Monday, April 28, 2008

Taj Mahal

This is it.

We have only to take care of business for our next collaboration!
GAZZ-Spoken Word

Need a CT/MRI?

This is the company and person who will find the best price for anyone who is in need of diagnostic studies and who has a recomendation from the doctor.


Ask for Nada
6430 Richmond Ave
Ste 380,
Houston, TX 77057
Phone: (713) 787-0570

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Just a small token

I have a friend of mine who says whenever he gives you something whether it is a Lexus or a
an ink pen ... " It was just a small token"
Well I got more than small tokens for the experience of again playing at the Houston International Festival.
Expletive Deleted played with Beverly Davis on vocals and the expert arrangements of Terry Thomas on keys/bass/ rythym section! What a kick.
Then I was called to play again to back up this brother- Isreal Mcloud. he makes even me want to write some poetry by doing it and making it look easy.
It was a blast. Now I need to go back and see Taj Mahal
I will get you some flicks
A special thanks to Akua, and Rick Mitchell!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Mathis Made

What an artist!
Johnny Mathis at 70 plus


You just do not know your friends until YOUR water runs dry. This is one of them
Musician and Doctor Dr. Ralph/

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Increased Soy: Better Behavior?

I have information from Dr. Sunshine in an interview with a jailer saying that he did not hear of a vegetarian jailed.
I guess a better thing to contemplate is whether he knew of any vegetarian with addictive behaviors.

This information is anecdotal only!

I wonder whether there is a hormone-behavior connection?



Not even one day later we have even more evidence to alternate protein sources from animal sources to soy or non-animal sources. This is strong evidence supporting alternatives to your dietary intake

Soy protein consumption significantly affected cardiovascular risks such as fasting plasma glucose (mean change in the soy protein versus control groups: –18 ± 3 vs. 11 ± 2 mg/dl; P = 0.03), total cholesterol (–23 ± 5 vs. 10 ± 3 mg/dl; P = 0.01), LDL cholesterol (–20 ± 5 vs. 6 ± 2 mg/dl; P = 0.01), and serum triglyceride (–24 ± 6 vs. –5 ± 2 mg/dl; P = 0.01) concentrations. Serum CRP levels were significantly decreased by soy protein intake compared with those in the control group (1.31 ± 0.6 vs. 0.33 ± 0.1 mg/l; P = 0.02). Significant improvements were also seen in proteinuria (–0.15 ± 0.03 vs. 0.02 ± 0.01 g/day; P = 0.001) and urinary creatinine (–1.5 ± 0.9 vs. 0.6 ± 0.3 mg/dl, P = 0.01) by consumption of soy protein.

Leila Azadbakht, PHD/Shahnaz Atabak, MD/Ahmad Esmaillzadeh, PHD

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

LOW PROTEIN DIET - LPD? 2B OR NOT 2B a SEASONAL Vegetarian or fasting individual

Albumin and health
This will be the first of what I hope is many contributions to the thought process of the thinking. It will address the possibility that we do not consider the possibility that we take our health, hence our body function for granted. Breathing, Heart beat, limb function, speaking, elimination of wastes, and liver function are examples. We will do our best to deal with a cursory view of liver function and of albumin production physiology today.

In 1978 it was assumed that we would not do surgery on people who displayed a certain level of diminution in albumin, due to the data being so strong that it was not good. The people with diminished albumins did not do well after surgery. The data showed that those with a diminished albumin (less than 2.5) did not do well after surgery. Many pre-ops should include this value.

One question is how is the albumin produced? Where is it produced?. You guessed if the liver. Yes and it is produced within the liver from Amino Acid building blocks.
One real question is why is it important? Well ,it maintains the blood pressure by literally performing a magnet function for fluids. This pressure (a sucking pressure ) is called ONCOTIC PRESSURE. It pulls into the vessel the fluids of the body AND maintains this pressure with the heart the blood pressure. It also carries arround certain hormones.

There are 3 major ways for it to be lower than it should be 1. Decreased function from poor liver function (eg hepatitis) or poor liver production due to a challenged nutrition (poor protein intake). 2. The other way is for abnormal elimination from the kidneys (nephrotic syndrome, and poor glomerular function period.) 3. And finally increased catabolism (burning up)
A recent study of retrospective nature compared two groups of people and got their expected result. Namely when you start with people that have a lower baseline serum albumin level you get a less than optimal result in your outcomes from that group (more hospitalization, poorer dialysis outcomes).

While reading this article, think of the distinct possibility that it was written to get you to pay attention to your body function before it goes bad. Would a Low Protein Diet be good for your RENAL FUNCTION before your kidneys become dysfunctional. This is the question to ask. Is a LPD good for optimal renal function maintenance?

When we are addicted to certain things food, people, alcohol and drugs, our thought process does not bring us to consider the possibility that being unselfish to yourself also is a good thing and avoiding that person place or thing may be good for the you of the future. To get out of self is the key which is the basis of certain self-help groups. This allows us to be good to the person that exists in the future , namely us, instead of living dangerously (speeding in cars, motorcycles in Houston , scary movies, drinking , drugging, exposure to HIV)

Those that have exposed themselves to danger have included certain musicians who strictly warned against the use of certain substances. Bird was heard to say to Leo Parker " Whatever you think do not think that shooting dope will make you play better". Yet the environment included drug sales and some even shot up two are more drugs while drinking which was particularly dangerous to the liver.

On the other hand there are countless examples (Billy, Alice, Carrol) who by being a loving wife increased the longevity of the person who was addicted by removing them from a perpetual actualization within the drug culture.

Colosal Corpus Callosum posted by Kevin Wyatt : Giant Steps Left and Right Brain

Sorry I erased this earlier

Google Corpus Callosum and you will understand what I mean when you watch this guy

Monday, April 21, 2008

BBC Jazz: Jazz New York, Jazz on 3:JOBY WALDMAN

Needless to say, for anyone with an interest in this music (and the means to get there) I’d definitely recommend a trip. Every day of the week there’s a vast range of live jazz being performed in all sorts of venues around the city. I’ve posted some links to specific venues at the base of this text but a general tip is to get out of the city centre and into the suburbs. In particular - head over to Brooklyn where local musicians such as Tim Berne, Jason Lindner and Jim Black together with daring promoters at places like Barbes, Sista’s Place and The Tea Lounge are behind what the New York Times is calling the Brooklyn Jazz Renaissance.
For some photographs from our trip visit:
And for some eyewitness accounts accompanied by my own amateurish movie footage, read on…Cooper Moore is undoubtedly one of the city’s best kept secrets. Former sideman with the likes of David S Ware and William Parker, his uniqueness is such that, by his own reckoning, he doesn’t even fit into New York’s relatively open-minded downtown avant-garde scene. Why? Well for a start he makes his own instruments: the diddley bow, the twanger and the bango are just a few of the oddly shaped string instruments which protruded from his shopping trolley when he arrived at the Tea Lounge on December 6th. His unique and uncompromising approach has kept him largely undocumented up until the last few years and his association with Israeli-born saxophonist Assif Tsahar, who has recorded Cooper Moore in various guises for his label Here he is on diddley bow at the Tea Lounge:
While WKCR’s Phil Schaap has a dedicated core of fans within the city, beyond the station’s broadcast range only a few hardcore online listeners appreciate his singular and scholarly approach to the music. Every weekday morning for the last 36 years he’s presented a radio show focussed on the music of Charlie Parker. His biographical and discographical knowledge is astounding and he delivers his trademark 20 minute links without notes - making Jez’s eyes water in the process. The most remarkable moment however occurred when a listener called in to enquire the source of a particularly high quality pressing of a rare Jay Mcshann side. After explaining he’d mastered it himself, Phil proceeded to sing along to Bird’s solo. When the listener had rung off, we asked Phil to repeat the moment:
Another dedicated historian, this time concerning the music of Miles Davis, is producer, arranger and saxophonist Bob Belden. He helped produce those beautiful “Complete recordings of …” box sets. And when we were in town he happened to be performing the whole of “Bitches Brew” in sequence with his band Animation. You’ll be able to hear that set in full on Jazz on 3 in March 2007:
I just found this and it’s quite good. Joe Lovano talking about his Streams of Expression suite.
Here are some recommended venues. It isn’t an exhaustive list – just a few of the better ones I was able to visit whilst in town.

Jazz Central?

Jazz Grammys: business as usual?
Alex Webb
14 Feb 07, 11:53 AM
In recent years there has been a lot of discussion about the centre of Jazz gravity moving from the United States to Europe. Indeed, in 2005 journalist Stuart Nicholson wrote a whole book on the subject - Is Jazz Dead (Or Has it Moved to a New Address)? and has frequently returned to the subject in his regular columns for Jazzwise. Of course, it’s a subject about which views tend to vary depending on which side of the pond you live. But few listeners (or critics) would argue that there has been a new confidence and freedom in European jazz in the last decade or so which – significantly – has coincided with the passing of many of the great American jazz giants of the 1940s and 1950s.


Hope is on the way. Cells must go through Apoptosis

In order for cancer cells to die they must implode or go through apoptosis.
Apoptosis: A form of cell death in which a programmed sequence of events leads to the elimination of cells without releasing harmful substances into the surrounding area. Apoptosis plays a crucial role in developing and maintaining health by eliminating old cells, unnecessary cells, and unhealthy cells. The human body replaces perhaps a million cells a second. Too little or too much apoptosis plays a role in a great many diseases. When programmed cell death does not work right, cells that should be eliminated may hang around and become immortal. For example, in cancer and leukemia. When apoptosis works overly well, it kills too many cells and inflicts grave tissue damage. This is the case in strokes and neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer, Huntington and Parkinson diseases. Apoptosis is also called programmed cell death or cell suicide. Strictly speaking, the term apoptosis refers only to the structural changes cells go through, and programmed cell death refers to the complete underlying process, but the terms are often used interchangeably.
Renal cancer cells must be investigated also in order to help determine better outcomes as to why cells are resistant to apoptosis. Apoptosis is usually brought on by a naturally produced protein called TNF which stands for got it tumor necrosis factor.

When cells become resistant to TNF, TNF then acts to help spread the growth of the cancer between cells and across membranes. (Please call or write for more info on this
It could be that monoclonal antibody to TNF receptors may be a cure for some leukemias and cancers

Otherwise this is the way things occur normally in Multiple Myeloma cells

1. Activation of JNK

2. Translocation of JNK (PKC epsilon is involved in JNK activation that mediates LPS-induced TNF-alpha, which induces apoptosis, from cytosol to mitochondria,

3. Release of Smac from mitochondria to cytosol

Best LAID plans of mice and men.

I just simply want to say one thing. Do not lay your plans down. While they are laying, there is the assumption that you are expendable or replaceble for a cheaper price. If on the other hand, you write your plans down and exercise them after you exorcise yourself, you can begin to expect results as opposed to and outcome of rodents of darkness eating them up AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN LAID .

This actualization is still in relationship to actions that are altruistic and beneficial to someone other than yourself. Otherwise you will be setting up yourself to "get laid" on the altar of a false god . The truth is universal and applicable to you, me and others. How else can we have our JOy (J ESUS, O THERS, y ou?

After much deliberation and prayer, and due to the myopic views of all involved including me
Jarbari WILL NOT BE performing with us on the Houston Festival. We have had conversation pertaining to this.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Foaavorite DJ

It was live at five on the real with my favorite DJ as a late comer to Legends Jazz Cafe

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Good Fathering

I used to take the kids everywhere but the clubs to PLAY . Roy is 7' 2" now. (Young boy behind smaller girl )

You Do not Appreciate some people until Late... thank God not Too late

The Paramount Review Manager ROBERT TRICE

This is a remnant of a good artist including the late Clarence Holliman and Herman Hawkins

Surprise Not Just Jazz Only

Julie Just

Have you heard her lately?

RCC Renal Cell Carcinoma

You can not produce music or create on this level with RCC or renal cell carcinoma.
The tip for today is to consider praying for 3 things for people who do have this disease even if you do not
1. Th1 prototype (inducible by certain Amino Acids)
2. decreasing levels/HIF2a
3. Increasing Stat 2 activation by Il2

Hypoxia-inducible factor-2α: effect on radiation sensitivity and differential regulation by an mTOR inhibitor
Rupal S. Bhatt/Department of Medicine, *Division of Cancer Biology and Daniel M. Landis/†Department of Radiation Oncology, Swedish Cancer Institute, Seattle, WA, USAMichael Zimmer/‡Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology and Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital, MA, and Joelle Torregrossa/Department of Medicine, *Division of Cancer Biology and Shaoyong Chen/Department of Medicine, *Division of Cancer Biology and Vikas P. Sukhatme/§Nephrology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Othon Iliopoulos/‡Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology and Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital, MA, and Steve Balk/Department of Medicine, *Division of Cancer Biology and Glenn J. BubleDepartment of Medicine, *Division of Cancer Biology and Glenn Bubley, Harvard Institute of Medicine, 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA 02215, USA.e-mail:
· Department of Medicine, *Division of Cancer Biology and §Nephrology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, ‡Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology and Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital, MA, and †Department of Radiation Oncology, Swedish Cancer Institute, Seattle, WA, USA
Glenn Bubley, Harvard Institute of Medicine, 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA 02215, USA.e-mail:
R.S.B. and D.M.L. contributed equally to this work
: HIF , hypoxia-inducible factor ; shRNA , short-hairpin RNA ; HRE , hypoxia responsive element ; VHL , von Hippel-Lindau tumour-suppressor gene.

To determine the role of hypoxia-inducible factor-2α (HIF2α) on the sensitivity of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) cell lines to ionizing radiation and to determine if the mTOR antagonist, rapamycin, could decrease HIF2α protein levels.
Cell lines expressing stable short-hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) encoding HIF2α shRNAs or an empty vector were transfected with a hypoxia responsive element (HRE)-driven firefly luciferase reporter gene. Two separate paired cell lines were assayed for their response to increasing doses of ionizing radiation. Proliferation and cell cycle kinetics were compared for cell lines expressing HIF2α shRNAs and empty vectors. The effect of an mTOR antagonist, rapamycin on HIF1α and HIF2α proteins levels was also assessed.
We confirmed that the 786-O RCC lines with stably integrated shRNAs against HIF2α had decreased activation of a plasmid with a HRE-driven firefly luciferase reporter gene. Lines from two separate cell clones with decreased HIF2α levels showed a significant increase in radiation sensitivity and an increase in G2 cell cycle arrest. Rapamycin, while effective in decreasing HIF1α protein levels, did not affect HIF2α levels in either of the RCC cell lines.
These results show that decreasing levels of HIF2α leads to an increased sensitivity to ionizing radiation. This finding may explain in part, the known resistance of RCC to radiation therapy. Although mTOR antagonists are approved for the treatment of RCC, these agents do not decrease HIF2α levels and therefore might not be effective in enhancing the radio-sensitivity of these tumours.
Prod / Activ
Prod / Activ
Jnl / Vol / Pg
Author / Yr
Misc / Vol / Ed
IL2/Stat-5 activation
CA res and clin onc/133/7/487
TGF-beta suppressed/ Il-2-induced STAT5 activation /anti-TGF-beta /enhanced IL-2-induced STAT5
Th2 prototype

Cell Imm/150/114
Schoof, Deric/93

increasing levels/HIF2a
sensitivity to radiotherapy

Rupal S. Bhatt//Daniel M. Landis/Michael Zimmer/Joelle Torregrossa/Shaoyong Chen/Vikas P. Sukhatme/Othon Iliopoulos/Steve Balk/Glenn J. Buble/08
Lines from two separate cell clones with decreased HIF2a levels showed a significant increase in radiation sensitivity and an increase in G2 cell cycle arrest.
Initiator Prod / Activ Prod Increased / Activ decreased Jnl / Vol / Pg Author / Yr Misc / Vol / Ed
RCC TGF-B/CA IL2/Stat-5 activation CA res and clin onc/133/7/487 song,cheryn/jun,sun-young/07 TGF-beta suppressed/ Il-2-induced STAT5 activation /anti-TGF-beta /enhanced IL-2-induced STAT5
RCC / Th2 prototype / Cell Imm/150/114 Schoof, Deric/93 RCC increasing levels/HIF2a sensitivity to radiotherapy

Rupal S. Bhatt//Daniel M. Landis/Michael Zimmer/Joelle Torregrossa/Shaoyong Chen/Vikas P. Sukhatme/Othon Iliopoulos/Steve Balk/Glenn J. Buble/08

Lines from two separate cell clones with decreased HIF2a levels showed a significant increase in radiation sensitivity and an increase in G2 cell cycle arrest.

Featuring the Striatum

Joe Medwick Veasey

Alonzo Peters MD producer CEO Kimberly Records

To Sir Shamblis, thank you for the flick

Black Top had nothing to do with the recording initially of If I Don't Get Involved. It was the preparation and grace of God that allowed Peters' Productions with I. J. GOSEY, HERMAN "HONK" HAWKINS, Willie Picket and Joe Nettles (who introduced me to Joe in 1977) with Grady Gaines to go from Gurlick Sound to Believers Studio suggested by Naomi in Dallas Tx.Houston had given up on Joe and called him "washed out".

Floyd Arceneaux wrote the heck out of a HORN LINE. Everyone played especially the late Keith Anderson (boy do I miss his spirit) who blew off the top of the register just as clear as possible as he did with Prof Conrad Johnson when I played Baritone sax with him. A part of Houston died when these trumpet players died. I may have used Jimmy Walker and Nelson Mills III also for arrangements and seesion work.Joe NEVER said anything negative about Don Robey. It was all good in his relationship with Joe and it was "nobodies business" what happened to the songs in Joe's opinion. " Mr. Robey took care of me" is what I can hear Joe say over 30 years later after he told the story.for records tapes

Peters' Productionsc/o Lynn DuhePOB 14089Houston Tx. 77221



Help Desk

The maestro making lemonade out of Lemons

Monday, April 14, 2008


Jarbari in action with African Instruments


We named this 'BOUT TIME as we celebrated a patriarc's birthday recently at Walker's Fine Foods
Alonzo Peters Group with Don Wilkerson

Now another master in a different way is Don Wilkerson. Peters Productions did the same thing for Don Wilkerson as Grady Gaines did for Joe Medwick and Sambucas did for James Clay. We attempted to keep artists alive by affirming them with work that payed. New York was too much to deal with to stay alive. Work stomps out the possibility of a frustrated artist.

It is amazing how the green monster played a part in the stories about Don from the Dallas sax players. The movie Ray with the saxaphone player depicted as "Fathead Newman" was more about Don Wilkerson than the actual David "Fathead" Newman.

Given the other musicians and the Houston society in general there was a lot of callous between the poor and the rich and especially the poor alcoholic and the rich one. I am beginning to find out that this is the result of the picking order of the professional class and their thoughts of musicians.

In spite of this we worked Don regularly at Jazz at Pizzazz with Tulie Evans as the producer. We have video documenting this .

No I am not talking about the noun pertaining to the stuff you get in the supermarket like grapes celery and cabbage WHICH SHOULD BE GROWN IN YOUR GARDEN. I am talking about strictly a verb an action.

You can educe something from me to educate you.

YOU can induce me to do something, if you can hold my attention in a state of captivity long enough.

YOU can reduce me to something if you can make me listen while making it illegal for you to talk.

You can conduce from me your thoughts if I look you in the eye long enough.

Yet if I pro-duce something that you buy, I have your respect and you have mine.
I am not your slave.

Why did you not educe that from me

You have given me respect, and I have produced a respectful service or product.

Why are you continuing to wear this mask of artificial superiority by religious, educational,
and political means?

It comes from the word pro- forward and ducere- to lead.

So in essence any group of people who merely consume are a brainwashed people who have been induced to be conduced to be reduced and educed into a continued dependent, co-dependent relationship with a leader and a follower.

Wake up for the children's sake .


Pride in Our Story not his Story

Richard Waters, Claudia Burson, Johnny Pena up, with Charles "Spookey" Dancey seated. We were all at Garcia's at the spot co-Produced by Terry Thomas.



She still is our "YOUR HIGHNESS", certainly one of Duke Ellington's finest. Someone we all loved, Yet we can hear today thanks to recordings.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Jimmy Ford

I miss this Dude.
And his attitude
April 26th HEB STAGE 9 PM


Possible early breakfast directly after performance to be announcedDefinite Brunch at Walker's the next day 4104 Fanin at Cleburne

A few of my favorite people

The maestro with Baton in hand

Just playing. Trying to stay ahead

Best Radio Personality in Jazz

What a consistent contribution

Houston Festival

This will happen


Look below for text


This represents a few people that I have interacted with in Houston who would give me a letter of recommendation. It even includes an x-president. He really does not know me but he knows someone I know

Music Production Period

Grandfather is still kickin'

It is only by imitating that we can begin to learn. Yet the beauty of improvisation is that we imitate until we get our own figures and practice schedule to begin to accomplish the acquisition of VOICE.Certainly the word is out! Mr. Lee Konitz has a voice and still at 80 plus is alive and kickin' while taking no prisoners. He does not need to, as he has weathered storms to be able to play as he did at the Jazz Standard in New York recently with Rufus Reid on bass.Maybe for the likes of Mr. Konitz, we can contemplate a club of that sort in Houston. Can we handle it?.Original

Picture* - courtesy on NYT, Rachel Papo when I can uplaod it
* scanned manipulated with software