospital lab in Beijing, and the only JCI accredited hospital in China with CAP accreditation, UFH is well-poised to provide unparalleled central lab services. Working with a global leader like ACM acknowledges our unique competitive position as well as our dedication to high standards of care. We also look forward to providing additional diagnostic testing to the local community through this partnership," said Roberta Lipson, CEO of Chindex.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
All Clouds are not Bad
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Anthropology of Social media
Society - Depending on the social network you run into, you’ll find anything from a chaotic miasma (MySpace) to something quite a bit more exclusionary (LinkedIn). Generally, sites who’s members have made an investment in establishing a consistent and reliable profile are something that can be approached strategically. These groups are also quite a bit more vengeful of people step to them with a spam nozzle.The definition of society in this case, connotes culture and if you look at a social network that provides value beyond entertainment to it’s people, you will find a culture with rules and behavioral norms. For something as vast, sprawling and duct taped together as MySpace, a culture is difficult to define. Beyond that, it’s infrascructure does not facilitate the emergence of cultures. LinkedIn has an infrastructure that seems designed for a specific kind of culture and Twitter’s culture has kind of happened by chance and a growing understanding of what the medium is.
Culture - Traditions and rules that are learned after joining. Obviously, the infrastructure has a say in how this emerges, but the most interesting aspects of a social network are the behaviors that emerge which are unique to that network. The culture of LinkedIn can be exclusive and has an element of screening involved. This is to ensure that your associates and network nodes to not eventually become an embarrassing liability to you. Twitter’s solution is to allow anyone to be followed but the option to follow back is at the user’s discretion. This makes exposure via association less of a risk. Therefore, a more lighthearted dialog occurs here where business, interests and daily mundane life can all become intertwined. In summary, one is more serious than the other and any kind of approach toward making a plug for your service, product or blog will necessarily differ. Before you risk your brand’s name, make sure to evaluate the culture of a given network and estimate the kind of response you will get for a given campaign.
Language - In social media, this does not refer to spoken or written language, it refers to the format of the user posts and interactions. In something like microblogging, the language is a short 140 character message, with a shortened link, if appropriate. Knowing that the Twitter language has only 140 characters is important if you want to drive traffic. Make sure that tweet is a zinger. Build reputation by circulating other site’s links that are good and for those that are linked to your site add something like ‘Must see…’. In this way you’ve developed trust by being consistently good so that when you say ‘Must see…’ people will actually respond with a click. Messages, are typically what one is doing at the moment, what one has seen on the web, or an opinion on a current event. YouTube, is comprised of a video and a summary on that video. Responses to posts/uploads/tweets not fitting into the accepted format can be negatively recieved and can result in a ‘brand hit’.
Values - What the group regards as good, bad, desirable and undesirable. There are some things that are almost universally viewed as bad and others that are almost universally viewed as good. Viagra seems to be negatively received almost universally, the natives threw that priest in the Tutupi Volcano years ago. The safest bet for many social networks is the ability to find or produce content that is valuable to other group members. In other cases, like LinkedIn the network values associations, those who have or can produce such contacts are heavily valued and this clout can be transformed into monetization.
Norms - Rules for the interaction. This follows nicely from values. Norms on more leviathanic social networks like MySpace are poorly defined and enforced. Twitter will cancel accounts or people running spam bots. Other norms for higher value networks are a completeness of profile, interesting content, contacts that are also interesting and authority. In some networks, spamishness is not necessarily frowned upon if the value can be found in there somewhere. On other networks, even the slighest bit of self promotion results in brand damage. It is important to know what these norms are so that you can widen the spray or target the laser as appropriate. Before dismissing tight targeting and adherence to more restrictive norms, remember that playing by a harder set of rules and being able to communicate on that level is rewarded with a loyalty that turns into a dialog, possibly even an audience at the feet of the High Priest Robert Scoble.
Status - Twitter is a prime example of authority. For a variety of reasons, some tweeps have followers in the tens of thousands. They are regarded as authoritative. In fact, Twitter as a network is considered to be authoritative since many of the tech, gadget, design and news worlds linkerati are regularly using the service. Alot of the stories coming from the service are breaking news. There are already a number of Twitter services and spin-offs designed to monitor and improve twitter rank. Naturally, from this monetization schemes have emerged under the assumption that highly rated accounts will be attracting al ot of viewers that are highly targeted. Friendfeed and Facebook rooms and groups also gain authority through the number of members in the room. Posting valued links and information in these rooms contributes to one’s status. Status is no joke either. As we all know, the king of the tribe spends all of his waking hours collecting tribute from the peasants who spend theirs digging in the dirt. In the hyper-connected, autonomous, networked, globalized bytescape of today, this hasn’t changed one bit.
Role - What one’s function and purpose is in a society. Neophytes generally, spend alot of time observing and making mistakes. Gradually, people find their niche and develop their profile along those lines to whatever degree they desire. To raise status, role becomes important. The reason people gain status on social networks, and this represents a change over the days of the Lizard King Bonanotanga, is that the king really is wearing clothes. That is, Dvorak, Kawasaki ,Smashing Magazine and other high-octane tweeps really are .......
I bet you will hit that link now!
At least one stockholder win
Concurs with Avigen's decision to return capital to stockholders through liquidation
A decisive victory for stockholder democracy
From BIOTECH PR newswire
SAN FRANCISCO, March 27 /PRNewswire/ -- Biotechnology Value Fund, L.P. ("BVF"), today announced that stockholders of Avigen (Nasdaq: AVGN) voted overwhelmingly to remove the existing Board of Directors of Avigen and replace them with BVF's nominees. The vote took place earlier today at the special meeting of Avigen stockholders called by BVF. The preliminary vote count was approximately 58% in favor of removing Avigen's entire Board and 12% against removal.
Additionally, yesterday Avigen finally offered what BVF and stockholders have consistently sought but Avigen had steadfastly resisted: quantified downside protection. Specifically, Avigen announced yesterday that it would terminate merger discussions, implement a plan of liquidation and return at least $1.20 per share to all stockholders. BVF supports Avigen's decision, albeit a late one, and intends to work constructively with the Board to maximize the return to stockholders. Since the removal of the Board required the affirmative vote of 66 2/3% of the outstanding shares -- a very high hurdle -- the existing Board will remain in office and manage the liquidation.
Mark Lampert, BVF Founder and President stated, "This is a great day for stockholder democracy -- stockholders have spoken and their wishes have prevailed. Avigen's remaining capital will not be squandered but, instead, will be returned to stockholders so that each may decide how best to utilize their capital. For our part, we will look to reinvest the proceeds into the most promising small cap biotechnology companies that have the greatest potential to improve peoples' lives. In the current economic environment, the capital preserved through Avigen's
Friday, March 27, 2009
I B M OR ABCDEF as long as it means getting paid$
Bnet complete article
Tinyurl for you Twitters
I assume M and A = Marketing and Advertising
The importance of an IBM-Sun alliance cannot be overstated. “This would be an important transaction, and it would get a lot of notice and will be a discussion in every board room,” says Howard Lanser, an investment banker at Robert W. Baird. His firm has been predicting that two industries, technology and healthcare, would see an uptick in M&A activity.
“Technology is always going to be in demand particularly in downtimes when gaining efficiencies while losing headcount will be critical,” Lanser says. “Overall, the market has been looking for leaders. When you see large transactions, it’s a very good sign to the market that there are corporations that believe in their long-term prospects.” There are already companies like Cisco that are continuing their strategic acquisition activities.
As importantly, executives at other tech corporations that have been pulling in and not strategically investing get worried that they might find themselves competitive outsmarted. In that sort of situation, they tend to react by looking to acquire companies themselves as a rushed defensive move.
Unfortunately, that is just the atmosphere that drives hysteria, both in panicked moves on the part of buyers and desperate trolling for buyers by small or larger financially unstable companies. Walter Zweifler of Zweifler Financial Research has been getting call after call from small technology companies that are hungry to be bought. These companies often haven’t built up the equity or cash position to continue in a troubled market.“They’re desperate,” he says. “This will start the stampede of every Tom, Dick, and Harry start-up guy that wants to find somebody who’s got the cash to pay for them. In addition, all the mezzanine finances for these companies are going to say, ‘When I went into this, I was told it would be a two, three, or four year thing.’ They all want to cash out: Give me my cash. I’m scared and don’t want to wait [for the bigger money], and besides which, you probably don’t need me right now.”
Thursday, March 26, 2009
2 for one
A Twit to translate
@ raquelrecueroIsso implicaria diretamente no fato de que teríamos medidas de influência diferentes para diferentes comunidades lingüísticas no Twitter?
This would imply directly in the fact of that we would have measured of influence different for different linguistic communities in the Twitter?
This gives the necessity to leave context within each Twit. This could have had value to the world, but because of contextual lack there is no pivot or handle to grab hold to as a key word in the statement. I do this all of the time.
In general the Brazilians are insecure as individuals with respect to English and Americans but paradoxicaly with a superior attitude with respect to the physical country and its people in it.
Patient Without Cure? No more . OPMoney is where MY Word Processor is!
Forum: Future Leaders in the Biotech Industry
Date: Thursday, April 2, 2009
Time: 1:30 to 1:55 pm U.S. Eastern Time
Place: The Millennium Broadway Hotel & Conference Center
New York City, New York
About Micromet
Micromet, Inc. ( is a biopharmaceutical company with offices in Bethesda, MD and Munich, Germany. The Company is focused on developing novel, proprietary antibodies for the treatment of cancer, inflammation and autoimmune diseases. The Company's novel antibody technology is based on its proprietary BiTE(R) antibody platform, representing a new class of antibodies that specifically activate T cells from the patient's own immune system to eliminate cancer cells or other disease related cells. Four of the Company's antibodies are currently in clinical trials, with the remainder of its product pipeline in preclinical development. The Company's lead program is a BiTE antibody known as blinatumomab, or MT103. It is in a phase 2 clinical trial for the treatment of patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and a phase 1 cli
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Spirit and SOUL?BODY. What else is there?
for you Twitters. These are original. Tiny URLs. Please note what you are feeding. We die for lack of knowledge.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Dichotomy of Divorce
Both books give insights as to the present state of the speculative economies’ floundering , poor GNP , and even worst balance of trade. Both give points into the common ground of pursuit of happiness. Namely without a husband and wife team there is no progress in the world and a deferred happiness There is no progress or advancement of the family, the children or the community for that matter. The first blessing/commandment given to them could not be fulfilled.
28And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it
There is also less chance of love multiplying as was the case in the Kennedy’s though Teddy.
There is much to be said in this historical comparison. Only the HPL and Sis can be complained to for offering me a lost and then borrowed resource in these two books.
The most salient point made by the former is the switch from Missionary to Black Middle Class led teaching in the north and the newly industrialized south of the early 1900’s. The emphasis on making spiritual men as was the goal of the missionaries, was put on the backburner. There was an infusion of Word study and hope in the elevation of the poor Negro and of love that resulted.
Both Black men and women had a trilogy of a trivial pursuit that was a travail and served as a basis of creating unevenly yoked marriages . 1. Spiritual development was developmental from a Protestant sense in going from band meetings of the early 1800s to churches that were dependent upon a patriarchal system of pastors. Both rural and urban pastors were emphasized as opposed to a dependence upon Spiritual Gift administration and Holy Spirit administration and empowerment. This may have been practiced in the rural South in some cases. Nevertheless for the most part there was no strong initiative to involve Black men nor desire on their part to leave the existential reality of “making a living” for the family 2. The desire to imitate the majority culture 3. The desire to obtain material wealth as a sign of freedom. To be free appeared to be associated with material possessions and a Caucasian standard of beauty. One falicy went with the other with little Spritual direction, and their pursuit became a means and an ends in marriage. To have material trappings after conspicuous consumption was the goal of "making it". Both provided a James 4:1 nidus of contention between husband wife and their goals of family. Both provided a basis for developing consumers instead of producers.
There was a disappearance in of missionary led education. In the early 1900’s there was a demand for black self-management of education and less mandatory Word Study and prayer integration in education. There appeared to be a progressive dilution and diminution in the quality of the education provided to the masses of Negroes in many cases , due to the diminution in the quality of the teachers who were more concerned about pursuing the trappings of society, according to E. Franklin Frazier, than the content of the lesson plan. As a one of the results, an individualism and “Black Skin White Mask” envy was set up which thwarted true progress in love of lower castes and of self. Love of anything but self was difficult. There was a move for industrial education set up by Booker T Washington with less threat being fostered of creating skilled labor Blacks to compete in the Industrialization of the South. This was particularly true of the textile industry. There were numerous grants and funds that were funneled to Booker T. Washington to continue this mandate by corporate America.
There was more control exercised in corporate funding to various Black colleges . This power was also maintained by the political machine of any given city to create a certain Black man that would not be a threat.
On the other hand, although born to well to do parents Joseph Kennedy was molded by the discrimination against his Irish-Catholic ancestry in America. His grandfather Patrick came on an ocean liner not on a typical immigrant ship from Ireland with the dying after the 2nd potato blight of 1848.(As El Hay Malik said” landing on the rock as opposed to the rock landing on them) His father Patrick Joseph became a state legislator. His mother was from a well-to-do family. Joseph had opportunities that were made being in the majority culture, but on the other hand a strong Irish culture gave him a focus of love for past ancestry and future entitlements. His ancestry got him a job as bank examiner. His education was outstanding and he became an early leader and entrepreneur before graduating from Harvard. He was discriminated against by the upper crust protestants at Harvard and as RM Nixon felt himself to be an outsider. This fueled his drive. Think about it Blacks could not even vote for legislator let alone run for it.
Yet with all his drive, ambition, breaks and background he was nothing without his long betrothed wife Rose (JKF’s mother). This woman having been a mayor’s daughter would accept nothing less than the best. In essence she was the Garden of Eden Eve to an Adam who would not be offered the forbidden fruit by her. She became the Spiritual
Pillar and cornerstone together for the Kennedy family. Both had the common goal of family and growth. (multiplication/filling/ dominating) From there it was a collective study. Individual self-drive with family backing forged the family unit ahead to master the art of banking and bank examining, movie production, corporate OPM management, family education then political power. Joseph as head became concerned with multiplication of assets to obtain true wealth and then obtained political power to maintain them. A master of the world was born as a family unit. There were no divorces or financial detractions, or distractions in his progressive worldly success movement. He dealt with enemies in his own way with organized- crime ties and was known to be anti-semetic. He had no desire to become Protestant , Jewish or anything but Irish and powerful. The rest would follow.
Friday, March 20, 2009
1. Chain Respiratory/ Electron Transport -
2. Chain Glycolysis-
3. Citric Acid Cycle
Animation -
4. Cycle involving Urea
Animation –
4. Coagulation Cycle
Animation- 1.
5. Compliment-classical pathway
6. Circulatory-cycle Heart blood vessel/lymphatic system which leads to
7. Cytokine –Chain to integrate all of above – A Peters MD 1983
Surgeons Renal Surgery-
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Monsters who SELL SHORT - for Twitter
In a Q&A with reporter Gordon Pitts, Cunningham lays out the problems as she sees them, and offers a new vision for future business leaders. Here are some nuggets from their conversation:
Business school have created monsters.
Too much focus on individual success and competition between companies makes people forget that they’re part of a larger social system to which they are accountable. As Cunningham says:
Business schools have to take a very hard look at themselves to see the kind of people we are graduating and take our responsibility very much to heart in terms of the models we use to graduate these people.
Wanting to get rich is fine, but it’s not sustainable as a sole motivation.
‘Greed is good’ may have been Gordon Gekko’s motto in the hit movie “Wall Street”, but Cunningham says, “If what it takes to make one person rich is to make two-thirds of the rest of the world poor, I don’t think that’s a sustainable model.”
Turning out more public administration grads is not necessarily the answer.
Citing the eight-year lag between the entrenchment of the Internet and the first legislation to protect online privacy, Cunningham is skeptical about the government’s ability to take the lead in new technologies. “Even though I might be very critical of business, business is going to be the engine that drives new technologies that will make business itself more sustainable.”
TO: President Obama
From: Alonzo Peters MD
Kentridge NYT Javari ----->Thank you
I can only imagine how this will be exhibited in Florida and NY
see for iPod aps see article
I wonder would you consider a talk/lecture in Houston?
See todays exhibit for R Brain activity in Houston
Be prepared to press pause on PLAYER
Junita Rasmus Off the hook art "Parcours d'atelier"
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Ms. Chen - PIANIST
Chinese Daily - Do not believe everything you read
You see we go everywhere for you to get the news. Just the fax man I mean mam I mean people
Two sources of culture outside of mainstream

2. Pan African Journal
Sunday, March 15, 2009 1:00:32
Download play should start in microsoft windows. Interview

^ The Tignon and Women of Color in Old New Orleans, African American Resource Center, New Orleans Public Library
Tignon of Caribean had hidden meanings?
I wish someone would teach a class
Twit me = pete4doc
Tell me what information you want especially medical and financial and Spiritual
Our network is fantastic. You have 24 hours only then its off to see the wizard
Thank you
What happens to the angle of refraction if teh medium through which it is measured is
Marie Laveaux with TIGNON

I learned something posting this. The deimplementation of the Tignon has allowed for Hair Dressers to prosper. This is where Marie Got her 411, by doing hair and then extortion.
It was not as much to do with Black Magic as information from girlfriends. the same is true today
Friday, March 13, 2009
KPFT's finest
Press Download and Yes to internet download
Open Journal
History of Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans and Women in Western Heritage, hosted by Mollie Stevenson, with guests Ernest Provo (African American country & western singer); and Nathan Jean Sanders (founder of Sugar Shack Trailblazers)
Press Download
There was one law given in the beginning and since Jesus died for sin and was resurected. ONE LAW- Love. Our enemy has reversed the process with our help
Genesis 1:28
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be FRUITFUL/multiply, and replenish/fill the earth, and subdue it: This Bible Study is real simple and can be done daily to examine yourself( see below)
Our enemy puts things in our path to tempt us from our ministries so that we become dominated and subdued, we are filled with the WRONG spirits , then instead of being fruitful we display THE works of the flesh
On the positive side What is the fruit?
Galatians from 5:22-24
...... the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law
Are you FRUITFUL? Have you attempted to multiply this law? (If not ask the Holy Spirit to help you humble you to Love the Love of Jesus including your "enemy". This the element of walking in the Spirit. This will allow you to become a better father, Christian, husband, community organizer, and preacher/teacher. Be ye filled with His Spirit (Ephesians 5)
Are you saying " I am just human!"
James says this in Chapter 4:1-,12(Eugene Peterson's The Message)
1-2 Where do you think all these appalling wars and quarrels come from? Do you think they just happen? Think again. They come about because you want your own way, and fight for it deep inside yourselves. You lust for what you don't have and are willing to kill to get it. You want what isn't yours and will risk violence to get your hands on it. 2-3You wouldn't think of just asking God for it, would you? And why not? Because you know you'd be asking for what you have no right to. You're spoiled children, each wanting your own way. 4-6You're cheating on God. If all you want is your own way, flirting with the world every chance you get, you end up enemies of God and his way. And do you suppose God doesn't care? The proverb has it that "he's a fiercely jealous lover." And what he gives in love is far better than anything else you'll find. It's common knowledge that "God goes against the willful proud; God gives grace to the willing humble."
11-12Don't bad-mouth each other, friends. It's God's Word, his Message, his Royal Rule, that takes a beating in that kind of talk. You're supposed to be honoring the Message, not writing graffiti all over it. God is in charge of deciding human destiny. Who do you think you are to meddle in the destiny of others?
Galatians 5:14b-18
For everything we know about God's Word is summed up in a single sentence: Love others as you love yourself. That's an act of true freedom. If you bite and ravage each other, watch out—in no time at all you will be annihilating each other, and where will your precious freedom be then?
16-18 My counsel is this: Live freely, animated and motivated by God's Spirit. Then you won't feed the compulsions of selfishness. For there is a root of sinful self-interest in us that is at odds with a free spirit, just as the free spirit is incompatible with selfishness. These two ways of life are antithetical, so that you cannot live at times one way and at times another way according to how you feel on any given day. Why don't you choose to be led by the Spirit and so escape the erratic compulsions of a law-dominated existence?
Examine AND CHECK yourself by checking on these "natural desires"
Galatians 5:19
19 When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, 21 envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Twitter: Link up with the WORLD
INSTANT communications
between the nations
Link for copy paste:
e me mail for code
I will post
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Domestic International Following A small link for the Twitters We will twit from here soon.
Thank you to International following from Farnham, Surrey Shah Alam, Selangor Jakarta, Jakarta Raya,British Columbia, Alberta
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Connect THESE dots! Language of a knowledgeable taker
Language of a taker . IT does not take an MBA to figure this one out. Everyone is taking and shorting . There is no investing, which is what the market is for. This is why Warren Buffet said what he said about the cliff. How can a bank invest with this game going on.
I am going to buy some more X. This is an option now with an unusually big time decay. Buying some Y may be good also. Looks and smells like a toilet flushable. I really like shorting G . My broker does not have G to trade over the web. This rally is staying above fear with no faith and people are not trusting in an upturn. Is this fuel for fire? Too many are looking for a capitulation within the market ! There is evidence of a strong reversal. Many are looking for a lot of downside, very few people are looking for a slow silent move upward. There is a huge after hours selling. This indicates that tomorrow's open is going to be ugly and another toilet flush.
Monday, March 9, 2009
New Jobs: Media Business Development
This was on Craigs List. Social Media is utilized for business development
Sorry Mr. Murdoch
I just realized that this may be an attack on an actual ally to the truth who is providing a counter to the old line traditional media forces. I realize that the enemy is notrious and not necessarily big at flipping the script. In Psychiarty we call what the counter is projection. the English perfected this against Germany in the 30s, 40s
Twitter redos
A Positive Attitude Might Improve Your Health, LongevityWomen who are optimistic about life live longer and are healthier than those who are pessimistic, according to a new study presented last week at the American Psychosomatic Society's annual meeting. And women who tend to be more trusting of others live longer than those who are more cynical, according to the Boston Globe's report on the study. These new findings come from the Women's Health Initiative, a clinical trial of more than 97,000 healthy women ages 50 to 74 that is widely known for its research into hormone therapy. Optimistic women had a 14 percent lower risk of death from any cause after eight years than those who were more pessimistic. More cynical women had a 16 percent higher risk of dying than more trusting women. The study does not prove that attitudes affect health or cause illness, but the association is worth further research, according to the Globe .This isn't the first time that research has linked having a positive attitude to longer life span. Happier people are less likely to suffer heart attacks, strokes, and pain from conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. If the recession has you feeling down, consider these 5 ways to be happy during bad economic times.
Gadget men danmccallon new Apple touchscreen TechCrunch[News] - complete
Joe Biden Speech
exerpts. Please feel free to make comment to Twitter @pete4doc
…… the fact of the matter is as President Obama said -- and he means it -- you can't have a strong middle class without a strong labor movement. And you heard what we said, what I said independently and what we said together: We will judge the success or failure of our administration at the end of our four years based on whether or not the standard of living of the middle class has increased, or not. That's the bottom line measure. And guess what. Neither one of us believe it can get better without you getting stronger. (Applause.)
2.. Even when our economy felt like it was on solid footing over the last -- you know, during the '80s and '90s and through the first part of 2000, even when we were on solid -- when the economy was growing, the middle class was slipping -- the middle class was slipping.
Remember there used to be a very -- and some of you who know me well have heard me say this for the last 10 years -- there used to be a basic bargain in this country, and sometimes I think we even forget it. You know, sometimes the way we talk about this is we talk about it like we're trying to gain some new advantage. We're trying to change the social contract in a way that somehow alters our position in the system. All we're trying to do is get it back to where we were, talking about what basic rights and responsibilities we have.
Because, look, folks, when productivity went up, the people who were responsible for that productivity were supposed to benefit. I mean, that was the deal. That's the idea here. We don't want chief executives and wealthy people not to get wealthy. That's okay by us. Every one of us hope our kids end up there some day. All the deal was, is, look, you come up with the idea -- it may be ideas we didn't have -- you're the entrepreneur, you're the management of a company, you come up with it, and we go out there and we help make it happen and we actually increase productivity, we do things faster and better and cheaper for you so the profit margin increases -- the deal was we get a piece of that. We get a piece of it -- a fair piece. That's the bargain. That was the bargain.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, productivity increased almost 20 percent from 2000 to 2007, just in those seven years. Now, who increased the productivity? You all increased the productivity. You're the reason why we produce more, and why it was produced for less -- same unit cost lowered. During that period, instead of middle-class incomes going up 20 percent, they actually -- during that seven-year period -- lost $2,000. That wasn't the bargain. It wasn't if productivity was up 20 percent, we get 80 percent; it was get our fair share. Instead, wages actually went down $2,000 over that period. For too long the middle class has been dealt out. I'm here to tell you in this administration it is dealt in. It is the first card on the table. (Applause.)
3 But we believe -- we believe without a new health care system we're never going to get out of this hole. It's the one way to save the American taxpayers money. And we're going to pay for it -- we're going to pay for that $630 billion, and we lay out how we're going to pay for it. We're going to pay for it by going line by line through this budget, cutting unnecessary spending, cracking down on fraud and the waste that exists in Medicare and Medicaid; by extending -- by ending the tax breaks for corporations and -- U.S. corporations that ship jobs overseas -- (applause) -- by getting rid of no-bid contracts; making the tax code more balanced; asking the wealthiest, those making more than $250,000, to do a little more.
4 But we know how to get there. And that's why we've laid this out. That's why the President -- in addition to that, we have a system here where our work doesn't end with this effort of dealing with the Recovery Act and our budget, it only begins there. That's why the President has asked me to lead our administration's Middle Class Task Force. And that's why I've already asked some of you -- Leo was there in Philadelphia with me -- I've asked all of you to participate with me in that task force. Over the next year we're going to be holding these hearings all over the United States of America.
5 So, folks, there's no such job that's inherently a good job -- inherently a good job. They become good jobs when workers have an opportunity to insist that they get paid a fair wage, they get treated fairly, and they will benefit from the productivity that results from that industry. The union movement made them good jobs. (Applause.) Well, that's why, by the middle of the last century, you not only saw unions growing, you saw wages growing, benefits growing; you also saw cities and communities growing. In the post year -- the postwar years, productivity doubled after World War II. It doubled. And guess what happened. Middle-class income doubled when productivity doubled.
But then, in the early '70s, some parts of the business community decided that labor was the enemy. They supported politicians who felt the same way, and they began to fix the game, so that the refs -- the NLRB, to name one -- weren't calling things -- being square and fair. They started wearing black shirts instead of striped shirts. Well, you saw the result -- companies delaying elections, intimidating and firing organizers, stalling on the first contract.
Well, in this country today, legal industry -- excuse me -- the legal industry spends hundreds of millions of dollars exclusively in an effort to block workers from pursuing their legal rights, from unions being able to get collective bargaining agreements.
I mentioned the productivity increased by almost 20 percent from 2000 to 2007, but wages fell by $2,000. If our basic bargain had been intact, if paychecks rose with productivity growth, as they did from World War II to the early '70s, families would have gained $10,000 over that period, instead of losing $2,000. (Applause.)
6. the loss of a job is more than the loss of an income; it's loss of pride, it's emotionally devastating. It's about having to take that longest of walks up a short flight of stairs to your child's bedroom and say, "Honey, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, you got to switch schools. Daddy or mommy lost their job; we can't stay, we can't stay here, honey. You know, the school you're in, I know you love it, but I can't afford to send you back next semester. The situation, the team you play on, I know -- I know how much it matters to you. But there will be another good team we can find."
That's the longest walk a man or a woman will ever make -- other than you have to tell someone they've got a serious health problem, a life-threatening problem. Why do you know about that walk? Some of you, maybe like me, had your fathers or mothers make that walk up to your bedroom. My dad made it up to my bedroom a long time ago. I remember when he said, "Honey, I know you love it here in Scranton, and we'll come back a lot, but Dad is going to leave and go to Wilmington. I'll be home every weekend. We're going to find a really good place down there. We're going to find a good place down there." It's not the end of the world, but let me tell you something, to many people it looks like the end of the road.
7 So, folks, I want to end by saying to you that it ain't just because I'm Irish -- (laughter) -- it's not bad, though. At least if you're -- (applause) -- at least if you're smart enough to marry an Italian -- he's going "hey, hey" -- you know. (Laughter.) I married a Sicilian -- oh, boy. (Laughter.) But all kidding aside, folks, look, I am really optimistic. I'm genuinely optimistic. It's going to be a rough year. It's going to be rough until we climb out of this. But I think we've got a ladder long enough, and I think when we climb out of this hole, if we do this right, it's going to be -- we climb onto a platform that's clearer, sturdier, better, more competitive for America, and put us in a position where we're able to do in the 21st century what we did in the 20th century. I really, genuinely believe that.
Rudy Rasmus-St. John's 3-8-9
Buy the DVDGood preaching. 3-8-9
Miphibosheth = to us
David = Father
Nurse who ran and dropped = well meaning friends
Covenant with Jonathan = Jesus dying on the crossfor our sins
Do you Believe in the resurection of Jesus?
Do you believe that his death is sufficient payment?
Luke 11
21 "When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are safe. 22 But when someone stronger attacks and overpowers him, he takes away the armor in which the man trusted and divides up the spoils. 23 "He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me, scatters.24"When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, 'I will return to the house I left.' 25 When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. 26Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first."27As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, "Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you."28He replied, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it."If so and since have you asked for the Holy Spirit for the understanding of the WORD and strength to OBEY it?
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Look at the clouds and click
MS . Lupus or cancer
Other click to click include Metastasis, PGE2, IL1, Il6,
You can also put these data into Google to get answers including for example
MMP-9 + cancer spread
and watch the hits . The prostaglandin sytem also is control for MMP-9
which means that in some cancers an aspirin may have an effect of diminishing growth and the spread by diminishing the MMP-9
Envision yourself as saying . Is it OK doctor to take ASA after you know the answer!
AMIE still functioning without data base open. There is Hope . It was also stated as being responsible for Lupus, and MS
MMP9 was reported in our blog post over 60 days ago from old research (1991)to be the
cause of cancer growth and metastasis. There is nothing new under the sun. This certainly is not new but borrowed and flipped information. Actually to find a company to research this would the good to come out of it.The current cancer treatment methods including radiation and chemotherapy are afraid of losing market share and their political posistion in the Obama campain. Think about what new treatments could do to the pharm industry and their stocks. We post this information not to expect a massive stock sell-off but to give the poor, the noninsured hope.
You can not get into the cancer hospitals without 1. insurance that is good and 2. a diagnosis
Immunologic means of treatment as well as prevention should cure and prevent cancer deaths by as early as 5 years. The people will demand an end to unnecessasry cutting fying and poisoning especially if it is overpriced meanwhile .
Instead of HIM it = Vanity: An Offensive Choice
* with additions from M. Scot Peck MD’s “The Road less Traveled”
15-17Don't love (cathex= dedicate all mental activity of thought upon and emotional affection to) the world's ways. Don't (cathex) love the world's goods. Love of the world squeezes out love for the Father. Practically everything that goes on in the world—wanting your own way, wanting everything for yourself, wanting to appear important—has nothing to do with the Father. It just isolates you from him. The world and all its wanting, wanting, wanting is on the way out—but whoever does what God wants is set for eternity.
That is what one king called it- vanity. King Soloman who had everything and realized that all of it was for nothing. Yet the Word of God tells us in chapter 41 of Isaiah that the King of Kings supercedes the it with the IT . The power to make IT (Colosians 1:19). He came to take us away from the captivity of doing worthless things in it. Things done in vain merely to show others that we know what it is or the ability to make it .
Just trying to make it is not enough. This is in direct opposition to what our God given life-purpose is. He delivers us from just trying to make it. The IT he wants is to know that IT is from, by and of Him. We can make IT if we know through a personal relationship with HIM that IT is of HIM. Like fishing we can help someone buy fish or teach them how to fish. Someone else may not know about the dominance of it pursuit . Yet in not only knowing or not trying to tell others about IT and where IT comes from we fail to tell that IT is a personal relationship with Him as mandatory for IT to be manifested in their lives!To bring praise upon Him should be our purpose. To acknowledge for all to see our praise going up and He coming down to ”sit” upon the “praise of Israel (his people now of Christ) To love God with all of our heart mind heart and soul and to love our fellow man as we love ourselves. This all brings glory to God ( Isaiah 43:7). This should be IT, but IT it is not for most of us. How do we do IT instead of being concerned with it.
First of all realize that as a Human you are falling short of IT in trying to pursue it. As man and woman were blessed and told to get IT. WHAT IS IT?
From GENESIS 1:28
Genesis 1:28 (King James Version)28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it
Restated this is IT ( God’s Will) in order/outline form is given to
I. Develop an attitude of being blessed. Be a blessing by
II. starting off in actions that are of fruitfulness/. To multiply this fruitfulness of thought put into action by a practice of intercession in service and demonstration of the fruit of LOVE God /self fellow man .This will allow you to
III. then be about replenishing/filling .This will then allow you to
IV. then be about subduing and /having dominion with the perpetuation of the purpose set here on earth namely your Spiritual Gift practiced in love .In essence the Great Commission. Go ye therefore….We will speak about the first gift to pursue is prophecy according to Paul which is mentioned in Isaiah to mention the former things (Str. Number 7223-Hebrew) and also what shall happen Str. Number 7136). This will demonstrate godliness and attract more.
What we do is the reverse.
IV. We cathex something that has been marketed to us or we are seduced info buying it. We become dominated or we become subdued by it.
III. Instead of replenishing we steal/borrow without repaying to get it. We do not replenish even the world's resources in making it. We do not fill we are filled with other its. This happens via an orifice eyes, ears , nose, mouth, rectum, penis
II. We do not after being filled with it love self or others or God. We demonstrate the works of the flesh instead of the fruit of love
I. We do not have an attitude or speech of being blessed , but complain, and bitch about everything. This happened
Perversion of Process
This then Perverts the Process of Speaking forth a blessed thing that is Holy, Seeing that it is good and Separating out the component(s) of thing that is not needed for the process to be completed at this TIME.
The problem is that we in America have been disconnected from a true pursuit of love of ourselves. When was the first time that you had real fun with others and how much did you love IT ?. For most of us it was free and experienced with our siblings, friends or our parents. We pursue things and acquire things which have nothing to do with loving ourselves. They produce an artificial fun. Then we become defined by what we have. We use people to get things. We think we have things but they have us. The IT becomes a false idol that we cathex (direct our eyes mental attention to pursue and invest affections/time towards ). We confuse love with this emotion that we at one time had as fun but then we replaced with a feeling. Due to good marketing and the desire for knowledge “which puffeth up”(in the words of Paul), we drifted from a true pursuit of love of ourselves. We stopped having fun in exercise.Our attitude in conceit of having it only separated us away from others. When we did pursue a relationship our thoughts and speech of being friendly were either, inconsistent ambivalent nonexistent toward a Spiritual IT The question at this point as someone put it honest and brutally blunt to me . “ What can you do for me monetarily or materially? I have too many “friends’ to supply it to me. We feel angry because our offer to someone of what we thought a physical manifestation of it was was rejected. We take it personally.On the other hand the it is Martin Luther King states in his Drum Major Instinct speech of our pursuit of being the drum major. Our attitude of pursuing the it as in this case a ‘status”. It is perceived as a leader protected from fears of poverty, unfulfilled desire/lust or want. If someone casts any doubt that we are not it we lose our loose our composure and affiliation with agape or phileo love. What we hope for in fulfillment of lusts separates us away from being hungry for the hope of salvation and spiritual pursuit namely the Word of God. In addition we have less love for fellow man and less love and dependence upon God. If someone takes what we have identified as a part of us, including our reputation of association with it, we develop anger toward that person and lose love for that person. We show continued progression of the works of the flesh directed toward the individual in avengeful actions thoughts and speech.Vain actions also make our fellow man envious of us. The first thought is how I could handle the it better. This occurs in the immediate environment locally and around the globe. Meantime we care less about giving the least thought to a period of at least daily devotion and SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT to self and others. We do little to remind ourselves and others consistently of our Spiritual essence in a material world and its importance and context . This is what love is. This is what IT is. What does love have to do with it ? Everything in this context. It makes the it the IT . This should be the ITHe who gives us the strength to breathe, our heart function and its strength to beat, the properly directed appetites leading us toward the correct consumption, and those things eaten giving us the strength to walk for Him. We are more concerned with the vicarious experience of watching a football/basketball game, than devoting the time to be with actual surrogate children/grandchildren and teaching and participating in the exercise of participatory learning or sports. Pornography leads to the consummation through surrogate sexual fulfillment. All of this definitely precludes the hopes, thoughts and pursuits relative to those have-nots around the world and locals who are widows, orphans, prisoners and strangers among us. Our seduction is complete in the Perversion of Process.We are also too occupied with vain hedonistic activities as a culture to teach our progeny actual and surrogate, about themselves as being capable of being seduced into false idol worship and its dangerous consequences. We even judge church members by where they live and what they put on and drive, ignoring the warnings of James given to the early church. We hold things up as entitlements of Christianity” and as blessings from God . When the things of it are threatened, WE become a threat to peace in that environment. There is a personification of sorts involving the things that we do not possess but that possess us. We lose our religion and get depressed if they are taken. They have nothing to do with our purpose and in fact become detestable in distracting us away from our purpose. When their it things (the punished person) are taken we consider them as cursed and treat them as if they had leprosy, contagious tuberculosis and HIV at the same time. We do not visit them in the prisons, are feed them if they are hungry or clothe them if they are naked. Our attitude may be: “Look at me I have it . Surely you do not deserve it, only me , and I am not going to help you get it.What is our purpose? To glorify God ! To realize that His loving and kindness endures forever and to tell others, not with an outward display of wealth and conspicuous consumption but with an inward to outward hunger to stop hunger and thirst to stop ignorance of the truths in the Word. This should include first and foremost the Good News of Jesus Christ’s death as sufficient payment for our pursuit of it instead of HIM. In essence a falling short of His glory. We flounder in our belief in His resurrection sufficient payment for all. Belief as a ticket of entry into the actuality and consciousness of His coming back to save us from the wrath of God. Yet our faith in this fact should evoke actions aforementioned. If not we have a perversion of those things hoped for in pursuing it. If not we also have a problem in Perversion of Purpose.
Restatement of Reversal/Perversion of PurposeThis perversion involves the reversal of the aforementioned namely a being dominated ,a seeking and being filled with bad counsel and its subsequent conversion power of us into consumers of it . Instead of us demonstrating fruit (of Spirit = Love ) we demonstrate works of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-22). We are unconscious to God’ and His blessings around us.
God's Process
In Genesis we see God's image as one who says unto darkness (let there be light ) , sees (that what is spoken forth is good) and separates (pre-existing from that spoken forth) = mutually exclusive things. If we do the same we "see" that our time is not spent in vain actions and pursuit of it . We accomplish things. We redeem the time. This allows for us to perform according to His will. We were made in His image to accomplish this process
In the 41st chapter of Isaiah verse 21 he gives us a clarity that comes from questioning the power behind these vain actions. He prompts us to examine ourselves He starts out in the KJV
“ Produce your cause, bring forth your strong reasons”
This is what He is asking us today. Is it of any value that we have information from our Blackberry's in Google, Delicious, Twitter, and other networks if we do not convert the info into something that will eventuate into service to our fellowman and bring praise to the Creator instead of us? Does it glorify us of God? We are asked of our motives. Is this a vain action? Is this a nothing from nothing VAIN action that yields nothing ( in the words of Billy Preston)?I come confessing that I am chief of sinners in Perverting the Purpose and Process mentioned above. As I am of my fellow-man, I wonder when did this pursuit of it start for mankind? When did mankind become involved in the vanity of the pursuit of it ? When did I become involved in this abominable it pursuit? I do recognize it is offensive toward God as a choice / action mentioned in Isaiah 41:24 When did it pursuit begin for me.? How can I correct it?
To become involved my affections are being dedicated to this vain thing. When did my gaze toward it disorganize my purpose in IT . When did I direct my eyes to it in a continued view and mental activity of wanting it; that vain thing?. No doubt this started as a Perversion of Purpose from the original blessing given to male and female in Genesis chapter 1 verse 28.
What we will do in this book is to use literature and the Word of God to prove up this perversion, in all humans and our weakness and vulnerability to Pervert the Process and the Purpose for which God has allowed us to continue to take in this air. We will then be able to identify the perversion in ourselves and move toward a desire to ask God to remove the perversion from us. Whether it is of thought, feeling-attachment (cathexis) and actions towards those it things which are vain, offensive and abominable to God., namely sin. We will offer scripture for prayers, in the hope that we can begin the healing of ourselves, communities, nation and world. Example : to splint a fracture is a tool that disallows a further injury of the neuro-vascular of that extremity which may lead to an even a more serious injury. We offer these writings as a tool to prevent further injury and offense.
Genesis 1:28 (King James Version)
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue itRestated an order or outline is given to1. Attitude of being blessed. Be a blessing by2. starting off in actions that are of fruitfulness/. To multiply this fruitfulness of thought put into action by a practice of intercession in service and demonstration of the fruit of LOVE God /self fellow man .This will allow you to3. then be about replenishing/filling .This will then allow you to4. then be about subduing and /having dominion with the perpetuation of the purpose set here on earth namely your Spiritual Gift practiced in love .In essence the Great Commission. Go ye therefore….We will speak about the first gift to pursue is prophecy according to Paul which is mentioned in Isaiah to mention the former things (Str.number 7223-Hebrew) and also what shall happen Str. Number 7136). This will demonstrate godliness and attract more
Opposite = Perversion of it Pursuit
James 4
2 You want something, but you can't get it. You kill and want what others have. But you can't have what you want. You argue and fight. You don't have what you want, because you don't ask God. 3 When you do ask for something, you don't receive it. Why? Because you ask for the wrong reason. You want to spend your money on your sinful pleasures.
4 You are not faithful to God. Don't you know that to be a friend of the world is to hate God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. 5 Don't you know what Scripture says? The spirit that God caused to live in us wants us to belong only to God. Don't you think Scripture has a reason for saying that? 6 God continues to give us more grace. That's why Scripture says, "God opposes those who are proud.
1 John 2:15-17 (The Message)
15-17Don't love the world's ways. Don't love the world's goods. Love of the world squeezes out love for the Father. Practically everything that goes on in the world—wanting your own way, wanting everything for yourself, wanting to appear important—has nothing to do with the Father. It just isolates you from him. The world and all its wanting, wanting, wanting is on the way out—but whoever does what God wants is set for eternity.